Chapter 39

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Lizzie's POV:
Since that day we've always made time for each other when we were sad. We're coming to the end of filming and I couldn't wait to be done. I'm exhausted.
"Olsen you might want to see this," Scarlett says nervously showing me a picture of Y/N hugging Florence inside a coffee shop. What the fuck. I storm off to find Y/N.
"Hey baby. I met Florence earlier she invited us over for dinner," Y/N starts nonchalant.
"So you went to lunch with your ex and you seem to think it's a good idea for us to go over for dinner," I snark.
"Check your phone. Seriously I can't be dealing with this again," Y/N sighs. I turn on my phone.
Y/N: Hey baby bumped into Florence at a coffee shop. She invited us for dinner she's dating some guy from a tv show. She gave me her new number but I know you sometimes get jealous so I'll throw it away if you want me to. No problem. I love you x

I slide my phone into my pocket embarrassed.
"Why don't you trust me Elizabeth?" Y/N asks irritated.
"Can you blame me? Every room we walk into I see one of your exes." Y/N looks devastated.
"I'm done. I can't believe you're throwing my past in my face when I spend every second of my life reassuring you when you get jealous," Y/N mumbles tearily.
"You're done? So you're giving up on us?" I question angrily.
"No I'm just done with you not trusting me. I can't do this if you don't believe or trust me. Let me know when you remember you can trust me. I'll move into the spare room until you figure it out," Y/N sobs walking towards her dressing room. Fuck.

Y/N's POV:
When I get home Lizzie is sat on our bed crying. I can't I have to stand my ground right now and I have to do what's best for me. I grab my clothes and throw them in the spare room. Not a word from her. Shock.
Ashley: Heard you had a shit day. Drinks with MK & I?
MK: Please
Me: Fine I'm in. What about Lizzie?
Ashley: Mom is going to drop in to talk to her.
Me: I'm in I'll be ready in an hour.
I have a shower and feel something's wrong when I check myself. I call my doctor but the clinic can't see me for a few days. Fuck. God what's this timing? I continue to get ready for the night. Nothing I can do now. Lizzie is in the kitchen making dinner. She's making my favourite.
"Where are you going?" Lizzie sighs.
"Does it matter? You're going to think I'm cheating on you anyway," I snap walking towards the door.
"You're so childish," she laughs.
"And your sisters invited me for drinks so bye," I wave. She storms off into our room. I open the front door and there's her mom.
"Are you ok?" She asks cupping my face.
"I think something is wrong with me Jarnie. I'm scared but please don't tell Lizzie. This doesn't change how much she hurt me today. I called the doctor and they can see me in a few days," I admit tearing up.
"I'll come with you. I won't tell her ok? I'll just be there for you. Let me know when the appointment is and I've got you," she assures me. I hug her tightly composing myself before leaving.
"Thank you."

Lizzie's POV:
"Elizabeth get out here now," Mom yells. Oh shit. I look at her nervously.
"Sit down," she instructs.
"Let me explain," I plead.
"Go ahead but you should know whatever your excuse it isn't worth treating a woman who adores you like that," Mom scolds me.
"I'm so scared she's going to realise she can do better mom and leave me. I'm so insecure," I cry.
"Stop projecting it onto her Lizzie. You need to sort yourself out before you push her away anymore than you already have," she warns.
"I know Mom. I just I'm not used to things going so well for me it's bound to end. It's just a matter of when," I mumble tearily. Mom sits down next to me taking my hand.
"I think you need to talk to someone Liz. It's not fair on her or you," Mom encourages me.
"Ok," I agree hugging her tightly.

Y/N's POV:
I get very drunk at drinks with her sisters stumbling in the door when I get home. Numb the pain as they say. Lizzie is asleep on the sofa in one of my shirts waiting for me to come home.
"Lizzie wake up. I'm home I'm too drunk to carry you," I slur. She rubs her eyes sleepily and I walk into the spare room. Lizzie walks in with water and some nuggets to sober me up. I eat them in silence then lay back on the bed. She covers me over with the duvet kissing my forehead.
"I'm going to sort myself out for you I promise," Lizzie says walking out. What if I'm not here by the time she sorts herself out? What if this it it...

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