Chapter Five - Swallow Your Food, Twat

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Y/H/A: your home address


Y/N's P.O.V.

A couple days have passed since I called Dom back; my parents only seem to be getting worse. I just got back up to my room from their "playtime" and I can barely keep my eyes open. I decided to simply allow myself to succumb to the urge for sleep, peacefully slipping into unconsciousness. Hours later, I woke up to my phone ringing.

Skype: You have 6 missed Calls from: Black Hearts Club.

SHIT. I quickly picked up the currently-ringing phone and answered. I was immediately met with Dom's incredibly worried voice coupled with tears nearly running down his cheeks. My camera wasn't on yet.

"Jesus fuck you scared the shit out of me, are you alright? Why weren't you picking up? Did something happen? Are you safe right now? Can you-" I cut off his fear-filled rambling as best I could.

"I'm fine. Nothing worse than usual happened. I'm safe as of this moment. I was out cold when you started calling, I'm sorry," My voice was small, smaller than usual; he had definitely noticed.

"...Y/N, please turn your camera on," He began pleading with me.

"No. You'll be mad. You'll be mad and annoyed that I didn't come to you earlier today when they did all this. And there's more you'll be mad about if you see it, so no." I responded, stubborn as ever.

"I need you to listen to me for a moment, Y/N. Really listen. I am not, cannot, and will not ever be mad at you for any of what you're going through. You're clearly stuck in a situation that you have pretty much zero control over, okay? What you're currently going through is not your fault. At all, okay? Please, let me see. I swear on my life I will not be mad in the slightest," Dom finished his mini speech, somehow winning me over.

I flicked my camera on, already preparing for him to just hang up on me.

Dom's P.O.V.

Oh no. Oh hell no. They look the same as before, but ten times worse; especially now that they're in short sleeves. New cuts and bruises painted their body all over the place, some worse-looking cuts even still bleeding. I refrained from having the same reaction I had last time I had seen them like this, knowing it would only make them retreat back into their shell even more. I somehow forced a shaky smile onto my face, leaning in closer to my phone.

"See? I'm not mad. I'm just worried. Really, really worried, alright? It's okay, I'm not mad. How much, uh, how much of that did they do?" I asked, hoping the answer was a better one than I was expecting.

"Um, everything on my face and, uh, and the bruises on my arms, and some other stuff that you can't see because it's out of the camera's view," They replied; shit, that was not what I expected.

"And how much of it did you do yourself?" I asked warily, not wanting to upset them any more than the last question already did.

"The rest of the new stuff on my arms that aren't bruises, that's it," Y/N summed up quickly, keeping an eye on my reaction to see if I was angry, which I was not and never would be.

"Okay, could you maybe try to... tell me why you did what you did to yourself?" That was all it took for them to break.

They immediately began letting out muffled sobs, their volume rising as they began to tell me everything in relation to the situation at hand; I guess their parents weren't home if they were able to be as loud as they were.

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