Chapter 28

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Most of the chapter is going to be smut so be prepared.
Y/N's POV:
When we get to her room I feel the momentum of the occasion. It's a lot. I'm nervous. What if we've lost the chemistry.
"Are you ok?" Lizzie asks cupping my face.
"I'm nervous. I just don't want use to have waited this long and I don't make it worth it," I admit.
"I'm going to be with the woman I love. That's all I care about so you come here and kiss me and get out of your head," Lizzie assures me. I blush walking over to her kissing her passionately. Lizzie pulls me towards her deepening the kiss. I pull back looking for approval to take off her dress. She nods smiling. I watch as it pools around her feet and just smile shaking my head.
"What?" Lizzie asks blushing.
"I'm just the luckiest person in the universe. You're a goddess Lizzie," I explain kissing her again. She undoes my buttons sliding off my top gripping my arms.
"I've missed these," Lizzie smirks before she slips off my pants.
"Are you sure?" I check. Lizzie nods pulling a box out from under her bed revealing anything we could possible need: straps, ties, handcuffs and vibrators. Damn.
"What do you want me to use princess?" Lizzie asks.
"I don't care just fuck me please," I beg needing her. Lizzie picks out somethings placing the box back under the bed. She kisses me hungrily before pushing me back on the bed taking control. Lizzie ride me of the rest of my clothes. She uses the silk ties to tie my hands above my head and keep my legs apart. I had given up all control and I loved it. Lizzie starts kissing my neck moving down my chest to my lower stomach leaving marks all over.  When she gets to my inner thighs she moves even slower really drawing out my frustration. When she hears my moans as she bites my inner thighs gently she smirks pulling back. I buck my hips looking for any contact but she pushes them back down again. Sighing in frustration I look at her longing for her touch.
"Tell me what you want Y/N," Lizzie demands kissing me cravingly.
"You," I mumble breathless.
"You're going to have to be more specific. I want you to tell me exactly what you want me to do and then I'll decide if you've earned it," she whispers against my lips her hand trailing up and down my thigh.
"I want you to taste me and to fuck me. I need you to make me feel good," I beg desperately. 
"Ok princess," she smirks kissing back down my body. Within an instant she was sucking on my bundle of nerves. My hips buck instantly wanting more contact. She makes every touch and taste slow teasing me endlessly. Just as I was about to cum Lizzie pulls back. I go to say something but I knew I wasn't allowed to. She's in complete control.
"Good girl," she whispers against my lips biting my bottom lip gently. I was so close. I need her.
"Do you want me to let you cum princess?" Lizzie asks running a single finger through me and sucking it clean. I nod eagerly.
"I want to hear you," she instructs.
"Please Lizzie I need you," I plead. With that she moves back down my body continuing to devour me until I cum for a first time. She doesn't let me compose myself instead adding two fingers thrusting deep and fast making me moan loudly. I was already close again she didn't pull back this time but sped up continuing to work my bundle of nerves with her mouth.
"Lizzie," I moan loudly as I hit my second.
"Please let me taste you," I beg. Lizzie smirks position herself over my face. Her hips grinding down onto my mouth. Her moans filling the room. Lizzie gets closer to the edge and I suck on her bundle of nerves making her cum.
"Y/N," she moans as she does.
"Tonight's about you princess. Are you ready for me?" Lizzie checks biting my bottom lip.

She puts on the strap my hips buck instinctively needing her touch again. Lizzie kisses me lustfully as she pushes into me. Fuck that feels good. She speeds up as soon as I adjust hitting the spot that sends me wild over and over again. She bites my neck knowing it only added to the pleasure. It wasn't long before I was screaming her name my legs shaking gently. Lizzie untied me flipped me over onto all fours and held me against her as she continued to thrust into me again and again. She pulls my hair spanking me gently. The pleasure was so immense and my legs begin shaking out of control. I could feel something build inside me Lizzie knew it too so was smirking proud of herself.
"Cum for me princess," she whispers as I hit my fourth and my legs lose all control collapsing on the bed. She pulls out and I drench her as well as the sheets. Lizzie lifts me up onto the pillow and I blush slightly embarrassed of what I just did. She tastes me once more looking up and me gently winking. Lizzie rests my head on her chest once she lies down.
"Are you ok?" She checks. I nod unable to process how good I feel right now.
"I love you," I mumble exhausted.
"I love you too."

Smut Over

I lay on Lizzie's chest shattered painting a picture with my fingers on her stomach.
"That was incredible," I say still overwhelmed.
"You're welcome. I thought it was about time I repay the favour," Lizzie smirks.
"You're not a bottom after all," I laugh.
"You may just become one," she teases.
"Not a chance princess. Give me some time and we can take last time up a notch or 5," I assure her. I watch as she squeezes her legs together. Trailing my hand up and down her thigh I hear her breath hitch.
"You ok princess?" I whisper kissing her neck.
"Please don't tease me. It's been so long," Lizzie begs.
"Tell me what you want darling," I instruct.
"I want you to fuck me so hard I can't walk. I want you to mark every inch of my skin. And I want you to make me scream," Lizzie demands.
"As you wish princess."

Author's Note: You're welcome 😏

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