Chapter 5

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Author's Note: Sorry another chapter of largely Smut but it's building the story.

Lizzie's POV:
I wake up to an empty bed. Shit what if she regrets it. What if she ran? Just then the door opens with Y/N holding a tray with pancakes and orange juice on it.
"No you weren't meant to be awake yet go back to sleep," she sighs putting the tray down on the bedside table.
"Sorry. What's this in aid of?" I ask smiling.
"Well it was a long night especially after someone woke me up for round 2 and 3 so I thought you could use the energy boost. I think it's necessary if you want to tick off one more thing on your very filthy list," Y/N smirks causing me to blush.
"If it's so filthy why did you have everything we need?" I challenge her.
"Because Lizzie I have this sort of sex on a regular basis. Maybe even filthier," She whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine. I squeeze my thighs together trying to act normal but she notices. Raising her eyebrows at me as she bites her pancakes. I can tell she wants to ask something when she's finished.
"Come on Y/L/N. You can ask me anything. I literally spent the evening with your face between my legs," I encourage her laughing a little.
"Has he ever done any of that stuff before?" She asks nervously scratching the back of her neck.
"We only ever do missionary. That's it no neck bites or foreplay. No adventure. Just plain old timey sex," I sigh. She cups my face stroking my cheek.
"Can I buy him a sex book for his birthday? Maybe some toys I mean give him a hint," Y/N laughs.
"No. I need to put my big girl pants on and start asking for what I want," I reply smiling sadly.
"I'm sorry I don't get it. It took everything in me not to rip that dress off you last night because I'm sure it's expensive. If you were with me I'd do everything to please you. He's an idiot. Don't ever stop asking for what you want. Firstly your feelings are just as valid as his. And secondly it's incredibly hot when you ask for what you want," Y/N informs me making me even more flustered. I hurry to finish my pancakes.
"Ok I'm ready," I announce.
"Lizzie you've got to digest your food first," Y/N giggles.
"Well then how about I add something I want to try while we're waiting," I suggest.
"What are you thinking?" Y/N smirks.
"I want to try taking care of you. I've never done that with a woman before," I mumble nervously.
"Ok I'm down. Let's see how much of those Magical Maximoff fingers come from you," She teases.
"Will you talk me through it? So I know I'm doing it right," I request embarrassed. She cups my face.
"Of course I will. Now Will you relax?" She comforts me kissing my cheek.
"Kiss me," I plead breathless. She pulls me in for a hot kiss. I straddle her pinning her arms above her head as I deepen the kiss. Starting to kiss her neck I leave small bites which I soothe with my tongue. Hearing her moan was music to my ears. I look for approval to move lower. She nods eagerly lifting off her shirt.

Smut Y/N's POV:
Lizzie starts to kiss down my chest and to my lower stomach. She looks up for approval to take off my shorts.
"Don't stop," I plead and she smirks before yanking them off. I'm already dripping for her and it's embarrassing. Lizzie leaves a bite on my inner thigh earning a moan before running a finger through my centre. She takes her finger into her mouth looking me in the eyes. Damn. She lifts my legs over her shoulder beginning to move her tongue meticulously. For someone who had never done this before she was talented. I could feel myself getting close my moans getting louder and my breathing more shallow. Lizzie sucks my bundle of nerves a few times sending me crashing into my first. I moan loudly in sheer pleasure. Lizzie looks proud of herself. Without warning Lizzie thrusts two fingers inside me fuck. She curls them deeply before speeding up. Holy shit she was good. I was already close embarrassingly quickly. It only took a few more seconds and I tighten around her fingers coming for a second time moaning her name loudly. Lizzie sucks those fingers clean before moving up my body to kiss me passionately.
"Was that ok?" She checks.
"So good. I'm impressed. Now what do you want me to use in the shower?" I inquire.
"Strap and your mouth please," she requests.

I lift off her clothes and then pick her up turning on the shower. I grab the strap leaving it by the shower before I follow her inside. Her body was phenomenal. I kiss her intensely squeezing her ass making her moan into my mouth.
"Tell me what you want Lizzie," I request.
"Taste me." I smirk before kissing down her body. With her back against the wall I get on my knees lifting one of her legs over my shoulder so I could taste her properly. Her moans only echo in the shower encouraging me to devour her. I make sure every touch and taste is meticulous. I knew she wouldn't be having this maybe ever again so I wanted to make it count. It wasn't long before she was cuming. I move up her body biting her bottom lip before kissing her hungrily. I push one finger inside her then another to make sure she's ready for the strap. Opening the door I grab it and Lizzie helps me fasten it. Lizzie wraps her legs around my waist sinking onto it with her back pressed against the wall. I kiss her while I thrust into her over and over again. Her moans fill my mouth. Hearing her moan my name in pleasure time and again was the best feeling. It wasn't long before she hit her second. I lift her off me.
"Do you want me to spank you Lizzie?" I whisper against her lips.
"Yes harder than yesterday," she pleads bending over for me.
"Good girl," I say kissing between her shoulder blades as I push inside her again. I hold her against me as I hit her spot over and over again. Spanking her. I could tell she was enjoy it as her legs were shaking again. A few more thrusts and she came for the final time knowing that she needs her legs for work.
"Are you ok?" I ask as I take off the strap. She nods breathless.
"Do you want me to clean you?" I offer knowing she's overwhelmed.
"Y..yes." I clean both of us in the shower while Lizzie recovers.

Smut Over

We get out of the shower and sit on Lizzie's bed. So what now?
"Can I kiss you one more time?" Lizzie requests sadly.
"Of course." I pull her in for a kiss full of everything I'm feeling right now. I don't want this to be the last time this happened. I'd never felt this connected during sex to anyone before.
"I'm going to get ready. I'll meet you in the car in an hour," I sigh kissing her cheek standing up. I didn't want to leave but she didn't need me anymore.

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