Chapter 36

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Y/N's POV:
We've been back filming for a few days now and everything was great it felt good to be home. Scarlett is hosting end of first week drinks tonight and it was well deserved. Lizzie wasn't in many scenes this week so the twins decided to come and visit so are joining us this evening.
"Baby it's time to wake up we have to get ready. Your sisters will be here soon," I whisper kissing Lizzie's forehead who's clinging to my body.
"5 more minutes," Lizzie pleads tiredly.
"I'll tell you what. You get up now and we can use that time in the shower," I tease running my fingers up her thigh.
"I'm up," she declares jumping up pulling me out of bed after her.
"Tell me what you want princess," I instruct.
"Your tongue, your fingers and the strap," Lizzie pleads.
"As you wish princess," i agree.

"Are you ready for me my love?" I smirk as i fasten the strap.
"Yes Daddy," Lizzie smirks kissing me hungrily. I pin her up against the wall biting her bottom lip earning a moan.
"Alright princess I don't want a sound from you baby. Any moans and I stop. You do not cum until you have my permission. Understand?" I check grabbing her chin to look at me. She nods.
"Good girl you didn't fall for my trick," I smirk. I bite her neck leaving mark after mark all over her body. She bites her lip.
"Now that's cheating princess. Don't do that again unless you want me to punish you," I warn. She nods apologetically. I give her a quick wink before moving painfully slowly down her body. She was so frustrated she started to whimper when I got to below her belly button. I pull back.
"Remember not a sound princess. You'll now have to wait 10 seconds," I inform her. She looks at me with those puppy dog eyes but I'm not giving in. After 10 seconds I nip at her inner thighs listening closely for any sound but she remains silent.
"Good girl. Are you ready for me?" I check. She nods eagerly. I lift one of her legs over my shoulder as I begin to taste her. Lizzie clutches onto the wall to steady herself. I suck on her bundle of nerves and Lizzie lets out a load moan unable to control herself. She looks at me nervously. I pull back.

"That's 20 seconds," I state and she whines.
"Are you being a brat Elizabeth?" I question choking her gently. She shakes her head.
"Are you going to be a good girl?" I check. Lizzie nods desperately.
"Use your words princess. I want to hear you beg for me," I demand.
"I'll be a good girl for you. I want you to fuck me hard. I want you to make me cum. Please Daddy," Lizzie begs.
"Anything for you my love. One more sound and you'll be punished for the rest of the night," I warn her. She nods in agreement. I drop to my knees sucking her clit as I pump my fingers inside her she's trying so hard not to make a sound. I speed up curling my fingers inside her. I bring her closer and closer. I know she's about to scream. And she can't cum yet. And here it comes she screams. I pull out sucking my fingers clean.
"Oh dear princess. I've got you some special underwear for this evening. I control you for tonight. You are not allowed to cum or I will punish you further," I inform her choking her gently.
"Yes Daddy sorry. Can I take care of you?" Lizzie pleads.
"We both know you'd enjoy that far too much so you're going to watch me take care of myself. No touching me or yourself," I demand. She nods in agreement. I slip my fingers inside myself rubbing my clit with my thumb. Lizzie's eyes darken with lust. She's desperate to touch me. I bring myself closer and closer to the edge.
"Lizzie," I moan as I cum. I lift up my fingers to her lips and she sucks them clean.
"Good girl," I wink before we begin to actually shower.

Lizzie's POV:
Y/N hands me the panties after her shower with a small vibrator positioned by my clit thats at her full control.
"Are you ok with this?" Y/N checks for one final time.
"I deserve my punishment," I smirk kissing her hungrily.
"Remember the rules. And if you want to stop you remember the safe word," Y/N responds
"I trust you and I love you. Now the twins are outside so let's go," I encourage her.
"After you my love," Y/N bows making me giggle. I take her hand kissing her cheek.
"I love you you dork," I laugh. We get to the door and sure enough Ashley tackles Y/N in a hug. Ugh I hate how close they are sometimes.
"Hello my wife," Ashley says to Y/N while she winks at me.
"She is mine. Ok? Back up and get your hands off my girlfriend," I demand pulling Y/N away.
"Ooh Lizzie is jealous," MK laughs.
"Can you blame me? I mean my girlfriend is a goddess. I don't want anyone else anywhere near her," I explain. Y/N wraps her arm around my waist kissing my cheek.
"All yours. Let's go to this party I want to dance with my incredibly beautiful girlfriend," Y/N assures me.
"Let's go."

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