Chapter 2

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Lizzie's POV:
I sit down at lunch waiting for Y/N to appear. Scarlett had been staring at the both of us all morning. It was getting creepy. She sits down at my table clearly ready to talk.
"Finally stopped creeping?" I laugh.
"Are you sure you're just best friends?" Scarlett inquires biting into her Apple.
"I have Robbie," I remind her.
"Right the singer. So you've never considered it or thought about it?" She probes. I'm not completely straight I know that but I don't really tell people. Y/N has been my best friend since we were 7. Sometimes I did catch myself looking at her in that way but I assured myself that it was just because I love her so much as a friend.
"Not that I can recall," I lie.
"I don't believe you. You seemed very familiar in the position of straddling her Liz. So you've never even kissed?" Scarlett asks. Touch was both of our love languages so we cuddled and kissed each other's cheeks and foreheads a lot but we've never kissed properly.
"No," I answer shaking my head.
"Why not? She's hot. Even I would've kissed her. And you know you're not completely straight Lizzie," she observes.
"What makes you say that?" I reply in shock.
"You just give me the vibe and I have excellent gaydar. I'm shocked you haven't been there I definitely would," Scarlett smirks as Y/N approaches the table.

Y/N's POV:
"Hello my favourite Avenger and Lizzie," I greet them both as I sit down. Lizzie glared at me while Scarlett looked proud of herself. Scarlett moved round next to me touching my arm.
"So tell me why I'm your favourite Avenger," she requests.
"You were just my favourite from that first scene in Iron Man 2 when you flipped Happy to the floor when he was being subtly sexist. I like that Natasha can admit when she's wrong and wants the best for the team as a whole," I ramble loving the character so much.
"It's also cause I'm hot right," she teases making me blush.
"Maybe," I mumble embarrassed.
"Glad to hear it. You know I like to keep my options open especially now I'm single. Maybe I'll hook up with a woman. I've always wanted to experiment," Scarlett informs me stroking my arm making me extremely flustered.
"Well I hope whoever it ends up being treats you with kindness and respect," I reply.
"How are you single?" She inquires.
"Y/N here is a bit of a player," Lizzie answers for me.
"I make it clear what I'm looking for when I meet these women it's not my fault," I dispute.
"Is it true it's better with women?" Scarlett directs the question at both of us.
"From the sounds from Y/N's room I'd say definitely," Lizzie sighs.
"What's wrong Lizzie? Are your needs not being fulfilled? I promise I'll take really good care of you," I lean forward to whisper against her lips winking at her before I pull back. Leaving her in shock.
"You broke her," Scarlett laughs.
"I..uh yes of course they are. I've got to get back to work," Lizzie excuses herself in a hurry. I hope she's ok.

Scarlett looks at me trying to work me out again.
"Come on Scarlett I just spoke to you about my sex life you can ask me anything," I encourage her.
"I just can't fathom that you and Lizzie have never kissed each other," she explains.
"No we haven't. It's her loss," I joke making Scarlett giggle.
"So you predominantly just hookup with women?" Scarlett checks.
"Indeed. I'm waiting for the right woman to come along to rock my world and my heart," I answer giggling.
"Interesting. Very interesting," she states getting up and leaving. What does that even mean???

Lizzie's POV:
God why did I get so flustered? The sex was ok I guess but I didn't crave it the way I thought I would. It's very one dimensional. There's so many things I want to try but Robbie's traditional. I didn't know if Scarlett was flirting with Y/N to get to me and prove a point or because she actually wanted to. I mean they're both hot and from the way women go crazy for her as soon as they sleep with her I'm guessing Scarlett would have the night of her life but I hated the thought of them together. I don't know why but it bothered me.

The day went by pretty quickly. Y/N seemed to be enjoying herself messing around with Scarlett and had teamed up with Tom to support him against Mackie as well as Seb. I'm glad it would be just us when we got home though. I finished later than Y/N so I said I'd meet her there. We told Fiege we'd share accommodation while we shoot to save Marvel money and cause we hate living alone. When I get there I can smell Y/N's cooking. There wasn't much she couldn't do. Wait that's not Y/N's laugh.
"Hey Lizzie. I'm glad you're back Scarlett has been dying to try some of my spaghetti but we didn't want to start without you," Y/N informs me.
"I'm sure that's not all she wants to try," I whisper to myself.
"What was that?" Scarlett asks.
"It's really good. I'm just going to change into something more comfortable while Y/N dishes up," I lie. FFS. Throughout dinner Scarlett was all over Y/N it was was really bugging me. It had been a long day as it is let alone watching Scarlett throw herself at Y/N.

Y/N's POV:
Lizzie was quiet throughout dinner. She loves spending time with Scarlett usually or at least that's what she's told me. I was worried about her.
"This has been fun. We should do it again some time," Scarlett smirks looking at me. Was she flirting?
"Yeah we should. Does Miss Johansson know how to cook?" I tease.
"That's for me to know and you to find out," She states winking as she gets up.
"We'll see you tomorrow Scarlett," Lizzie says smiling fake. I walk Scarlett to the door letting her out. When I come back in Lizzie is washing her plate up. Something is wrong.
"Lizzie what's wrong?" I ask turning her chin to look at me.
"Nothing. I'm going to sleep," she states putting her plate on the drainer then walking off to her room.

I go to the fridge get the tub of Ben & Jerry's and make her a hot chocolate before knocking on her door.
"I'm going to sleep Y/N," she shouts from behind the door.
"No you're not. Come on you don't have to talk to me just let me give you something I made you please," I request. I hear a deep sigh before I hear the door unlock.
"You made me hot chocolate and got me ice cream," Lizzie observes trying not to smile.
"It always makes you feel better. I won't stay if you don't want me to," I explain.
"Please stay," Lizzie requests.

We sit down on Lizzie's bed with the ice cream and two spoons.
"What's bothering you Lizzie?" I ask cupping her face.
"It's a combination of things. I don't know how to explain them without sounding ridiculous," She sighs eating a spoonful.
"Lizzie if you feel something then it's valid. You don't have to share them with me just know that I'm here to support you with whatever you need," I explain.
"Will you hold me?" She requests. I open my arms lying down for me to hold her. Lizzie koala cuddles me tightly and I hear her quietly crying.
"Lizzie please stop. What is it? What's bothering you?"
"You were right earlier when you said that Robbie isn't fulfilling my needs. He likes keeping things traditional and it's boring. It now feels like a chore," she admits.
"Have you tried talking to him about it?" I inquire.
"Yeah he just won't. Is it too much to ask to have good sex?" Lizzie asks looking up to me with puppy dog eyes.
"No it's not. Does he fulfil your other needs Liz?" I probe.
"He's really cares about me I know he does. But I feel like we're losing the spark and I'm making the effort but he isn't," Lizzie answers.
"Lizzie do you want to be with him?" I check.
"I do but I have needs Y/N," Lizzie says looking at me.
"Do you want me to talk to him? Or order you some things to take care of yourself?" I query.
"I don't know what I want. I just need you to hold me right now." I squeeze her tighter stroking her hair.
"I've always got you Olsen. I love you. You know that," I state kissing her forehead.
"I know. I love you too."

Author's Note: I really enjoyed writing the next chapter. Prepare for the drama to begin.

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