Chapter 18

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Lizzie's POV:
I finish my scene instantly spotting Y/N with the ice cream and hot chocolate. She's chatting with Scarlett but when she notices me she smiles. I've missed that smile being for me.
"You ready to go home and relax Miss Olsen?" Y/N checks.
"Yes." We hurry home taking turns eating the tub of ice cream. Scarlett looks at us and just smirks.
"You two have fun I'm going to have an early night I'm exhausted," Scarlett excuses herself gesturing to me to open up.
"What was that about?" Y/N inquires confused.
"I have something to tell you," I start. Ok Lizzie deep breaths you can do this.
"About you lying earlier I know. You don't have to tell me the real reason you were so panicked," She answers for me. That was sort of right. But not what I meant right now.
"Ok usually when I panic I know I have you there to support me so I can coach myself through it but I lost you and it just added to the spiral. I didn't know how I was going to cope without you. Scarlett saw me and ran to find you," I explain. She puts the tub of ice cream down taking the drink out of my hands cupping my face with both hands.
"You could never lose me. As long as you don't break my heart again," Y/N replies smiling sadly.
"I won't. I also owe you an apology for what I said to Scarlett about not sleeping together in the house. I didn't have a right to. Im so sorry," i apologise.
"Why did you say it Lizzie?"
"You know why. Don't make me say it," I plead. A smile creeps onto her face. Maybe she doesn't hate me.

"Can I ask you something?" Y/N requests. I nod.
"Did you move in with him?" She asks playing with her fingers.
"No," I answer and she tries to conceal her smile.
"Are you and Florence together?" I inquire.
"We're going on a date on Saturday she's cooking for me. But we both know it can't be a long term thing so we're just enjoying each other's company. Why?" Y/N smirks wanting me to be completely honest.
"You really want me to say it don't you?" I laugh.
"What can I say? It's an ego boost," she giggles.
"I'm jealous," I mumble.
"What does your boyfriend think about that?" She challenges me.
"He probably doesn't care because who am I kidding? He's probably off screwing another woman," I sigh lying not ready to open up.
"Why do you put up with that?" Y/N queries cupping my face.
"Because I'm scared of losing him. I already lost you, I'm tired of losing people," I explain.
"No Lizzie you're scared of being alone. You've never been alone since you've been old enough to have relationships," Y/N refutes. She's right.
"Does it is ever get boring being right the whole time?" I giggle.
"Not really. God I missed you Olsen and that laugh. I've missed my best friend," Y/N answers cupping my face.
"I've missed you too."
"I should probably go to bed it's been a long night," Y/N excuses herself hugging me gently. She notices my face.
"You haven't been sleeping have you?" Y/N checks.
I shake my head.

Y/N takes my hand leading me to her room throwing me my favourite clothes of hers to sleep in. She gets changed quickly then lies down on her bed smirking admiring me.
"Cover your eyes Y/L/N," I warn her.
"Didn't you tell me you want me to throw you down on the bed and mark you as mine a mere few weeks ago?" She teases moving closer to me.
"Close. Your. Eyes. And maybe you'll get a reward," I whisper against her lips. She bites her lip covering her eyes with her hands. As I take of my clothes I throw them at her. This is fun. When it gets down to my panties I decide to have some real fun with her.
"Open your eyes princess," I instruct. She opens them and sees them in my hand.
"What are these for?" Y/N smirks.
"Your reward. They're all yours," I say kissing her cheek right next to her lips placing them in her hand.
"You really are a tease Lizzie," She sighs slumping back on the bed putting the underwear on her night stand. Y/N opens her arms for me to lie in. I wrap my leg around her waist.
"If you wanted to get your leg over Lizzie you just had to ask," Y/N says trailing her hand up and down my thigh. Fuck.
"We need to work on our friendship before we cross that line again. Don't get me wrong I want to kiss you and feel your hands all over my body but not yet," I explain. She promptly removes her hands.
"Friends can kiss sometimes you know," Y/N winks.
"You know we would never stop at just a kiss," I laugh.
"I know you're obsessed with me Olsen but I have more self control than you do clearly," She challenges me.
"Behave Y/L/N. Let's work on friends first everything else will come later," I assure her.
"I'm only messing Lizzie. I don't want to make you a cheat princess. I just want for us to be good again. I can't bear to lose you again," Y/N mumbles tearily.
"Hey listen to me. You won't. Y/N you're my happiness, you're my safety and most importantly you're my best friend. You're a part of me that I'm never letting go of," I comfort her kissing her forehead gently. She holds me tightly and starts to drift off. When I hear her start to snore gently I kiss her cheek softly.
"I love you," I whisper as I let sleep consume me.

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