Chapter 30

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Lizzie's POV:
Y/N and I have been dating for a few weeks now. It feels like I'm floating. I've never felt this light or happy. This woman has brought such joy to my life. I just can't keep my eyes of her. I thought I'd known love before but this was completely different and more intense than anything I've ever experienced. When I'm away from her even for an hour my body aches. When she looks at me it feels like my heart could explode. And I cannot take my eyes off her. I've never wanted anyone in every single way before. I've never wanted anyone as much before.
"Olsen seriously I'm going to get a restraining order with the amount you stare," Y/N whispers tiredly waking up.
"Oh please you can't leave me alone for 10 minutes. You'd be lost without me," I challenge her kissing her cheek.
"Yes I would," she agrees kissing me gently.
"Can I ask you something?" I request.
"What is it? You can talk to me about anything," Y/N encourages me.
"I uh... want to try something. Cause I think I might like it," I mumble nervously.
"Sure. You know I'm pretty open to anything," Y/N agrees kissing me again. I straddle her and she instinctively holds my waist.
"I want you to submit to me. I want to take complete control and blindfold you. I want to hear you beg and I...," I get nervous at the end not knowing how she feels.
"You want me to call you Mommy don't you?" Y/N smirks. I nod embarrassed.
"Hey stop looking embarrassed. I'm excited, just tell me when and where and I'll be your good girl. Although I think you'd enjoy punishing me Mommy," she says biting my bottom lip. Fuck. She raises her eyebrows to challenge me. I choke her gently.
"You think I'll make the punishment enjoyable for you princess but I won't. You'll want to be a good girl," I warn her.
"Yes Mommy," she winks flipping me over so she's in control pinning my arms above my head.

"What do you want to do today? It's our final day off for a while and I want to make it count?" Y/N inquires.
"Well I have two options for you number one we stay home and have incredible sex all day or we go and spend the day with our family and then come home and have incredible sex," I offer.
"We haven't seen your mom since we got together. I should probably go and assure her my intentions are pure except for behind closed doors," Y/N smirks.
"Good idea but she already loves you so don't worry. She's only going to want to know two things," I assure her kissing her gently.
"When I'm proposing and is she getting grandkids?" Y/N guesses making us both laugh.
"Yep pretty much. Though I think I want to propose when the time comes. And I definitely want grandkids," I agree.
"I mean I'll have to ask my future wife Ashley what she wants," Y/N teases climbing off me reaching for her phone. I pull her back into me pinning her down on the bed.
"What did you just say?" I challenge her tilting my head.
"I...I love you," Y/N stutters flustered.
"I thought so princess," I whisper against her lips. As she goes to close the gap I pull back.
"Only good girls get kisses. Now I'm going to get ready when I get back you're going to stop being a brat. Do you understand?" I check.
"Can I come with you my love?" Y/N pleads.
"Fine but you're not allowed to touch me," I agree. She nods smiling happily. I love this idiot.

Y/N's POV:
We pull up outside her family home and I'm nervous. I spent my later teens living here why am I scared? Lizzie holds my hand kissing it gently.
"Relax please baby," Lizzie requests.
"I just want them to think I'm good enough for you," I sigh. She cups my face kissing me gently.
"You know they already adore you. And my mom has always wanted us to end up together. So please just treat it like every other time," Lizzie encourages me.
"I'll try." I get out of the car and hurry around to open the door for Lizzie. She kisses my cheek once she's out holding onto my arm. I grab the flowers I bought her mom before we knock on the door. Ok breathe Y/N. Ashley pushed past her mom and sister tackling me in a hug.
"Hi wifey," Ash says excitedly smirking at Lizzie.
"Get your hands off my girlfriend. I won't ask you twice," Lizzie instructs. Damn.
"Alright you two that's enough. Let the poor girl get inside," Her mom pleads. Ashley let's go and her mom pulls me in for a hug.
"Relax. I know you love her just as much as I do. I just want to know I'll have grandkids and when to buy my hat," Jarnie assures me taking the flowers.
"Yes you will. And Lizzie wants to pop the question so it's up to her when that happens," I answer.
"Ok good. Come on in lunch is ready."

I pull the chair out for Lizzie who kisses my cheek when I'm finished tucking her in.
"She's supposed to be my wife," Ashley sulks sitting down opposite Lizzie.
"Now she's mine. Get used to it," Lizzie smirks wrapping her arms around me.
"Ok enough. Leave Y/N to enjoy her lunch instead of being used as a toy in a tug of war between you two idiots," Jarnie sighs.
"Sorry," they both say in unison.
"So Liz what are you doing during the break?" MK asks.
"I have plans for us but it's a surprise so I can't tell you anything," Lizzie laughs. I look at her confused.
"What if I'm busy?" I challenge her.
"Well then I'll just take someone else to Spain," Lizzie smirks.
"That's for telling me princess I'll be there," I tease making her whole family giggle.
"Whipped," Ashley coughs. Lizzie sulks a little. I kiss her cheek gently.
"I can't wait to spend our break with you my love. I don't care where we go just as long as it involves loving you," I assure her making her smile kissing me excitedly.
"You two are so cute I'm going to be sick," MK tells us.
"Get used to it. This isn't going away anytime soon," Lizzie declares kissing me again.

Author's Note: Or is it? I'm joking I'll be nice mainly fluff for a while.

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