Chapter 31

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Y/N's POV:
Today we wrap Infinity War. It feels weird to be leaving when this has been our home for months. I'm excited to go to Spain but also nervous about Lizzie and I. What if it's just us working together is the reason why we're so happy. What if that falls away.
"Babe look at me. Breathe," Lizzie pleads cupping my face as she wakes up. I just begin to sob my breathing still shallow and erratic. Lizzie holds me tightly.
"Let me tell you all about my plans for Barcelona to make you feel better. So we're obviously going to do all that touristy stuff like see the Sagrada Familia etc but I also just want us to relax. We're staying near the beach and the house has its own private part of it which is great. There's lots of restaurants and I've already booked for us to go and see a game at the Camp Nou. It's going to be special and when we get home it'll still be special because I'm living with the woman I love," Lizzie assures me stroking my hair and kissing me gently. My breathing starts to regulate and I compose myself.
"Thank you. I'm scared of losing you. I'm scared that it's just us working together. I'm scared you'll fall out of love with me," I admit. Lizzie hugs me tightly.
"You will never lose me. Do you hear me? I'm not leaving you ever. And I'm always going to love you. You taught me my value and what it means to be loved. I love you with everything I am. I'm not going anywhere," Lizzie comforts me.
"I'm so in love with you," I sigh content smiling.
"I'm glad princess. Because I'm completely and madly in love with you too. Now we better get ready baby because we have our last day and then a party tonight where I'm going to dance all night with my incredibly sexy girlfriend then we're going to come home and I'm going to kiss every inch of your body. And make sure you can't walk tomorrow," Lizzie smirks kissing me lustfully before standing up and stripping as she walks into the shower.
"Can I get a preview?" I shout running after her making her giggle. I sweep her up into my arms as I turn the water on pinning her against the shower wall kissing her hungrily.
"Baby we haven't got long," Lizzie sighs.
"It's a good thing I know your body then isn't it? I've got you princess," I assure her kissing down her body.

Quick smut:
I drop down to my knees beginning to kiss her inner thighs biting gently. Lizzie moans loudly as I start to devour her. I lift her legs over my shoulder tasting her over and over again. I suck on her clit and I can feel she's close.
"Can I cum please?" Lizzie begs.
"Yes princess," I agree. And she lets herself go moaning louder than before. Damn she tastes good. I slide two fingers inside of her while I continue to suck her bundle of never bringing her close again. It's not long before she's tightening around my fingers.
"Y/N," she moans as she cums again. I suck my fingers clean before kissing back up her body. Lizzie kisses me hungrily smiling content.
"That was embarrassingly quick," Lizzie mumbles blushing.
"It's ok my love. It's sexy how your body reacts to me. And it just means that I can always take care of you even if we don't have time," I comfort her kissing her gently.
"I love you," Lizzie replies blushing.
"I love you too."
Smut Over

Lizzie's POV:
As filming wraps we are all very relieved it's been an intense few months but luckily we'll all be back shooting soon. I couldn't take my eyes off Y/N while the Russo brothers were making their speeches. That Costume hugs her in all the right places. They better let her keep that.
"Babe focus," Y/N pleads nudging me.
"How can I when your ass looks like that in your costume? Bring it home with you," I demand smirking.
"It's already packed," Y/N blushes.
"And a big round of applause for our newest cast member. It's a daunting thing to be introduced into the MCU let alone in an ensemble movie. You've been superb Y/N. And we're very excited to see where we see your character going next," Joe requests making Y/N smile brightly going red. I just cheer really loudly to embarrass her more which Scarlett joins in with.
"I hate you both," she sighs.
"Yet you've had your face regularly between both of our legs isn't that something," Scarlett challenges her quietly making me laugh endlessly. Y/N covers her face.
"Can we get ready for this party before I get any redder?" She begs looking at me pleadingly.
"Come on you giant baby," I laugh kissing her cheek.
"See you later lovebirds," Scarlett yells as we walk away. Y/N flips her off and Scarlett just smirks.

When Y/N walks out in her suit for the evening I want to just get down on one knee and propose. This woman will be my everything for the rest of my life even if I lose her she will still be everything. She is the bench mark for every other person in my life to match up to.
"So what do you think my love?" Y/N asks wrapping her arms around my waist.
"I think I can't wait to marry you and that I can't wait to rip that off you this evening," I smirk kissing her gently.
"I can't wait for that either. You look ethereal my love. Let's go," Y/N encourages me.

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