Chapter 22

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Author's Note: The truth will set you free... won't it?

Y/N's POV:
Today's our last full day in Edinburgh so we've decided to all go on a night out. I'd been splitting my free time between Lizzie and Florence. It was bittersweet to be leaving Florence because I'm excited to see what could happen with Lizzie but Florence is a really great person who I've come to care for a lot.
"Is Florence coming tonight?" Lizzie inquires nervously as I finish up packing
"Uh no I'm meeting her for dinner to say goodbye. Tonight's about all of us," I assure her. She bites her lip to conceal a smile.
"I'm glad. I don't like sharing your attention," Lizzie says stepping closer.
"And why's that princess?" I whisper against her lips.
"Because when we go home you'll be mine," Lizzie states confidently.
"Good to know," I wink before walking away to grab the rest of my things.
"You're such a tease Y/L/N," Lizzie sighs slumping on the bed.
"Haven't you got packing to be doing not sulking?" I query.
"Ooh someone's bitchy today. Alright I'm going but you spend this evening with me," she requests.
"Yes boss," I agree.

I head to Florence's to see her. Lizzie and Scarlett's were already a bottle and a half of wine down when I left. As soon as she opens the door I can see she's been crying. I bring her in for a tight hug.
"Hey what's wrong?" I ask concerned.
"I can't say goodbye to you," she sighs.
"I know. You won't have to. I'm sure we'll see each other again someday," I comfort her.
"Can you please not be so lovely? You're making it harder," Florence cries.
"What do you need me to do?" I query cupping her face.
"Can you just go? I can't spend more time with you and like you more. It'll make letting you go so much harder," Florence pleads.
"Ok I'll go. Thank you for making Edinburgh feel like home. I'll see you again. I'm sure," I say kissing her gently.
"Yes you will. I'll miss you," Florence mumbles trying to compose herself clinging to me tightly. She lets go and I stroll back to the house stuck with sadness.

Robbie: You're pathetic you know that. We've been broken up less than a month and you've already jumped on her. Enjoy my sloppy seconds.

Wait what? They broke up? Why didn't she tell me? I rush home at a sprint hoping to get answers as to what on Earth is happening. I open the front door and run to Lizzie's room to find out. I knock gently and the door opens revealing all. Lizzie is straddling Scarlett who's just in her underwear. They're kissing lustfully. I knew they'd cuddle on nights when I was with Florence. That was the moment that broke my heart. She didn't tell me because she didn't want me. I was kidding myself that she did. Lizzie pulls back and looks at me.
"No Y/N it's not what it looks like," Lizzie insists walking towards me.
"I..uh sorry for interrupting I was just coming to talk to you about something that doesn't matter now. I should go and stay with the boys for tonight," I offer trying to remain unbothered heading to my room to grab my bags. Lizzie follows me.
"It isn't what you think. I didn't expect you to be home," Lizzie pleads for me to listen.
"Florence was too upset and didn't want to prolong the hurt so I came back. Robbie sent me a message on the way home saying that I'm pathetic because I jumped into bed with you within a month of you splitting up. I came back here thinking I would ask you why you didn't tell me and fighting for you but I realise now you didn't tell me because you didn't want to be with me. And you wanted to spare me. I'm an idiot for convincing myself you did. It's ok. I get it Scarlett is hot. I hope she treats you the way you deserve," I reply kissing her cheek picking up the last of my stuff and heading to the boys house.

Lizzie's POV:
What just happened? She was coming to fight for me? Why am I frozen here? Shit. Run after her Lizzie. I take off through the house but the car she's in pulls away as I approach. Fuck. I head back into the house to see Scarlett.
"What am I going to do?" I cry holding my head in my hands. She brings me in for a tight hug.
"I don't know. We've essentially just pushed her into Florence's arms," Scarlett sighs.
"What do you mean? They're finished now that she's leaving Edinburgh," I state confused.
"I've just checked my phone and there's a message from my PI Florence just booked a film in LA for the next six months," She informs me and my heart shatters.
"No. How do I get her back?"
"Lizzie she's your best friend what is the thing that would drive her back into your arms and drive her absolutely insane until she goes back to you?" Scarlett encourages me.
"Jealousy. She gets incredibly jealous. Why are you helping me? This ruined our you know," I laugh.
"Because it was just about sex and feeling comfort for both of us. We fell for her. She doesn't realise that either of us love her. And I know that no one will ever compare to you. At least if she's with you I never stood a chance," Scarlett reasons.
"You know you should tell her how you feel. Y/N never believes that anyone truly loves her. It would mean a lot to hear it from you," I suggest.
"You really do love her don't you?" Scarlett replies smiling.
"Yeah I do. Y/N and I have never been just friends. Not really. I didn't realise that until now. I've finally stopped getting in my own way and let myself feel everything I always have but denied. It's thanks to you I realised just how much I did. I know that's probably not what you want to hear but it's true."
"Damn my big mouth. So how about we go out tonight with everyone do lots of flirting and make her incredibly jealous?" Scarlett laughs.
"I'm in."

Author's Note: Will it work? Only time will tell...

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