Chapter 13

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Y/N's POV:
I decide to compose myself a little before I head to Scarlett's. I grab a coffee and a muffin sitting outside the shop just taking it all in, trying to process what happened.
"Hey sorry do you mind if I sit here?" A voice inquired. I look up to see Tom Holland.
"Hey Tom. Not at all. Please," I invite him.
"Thank you. So are we going to talk about whatever's bothering you or do you want to just ignore it? Either way is good with me. I just don't want you to be upset," Tom inquires sweetly.
"It's a long story Tom. Short version I think I have to go and beg Feige to find me new accommodation," I sigh.
"Wait what happened with Lizzie? You guys are best friends I'm sure you'll work it out," Tom says innocently.
"I can't say. It's not my place to. I just lost the one person in my life that I could always count on. Turns out I'm not as much of a priority in her life as she is in mine," I mumble biting my lip trying not to get upset.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I don't understand it though. I see the way you are with each other. You mean a lot to her. She'll show you that eventually. If you need somewhere to stay you can crash with me. Honestly I miss having company. And you look like you play PS4 I could use someone to play against," Tom offers.
"Are you sure?" I check.
"Positive. Come on I'll show you my place," He encourages me.

We walk into his house and it's really nice. A little messy but we can sort that out. He shows me the spare room where I'll stay. It's a decent size.
"Alright I'm in but on one condition. I'll be responsible for cleaning. How much have you cooked for yourself? Can you cook?" I ask.
"I've had mostly takeaways," he answers embarrassed.
"Ok how about this? I'll teach you how to cook and do most of the cooking and cleaning as a thank you for letting me stay," I offer.
"I'd like that. Thank you. Right how about we play some games and then we can go and get your stuff from Lizzie's later?" He suggests.
"Let's do it."

Lizzie's POV:
I tell Robbie I'm going out to do some grocery shopping but I find myself pulling up outside Scarlett's house. Why am I here? This isn't fair on her but I have to see her. I need to. I knock on the door and see Scarlett smiling.
"Hey are you ok? What are you doing here?" Scarlett asks puzzled.
"Is Y/N here? I need to talk to her," I plead feeling tears starts to well in my eyes.
"No I haven't heard from her this morning. What is it? What's wrong?" she checks cupping my face.
"I lost her," I cry. Scarlett pulls me in for a hug.
"What are you talking about? Come and sit down," Scarlett requests bringing me over to the sofa. I take a deep breath explaining what had been happening. She looks pissed at me and I can't blame her.
"I know we were friends first but I kind of hate you right now," Scarlett states annoyed.
"I know I fucked up Scarlett. I'm so confused. And I hate myself too. I'm the only person that she ever fully trusted. I hurt her and blamed her for something Robbie did. I just need to apologise and to talk to her," I sigh.
"It's not about what you need anymore Lizzie. It's about what she needs. If you're serious about her then you need to make big actions that show her which starts by getting rid of that shit boyfriend of yours. If you're not going to leave him then you have to give her time to get over you," Scarlett reasons.
"I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I'm just so sorry," I mumble tearily.
"Well leave her alone until you figure it out. I don't understand how there's anything to figure out but it's your life and poor decisions," Scarlett snarks. I deserve that.
"Ok I'll leave her alone, for now. Are you sure you don't have feelings for her? Is that why you're telling me to stay away?" I check.
"No I don't have feelings for her. We have insane sexual chemistry but that's as far as it goes. She was always out of it emotionally and now I know why," Scarlett assures me.
"She probably thinks it was just about sex for me now. I'm actually worse that Kristie."
"Y/N is a romantic at heart. If you discover you want her. Then I know deep down that she'll be open to it. So don't lose hope yet," Scarlett almost encourages me.
"Thanks Scarlett."

Y/N's POV:
We pull up outside Lizzie's and I feel the nerves wash over me.
"We don't have to do this now. If you're not ready," Tom comforted me.
"I just worry if my stuff is not there then it's all officially done. I have no chance," I sigh.
"Things will work out how they're meant to just give it time," he speaks wisely.
"Right let's just get this over with." I let myself in and Ashley tackles me in a hug.
"Please tell me you're back here to fight," MK pleads.
"I'm not. I'm just here to get my things. She made her decision. Why bother fighting a losing battle?" I challenge her.
"Because you love her and she loves you," Ashley answers.
"I don't think she does. Or she would've never have chosen him. Never. I just hope this doesn't mean I lose both of you too," I check.
"Of course not," MK assures me.
"When you're finally over the heart break you know where I am," Ashley smirks. They give me a group hug. I turn to Tom and he's trying to work things out. We head into my room starting to put my clothes into my suitcase and the rest of my stuff into boxes.

"Oh my god," Tom exclaimed finally putting all the pieces together.
"Please don't say anything to anyone. It's embarrassing," I beg.
"I won't but she's silly for picking him. No one can make her laugh and smile the way you can," Tom informs me making me smile.
"Thanks mate. I think we're all done here," I declare as I pick up the last of the boxes. Robbie is sat on the sofa looking smug. He just starts laughing.
"Isn't it funny how I cheated and I still get everything I've always wanted? I mean Lizzie is going to move in with me. You're out of our lives. And you're not feeding her all this hatred about me. Maybe I should do it more often," Robbie smirks. Ashley's about to attack him but I hold her back.
"Listen to me. That woman is the best person on this planet. You will treat her as such. You will worship the ground she walks on. You will show her affection. You will surprise her and listen to what she says. You will cherish every second you have with her. You will fulfil every single one of her needs physically and emotionally. You will take care of her," I demand stepping closer to him.
"Or what?"
"These pictures of you go straight to your parents, then directly to every person at your church and finally the media. See how much they love you then," I challenge him. He gulps slightly.
"Maybe a good start to making amends is with giving my sister an orgasm," Ashley yells before I pick her up taking her outside.

We laugh hysterically with Lizzie walking towards us. She looks like she's been crying. It takes everything in me to not cup her face and wipe her tears. Lizzie goes to walk over to me but Ashley, MK and Tom block her. It was some Grey's Anatomy level blocking.
"I just want to apologise then I'll leave her alone," Lizzie pleads.
"No. You don't deserve to make yourself feel better about the situation Lizzie. Your asshole of a boyfriend is inside laughing about how him cheating finally got what he wanted of getting rid of Y/N out of your lives. He's what you chose so now live with the consequences," MK demands. Lizzie admits defeat walking inside sheepishly.
"Thank you. I know it must be hard to stand up to your sister," I say grateful.
"You're our family too."
"Right I need to go and get drunk," I plead.
"We're in," Ashley agrees.

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