Chapter 14

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Y/N's POV:
I've been called in for a meeting with Kevin this morning. I'm nervous. Am I getting the sack? Is Lizzie unable to work with me? I pace up and down outside his office.
"Are you ok?" He asks as he walks out.
"Uh yeah. I'm not getting fired am I?" I check.
"No of course not. I was just giving you your flight information for Edinburgh. You, Lizzie, Scarlett, Mackie, Paul and Chris will be going. So we've got you two houses. You, Scarlett and Lizzie will be in one and the boys in the other. You're doing a great job Y/N relax and trust your instincts," Feige pleads handing me the tickets
"Thank you. I will do." I leave his office and head straight for Scarlett in a panic. It's been two weeks and it seems as though everyone has taken a side. Most of the time it was just Tom, Scarlett and I. I was feeling pretty isolated honestly. As soon as I get to Scarlett I tackle her in a hug.
"What's wrong?" Scarlett checks.
"W..we're sharing a house with Lizzie. I can't... I'm not ready. And we leave tomorrow," I explain breathless.
"Listen we'll spend all our time together and we can have really loud sex to piss her off," Scarlett assures me.
"Ok now I'm excited," I smirk.
"I know how much you love me screaming your name so I thought it might help," she whispers in my ear kissing my neck gently. I squeeze my thighs together.
"Well we've got an hour break now so if you maybe wanted a preview I have time," I suggest.
"Lead the way Y/L/N," Scarlett agrees taking my hand.

Lizzie's POV:
Kevin tells me the plans for accommodation I'm freaking out slightly so I head to find Scarlett. Robbie had been staying with me for two weeks but had to go home a couple of days ago. It's as if nothing has changed but I'm not ready to let him go. Y/N won't look at me or talk to me. It just hurts. I deserve it I know but no one understands why I did what I did... not even me. I get closer to Scarlett's trailer and hear noises before I've realised what they are I knock on the door. Shit shit.
"Uh hey Lizzie. I was just doing a quick workout. I think I ate too much at lunch. Are you good?" Scarlett asks. I see Y/N's hoodie on the floor behind her. Damn that hurts.
"Y..yeah I just wanted to check if you want to share a car to the airport. We all live near to each other so it'll probably work out cheaper," I lie.
"You know they're already providing us all cars right? Don't stress about it. We can uh talk later I've got to get back to my workout. I'll see you later," Scarlett excuses herself shutting the door and hear Y/N giggling inside. Damn it. That image is going to be stuck in my head all day.
Mom: Hey I hear you're going away tomorrow. Can I come round and see Y/N and you for dinner tonight? I miss you both.
Me: Yeah sure of course. We finish at 6 so if you come round at say 7.
Mom: Perfect see you then.
Fuck how am I going to get Y/N to agree to this?

Y/N's POV:
I'm waiting to start my scene and I see someone stand next to me.
"I know you don't want to talk to me but mom is coming over for dinner tonight and she wants to see you. Please she misses you," Lizzie requests.
"I miss her too. He's not there is he?" I check.
"No he left a few days ago. I told my mom 7 so feel free to come whenever," Lizzie invites me.
"I'll be there at 6 we both know your mom prefers when I cook," I suggest and she giggles a little. I love that laugh... no Y/N stop.
"Yes she does. I've got lots of ingredients in the house already so you'll be able to cook whatever you want. Thank you for doing this," Lizzie says touching my arm.
"I'm doing this for her. She's my family too," I sigh taking her arm off me and walking into the scene.

I arrive at Lizzie's nervous. She opens the door with a bright smile inviting me in. God why did she have to be so beautiful? My heart aches every time I look at her. I start cooking and Lizzie hovers trying to pluck up the courage to start up a conversation.
"Are you looking forward to Edinburgh? I know how much you love the UK," Lizzie inquires.
"Stop. I can't talk to you like nothing happened. It hurts too much. I'm not ready yet," I mumble trying not to get upset.
"Ok I understand. I'll just start setting the table," Lizzie agrees. Cooking always calmed me which was great so by the time her mom arrived I was a little happier with the situation.

We sit down and the meal is awkward.
"What's going on? You haven't spoken to or about each other once. And don't lie to me," Her mom warns us. Lizzie shakes her head not wanting to talk.
"Come on Y/N. I've looked after you since you were 16. You can't lie to me," Jarnie demands. My dad left when I was 10 and no one knows where he is. My mom died when I was 16. Jarnie took me in and looked after me. I tried to pay rent but she wouldn't have it. She said what I had done for Lizzie in terms of support over the years was enough. So I had to be honest. I owed this woman everything.
"Lizzie and I aren't living together anymore. We blurred the lines of our friendship. I fell in love with her and she chose Robbie. So I'm too hurt to be normal with her right now," I explain. Lizzie looks at me shocked.
"You're in love with me?" She asks smiling.
"Don't look at me like that. You still chose him. Yes I am. That's why it hurts so I'd really appreciate if we could change the subject," I sigh. Jarnie looks at Lizzie disapprovingly.
"What do you mean you blurred the lines?" Jarnie inquires. Lizzie takes a deep breath before explaining the PG version of the story. I sit there awkwardly sipping my drink while she does.
"It's about time," Jarnie laughs.
"What?" Lizzie and I say in unison.
"Oh come on. I'm old I'm not blind. You two have always looked at each other like that. Now I'm not saying I approve of cheating because I don't but I'm glad you finally realised that you're more than just friends. Lizzie I just don't understand why you chose the way you did," Jarnie reasons.
"Neither do I," Lizzie admits. I look at her sideways.
"Don't do that. Don't say that. You hurt me Lizzie. And you don't even know why you did it? I can't be here right now. I'm sorry Jarnie. I'll take you out for dinner when we get back from Edinburgh," I excuse myself leaving.

Lizzie's POV:
Mom walks round and hits the back of my head gently.
"Ow. What was that for?"
"For not fighting for her and for letting her walk away. She has loved you since she met you, yes even when she was 7, and you threw her away like she meant nothing to you. I'm so disappointed in you Elizabeth," Mom sighs. Shit she used Elizabeth I'm in trouble.
"She means everything to me. That's the problem. If I lose Robbie then I'll survive. If I start something with Y/N and then we break up she's the only person on this planet that could break my heart beyond repair. I'm terrified Mom. I'm scared of coming out, of the comments, of admitting my feelings to her, of fighting for her and she still might turn me down," I explain.
"I'm not going to tell you what do do because I've tried over the years and it's been pointless. But what I will tell you is that woman deserves for you to overcome your fears and to fight for her. It's not about you Lizzie. It's about her. If you want her then you know what you have to do and if not then your sister will do it instead we all know that she'll end up with one of you," Mom reasons.
"I know what I've got to do."

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