Chapter Twenty-Six - Rage

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"Since the day you got me my new phone and stuff, uhm, Gavin's been, uh-" they cut themself off, taking a deep breaths in vain attempts to calm their clear, very quickly rising feelings of anxiety down, "Gavin's- uhm- he- I'm sorry," They cut themself off, a small hiccup following their cutoff.

I pulled them closer to me, completely enveloping them in my arms. I calmed them down as best I could; within a few minutes, they were mostly calmed down, just having trouble catching their breath and trembling a bit. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed their inhaler (after a doctor's visit about a month ago, said doctor ruled that they needed it for certain situations, whether it be exercise or anxiety attacks like this), helping them take two puffs of it to help them catch their breath. Once they were able to breathe properly again, I carefully helped them sit up, simply sitting in front of them and holding their hands rather than hugging them; I know they sometimes get uncomfortable with physical affection after certain attacks, so I changed positioning just to be safe. They seemed a bit more comfortable, so I'm hoping I made the right decision.

"It's okay, you can tell me. If I get mad, know that it is not and never will be aimed at you, alright? You can tell me. I won't get mad at you," I reassured them, carefully rubbing my thumbs over the tops of their hands.

"Okay. Lemme start over. Uh, ever since the day you got me a new phone and stuff, Gavin's been very... aggressive towards me. Since that time he blocked me everywhere on your phone, I'd always had the feeling that he wasn't the biggest fan of me, but I didn't want to say anything because you all seemed to be happy when he was around. Anyways, since the day you got me the phone, he's started passing letters under my door and been really passive aggressive. He drove me into thinking you all don't want me here, that all of this is out of pity and for good publicity when you release the situation to the public. It made me feel really, really bad. That last note that I'm pretty sure you saw him pass under the door was the last straw. I'm sorry for not saying anything sooner," They finished, tackling me into a hug before saying the last sentence they said.

I hugged back, finally feeling my body unfreeze. When they hinted at how long this has been going on, I tensed up as thoughts began to race through my head at lightning speed. This went on for that long? And I didn't notice anything other than just something being off? What the fuck kind of guardian am I? Why the fuck would Gavin do this. Why doesn't he like them? What the fuck was he trying to accomplish with this shit? God, the next time I get my hands on him...

"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad or cry," I heard a whimper come from Y/N in the crook of my neck.

Shit, I was crying. I tightened my grip on them, wiping away my rage filled tears. I rubbed their back comfortingly, seeing as to how much they had begun trembling and how tight their grip had become; they were practically holding onto me for dear life.

"It's okay. I'm not mad at you. Gavin, however..." I grit my teeth before continuing, "Will be facing quite a few consequences. Ben found quite a lot of notes from him while cleaning up the blood in your room and sent me photos. The second I got that text," I paused again, an angry chuckle slipping out of my mouth, "I had to try so hard not to rush over to Gavin's place and give him what he deserves right then and there," I pulled Y/N a bit closer to me as I finished, trying to calm down any resurfacing anger.

"Thank you for being here for me," they said quietly

"No, thank you for being honest with me and telling me what was going on. I promise that will never happen again," I replied.

We stayed in the position we were in for god knows how long, only separating when a nurse came into the room with what looked to be paperwork and a bag of different bandages and ointments.

"Alright, your vitals have been steady for long enough for a discharge after one more quick check-over. I would recommend just keeping an eye on them, just to make sure that their stitches keep healing properly and to make sure nothing like this happens again. Are you their current legal guardian, Mr...?"


"Mr. Harrison, of course. Are you their current legal guardian?"

"Yes, I am,"

"Okay, I'm just gonna need you to fill this out, and in this bag is any replacement gauze, bandages, or disinfectant you'll need to dress their wounds. Try to replace them daily or, at the least, every other day. They should come back in anywhere between three weeks and a month to get those stitches out, okay?" The nurse finished, looking at me expectantly.

I nodded, already trying to get to work on the paperwork.

"Okay. Let's start that final check-over, shall we?"


After about half an hour, Y/N's final exam was over and I had somehow managed to fill out all the paperwork. Y/N got changed into one of the sweatsuits Jess had bought for them (a black one, of course); thank god Ben had brought over some clothes for Y/N to change into when he brought me a change of clothes the other day. They had everything they needed to feel as comfortable as possible. Once they had slipped on their shoes (their signature pair of creepers with the flower embroidery), we were all ready to go. I called Tom to come pick us up and checked us out as quickly as possible; I've never liked hospitals all that much. Tom picked us up soon after; the second we got in the car, Tom was begging us to let him get some fast food on the way home. I agreed with Tom, along with Y/N. Now comes the argument of where to eat.

"McDonalds. Right now. Let's go," Y/N practically demanded.

"No. Taco Bell. It's lunch time, I want some fucking tacos," Tom argued.

After about two minutes of the two bickering back and forth, Y/N turned to me.

"DOM. MCDONALDS OR TACO BELL. PICK ONE. NOW," Y/N literally ordered, shaking me.

"McDonalds. Taco Bell is dinner food," I replied.

Tom let out an odd groan that faded into a wine in response.

"Ughhhh, McDonalds it is," He whined more.

Y/N cheered, hugging me in thanks for picking their side. I gave them a hug from the side, smiling down at them calmly. Things felt right again.

It's gonna be alright. I can tell.


word count: 1172

wooo!!! new chapter! please vote and comment if you enjoyed, see u all next chapter xx

-r <3

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