Chapter 3

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Y/N's POV:
I wake up with Lizzie still firmly clinging onto me. I look at the time it's 6 our call time is 8. Knowing Lizzie is having a tough time I try to get up to make her breakfast but she clings on tighter. Stroking her hair gently I try to wake her up.
"Lizzie let go. I need to make us breakfast so we can be on time," I whisper not wanting to startle her.
"5 more minutes you're comfy," she pleads wrapping her leg further round me so I can't move.
"So holding me all evening isn't enough for you. You really are obsessed Olsen," I tease. She glares at me. Shit I'm in trouble.
"Can we have dinner tonight just us please?" Lizzie requests.
"Of course we can. Did you not like our special guest last night?" I inquire.
"Why not? I thought you love Scarlett," I reply confused.
"I do but it's a bit hard to eat dinner when she's practically sat on your lap. So are you just going to sleep with her and then Chuck her like your others?" Lizzie challenges me.
"Wow where's the hostility coming from? Scarlett's naturally flirty so I flirted back. I have no intention of starting anything I'd like to keep my job because if something goes wrong then I'm first out the door and the reason I took it was because I get to spend all my time with my favourite person in the world," I assure her and she tries to hide her smile.
"I mean I wouldn't blame you Scarlett is by far the hottest Avenger," Lizzie admits.
"I don't think that's true. I think you're just as hot. Robbie is an idiot if he doesn't make you feel like you're the hottest person alive. If you were mine I'd make sure you were looked after and secure and all of your needs were more than taken care of," I compliment her and she does that big smile where she scrunches her nose.

"You're not just saying that because you're my best friend are you?" Lizzie checks nervously. I lift her chin up to look at me.
"Lizzie beautiful is a word that does not even come close to capturing you. It's insufficient. I'm saying it and as a woman that loves women my standards are pretty high. I mean although a lot of my exes are psychos they're also sexy as hell I have taste Olsen," I assure her.
"Now who's obsessed with who?" She teases.
"You can make your own pancakes then," I sigh lifting her off me.
"No I'm sorry yours are so much better," she pleads clinging to me again with those puppy dog eyes.
"Damn those Olsen eyes. Ugh fine but you're buying me dinner," I agree.

Lizzie's POV:
The whole morning I watched as Scarlett flirted with Y/N. Not that Y/N was paying much attention she was so focussed on trying to prove she's worthy of being here that she was pretty unreceptive. Much to my pleasure. Ever since Scarlett asked if I'd ever thought about Y/N in that light it's been all I've been able to see. Especially this morning when she was talking about how she'd take care of me. I'm probably just missing Robbie. Or I'm missing intimacy. I'm painfully aware of how good Y/N is and how good she'd make me feel. I guess I'm a little jealous that Scarlett has more of a shot at that than I do. But I have Robbie so I can't think about that.

I sit down for lunch and within a second Scarlett has sat down next to me. Here we go.
"I have a question for you," Scarlett states she's never been one to beat around the bush.
"Hit me," I agree.
"I just want to make sure you don't consider Y/N like that. I don't want to step on anyone's toes and I don't want to be someone's second choice. Are you ok with me making a move?" She checks. I know the conversation Y/N and I had this morning so I wasn't going to stop her.
"It's a free country and I have Robbie," I assure her.
"Ok thanks. I don't normally do this. There's just something about her," She explains.
"Be careful though Scarlett. Y/N isn't one for emotions really so be prepared," I warn her.
"Oh yeah I'm not looking for a relationship. I just reckon she'll be mind blowing between the sheets. I know what I'm letting myself in for. Thanks for looking out for me though Lizzie," Scarlett says walking off to go and find Y/N. Ouch. I didn't like that idea.

Y/N's POV:
I'm looking for my charger in my trailer I know it's in here somewhere. I can't believe I'm going to be late to meet Lizzie for lunch. Oh god I'm getting another head tilt aren't I?
Me: I'm sorry I'm running late. I lost my charger. Have you seen it?
Lizzie: You can borrow mine. Now come on I don't want to eat lunch alone.
I rush out of my trailer nearly bumping straight into Scarlett.
"Sorry I'm just late to meet Lizzie for lunch," I apologise.
"It's ok. Actually I wanted to ask you something. Do you want to come over for that dinner tomorrow evening?" Scarlett invites me.
"Yeah sure," I agree still wanting to run off to see Lizzie.
"Lizzie doesn't give you a curfew does she?" She asks stepping closer.
"No why?" I inquire curious.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out," Scarlett whispers against my lips before leaving. Damn.

I sit down with my lunch opposite Lizzie.
"Why do you look so flustered?" She laughs.
"Scarlett invited me for dinner which I assumed was a friend thing so I said yes but now I think she wants to sleep with me. I feel like someone's playing tricks on me," I explain.
"How do you feel about that?" Lizzie queries.
"I meant what I said this morning that I had no intention of going there," I reply.
"Why do I feel like there's a but?" She challenges me.
"But it's Scarlett. It'll always be a what if for me," I mumble knowing she won't approve.
"It's your life," she declares standing up leaving. What's her problem? I follow her back to her trailer.
"Lizzie talk to me. You've got to stop shutting me out," I request.
"It's not fair," She sighs.
"What isn't?"
"That she gets to have incredible sex with you and ... I don't," Lizzie admits.
"You don't get to have incredible sex? Or you don't get to have incredible sex with me?" I check.
"Both," She whispers nervously. I can't help but smile.

"Are you saying this because Robbie is failing and you want to get it out of your system? If that's the case then I'm happy to do that but I don't want to hurt him or ruin your relationship," I inform her. She bites her lip smiling.
"I need to get this out of my system just once but I want to try everything I've ever wanted to," Lizzie states.
"Make a list and I'll see what I can do," I agree.
"Shouldn't we see if we have chemistry before we risk our friendship?"
"Are you asking to kiss me Olsen?" I tease. She nods embarrassed.
"Well I'm here if you want me. You can't be embarrassed if you want me to do all those things to you. I want you to take the lead so I know you're sure," I explain. She steps towards me cupping my face as she had done thousands of times before but this time when she touched me it was like electricity.
"I'm so sure," Lizzie smirks pulling me in for a kiss. It was soft and gentle at first but she deepened it with every movement. My hands snake around her waist and upper back instinctively. This is not how it should feel kissing just a friend. After a few minutes we pull away breathless resting our foreheads against each other.
"Woah," Lizzie let's slip then covers her face embarrassed. I take her hands away from her face.
"We definitely have chemistry," I laugh.
"Now I can't wait to get home. Here let me give you the list," She states taking my phone and typing into notes.
"Wow Olsen you're filthy. This could be a lot of fun I don't know how much we'll get done in one night so you'll have to prioritise them. And if you think of anymore let me know," I inform her.
"So you're willing to do all of these," She checks.
"Yes I have all of the stuff we need but I'm going to need food to keep up my stamina," I smirk.
"You better live up to this reputation," Lizzie challenges me.
"Would you like a preview?" I whisper against her lips. She nods eagerly.
"Oop sorry that's my call time I've got to go," I taunt her winking as I leave. This was going to be incredible.

Author's Note: 😏

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