Chapter 7

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Y/N's POV:
Taking a deep breath I knock on Scarlett's door. I grabbed a bottle of wine on the way here. It was only a short walk. When she opens the door she looks beautiful. She's wearing this very tight red dress that hugged her curves.
"Damn," I state in awe.
"You look wonderful. Come in," Scarlett says opening the door wider. I walk inside nervously presenting the bottle of wine to her.
"Are you trying to get me drunk to have your way with me Y/L/N?" She smirks.
"We both know I don't need alcohol to do that," I whisper against her lips then pull back and wink.
"I uh made some fancy chicken dish I can't pronounce for dinner. I hope it's ok and if not we can order pizza," She stutters.
"I'm sure it's wonderful I'm just looking forward to hanging out with you," I assure her.
"Hanging out?" She says confused.
"Well what would you call it? I must warn you though if this is a date I have a three date rule I'm all about the romance when it's requested," I inform her.
"Well in that case it's two friends hanging out who enjoy flirting with each other and want to see where the night takes them," Scarlett decides.
"You know I have a rough idea of where you want the night to go. You don't have to hide it. I appreciate honesty and directness," I encourage her.
"Well you'll have to earn it," Scarlett states sipping on her wine. I rest my hand on her exposed thigh and watch as her breathing hitches.
"I like you playing hard to get. It's sexy Scar but you know what'll be even sexier when you beg for me," I whisper letting my teeth graze across her ear.
"I won't beg," she disputes.
"So is it Opposite Day? In that case I won't make you scream my name. And I won't be the bench mark for all future encounters. And I won't make you feel good so many times you lose count," I tease watching as her eyes grow dark with lust and her breath uneven.
"I uh... we should eat."

Scarlett does a pretty good job with dinner before we sit on the sofa sipping on wine. I want to see how much I can tease her before she makes a move. I brush a piece of Scarlett's hair out of her face and just bite my lip smiling at her.
"What?" She asks blushing.
"I'm trying to look for a flaw or anything to make me feel better about myself but I can't find a single thing," I explain and she blushes a deep red.
"You're trouble," Scarlett laughs.
"Why? Because I'm not afraid to say what I think? Or because you know you can't resist me?" I inquire.
"What makes you think I can't resist you?" She challenges me. I rest my hand back on her thigh painting a pattern with my fingers. I feel as she shivers at my touch.
"See when I do this and your breath hitches. When you shiver at my touch. When you get flustered by the thought of me making you scream over and over again. The way you're squeezing your thighs together at the thought alone. The way your eyes grew dark with lust when I started talking about all the things I was going to do," I explain observing her body language.
"Are you going to keep talking or are you going to kiss me?" Scarlett smirks.
"We both know you'd enjoy that far too much Johansson I'm going home," I taunt standing up. She grabs my hand pulling me back down straight into a kiss. Scarlett pushes me back on the sofa straddling me deepening the kiss. Ok this is going to be fun.

Lizzie's POV:
Y/N: I'll be home late so don't worry if I'm not back soon.
Me: Ok
I lock my phone and I feel like shit. I know what's happening right now and I hate it. Why can't that be me? Robbie. Right let's call him.
"Why are you calling?" Robbie answers kind of rudely.
"Hello to you too. Am I not allowed to call my boyfriend?" I replay angrily.
"Of course you are sorry. I'm just busy. How's filming going?" He inquires reluctantly.
"I can call you back another time. I just wanted to hear your voice. It's going good. It's really nice to have Y/N on set I don't feel as anxious this time with her around," I explain.
"Another time would be great. How about we have a virtual date? I'll come and visit soon. I love you," he says.
"I'd like that. I love you too."

Robbie's POV:
Lizzie's timing was awful. I was looking at houses for both of us. I wanted to ask her to move in. We'd been dating for over a year now and I want to be with her. That girl was a mistake. A huge one. But I did lie to her when it said it happened only once. I just can't lose her she's too special. I'm trying really hard to be the boyfriend she deserves.

Lizzie's POV:
Maybe he is actually trying to make an effort. Robbie isn't good with technology but is willing to make the effort to have a date since he can't be here. Maybe Y/N was a one time thing. Do I find out if she'd consider more than just sex? I'm so confused.

Y/N's POV:
"Are you ok?" I check on Scarlett. She nods breathless. My god did that girl have lungs on her.
"You were right," Scarlett says. I look at her confused.
"You set the bench mark. And I lost count," She laughs.
"And you screamed a lot," I smirk.
"So is this a one time only thing?" She asks nervously.
"It's a if you want it you'll have to earn it thing. I should get home and you should probably have a soak if you want your legs to be functional tomorrow," I inform her kissing her cheek. She looks a little disappointed I'm leaving.
"Don't worry Scarlett. This won't be the last time I'm in your bed. We both know that you'll do anything to earn it," I tease as I leave winking at her.

I call an Uber then make my way home. I look at the time and it's 2am. Damn we really went for 5 hours luckily my call time isn't until 10. I'm exhausted. I open the front door quietly hoping not to disturb Lizzie. She's asleep on the sofa watching TV. I turn the tv off lift her up carrying her to bed.
"Goodnight Lizzie," I whisper kissing her forehead.
"You came home," Lizzie mumbles smiling sleepily.
"Of course. Why were you up?" I query.
" reason," Lizzie lies.
"Ok well I'm shattered so I'm going to head to sleep," I start.
"Cuddles," Lizzie pleads with her puppy dog eyes.
"Fine let me get changed and I'll be back to cuddle," I agree. She smiles excitedly. I get ready and freshen up a bit before climbing into bed. Lizzie koala cuddles me wrapping her legs around my waist.
"Did you have fun?" Lizzie asks nervously.
"Not as much as with you. Don't worry," I assure her.
"Who said I was worried?" Lizzie challenges me.
"You falling asleep on the couch waiting for me to get home," I smirk.
"Shut up. I just wanted to check you got home safe that's all," Lizzie sulks rolling away from me. I wrap my arm around her waist from behind and kiss her cheek.
"It's ok your jealous. I'm jealous of him too," I whisper trying to make her feel better.
"You are?" She asks rolling over blushing.
"Of course I am. But he makes you happy and that's all that matters," I sigh covering my face. Lizzie removes my hands from my face cuddling into me again. She kisses my cheek right next to my lips. The tension is the air rises. I want to pin her down and absolutely ruin her marking her as my own.
"Is it bad that I really want you right now?" Lizzie giggles.
"No. I feel the same but you have Robbie Lizzie. You still want him. And that's ok. I'm just going to have to learn how to be around you and not want to kiss every inch of your body. And not want to make you scream or mark you as mine," I reason.
"Stop talking like that please. Because I want you so badly right now and that's not helping," Lizzie begs.
"Sorry. I should probably go to sleep. Do you want me to stay or go?" I check.
"Stay please." Lizzie kisses my cheek gently holding onto me tighter. She drifts off to sleep and I can't take my eyes off her. That's when I knew I'm falling in love with her.

Author's Note: You didn't think I'd make it an easy decision for Lizzie did you? 😏

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