Chapter Forty-Three - Nightmare

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im back and my voice is working again!! yay!!

enjoy <33


 It's been two weeks since Y/N came to the grocery store with me and I've only gotten more paranoid and worried. Y/N has been having nightmares every single night. Each night is the same; somewhere between 2 and 4 AM, I either hear a scream or get woken up by a knock on my door, only to open the door and face a crying Y/N. It doesn't bother me or anything, but both them and myself have been exhausted because of it. Last night, though, was different. I slept soundly, not a single disturbance in the night. I came downstairs the next morning, thoroughly confused once I realized Y/N hadn't woken me up the night before. Upon coming downstairs, I found everyone awake except for who I was expecting to see awake. I pivoted and went back up the stairs, on my way to Y/N's room.

I knocked softly, receiving no response. Upon peeking in, I found them still in bed, asleep, but something felt off. I approached them slowly and quietly, shutting the door behind me. The closer I got, the more I started to notice. Their breathing was shallow and quick, they were curled up into the tightest ball physically possible, and there were evident, still wet tear tracks down their face, meaning they had been crying recently. Their face held a look of distress, even with their eyes glued shut. Had they started having a nightmare and not woken up? My face contorted into an expression of concern as I reached up to lightly shake them awake.

"Y/N, wake up, love, it's just a-" I was cut off by Y/N jolting awake, inhaling sharply as they sat up, hitting their head on the ceiling.

"Fuck!" They cursed as they fell back into a lying position, holding their head and whimpering.

"I'm gonna climb into the bed, okay?" I asked, waiting for a positive response to my offer before putting it into action.

I climbed carefully up into the loft bed, helping Y/N down onto the floor with me and bringing them into their bathroom as they continued to hold their head. I sat them up onto the bathroom counter, slowly pulling their hands away from their injured head. I hissed, seeing a bump already forming on the left side of their upper forehead. I grabbed a washcloth from the cabinet beneath them and wet it with cold water, wringing it out before folding it in half twice and gently guiding Y/N to hold it in place on the bump.

"Hold that there while I go get an ice pack, alright? I'll be right-"

"No! Please don't leave, please," Y/N cut me off, pleading as tears filled their fear-filled eyes.

"Okay, okay, I won't leave, it's alright, I won't leave. Just- leave the wash cloth in here and I'll carry you down with me to get an ice pack. There's already a bump forming on your head, you poor thing," I babied them as I picked them up, bringing them downstairs and setting them on the kitchen counter.

I grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, holding it out to Y/N, who gladly accepted it. Our presence alerted the only other person in the kitchen, which was Jesse; she stayed over last night. She eyed Y/N with worry the moment she saw them, rushing over.

"Oh, kiddo, what happened? Are you okay?" Jo cooed, carefully holding Y/N's face and tilting their head to get a better look at what happened that required an ice pack.

Y/N simply sat there, head slightly angled down as they allowed Jesse to look at their head bump. They had a heartbreaking, scared, sad look on their face. They looked so, so upset. This one must have been bad. Jesse stopped her worrying, tilting Y/N's head up to look them in the eyes.

"I'm gonna go out and get you a few things to help you feel better, alright? I'll be back soon," Jesse informed Y/N, receiving a slow, sad nod in response.

Jesse very carefully left a kiss on Y/N's forehead before kissing me good morning and swiftly leaving the house. I turned to Y/N, offering my arms out for a hug, which they accepted. I used the hug as an opportunity to pick them up and bring them to the couch, ice pack still held on their early morning injury. I sat them down on the couch, sitting next to them and rubbing their shoulder.

"Wanna talk about it?" I offered.

They took a deep breath and nodded, placing the ice pack on the table and leaning into me before beginning to speak.

"My parents killed you," They began, causing my eyes to immediately widen.

"Everything started out okay, just like my dreams always do, but then they just- showed up. We were here, watching a movie, then suddenly both my mom and dad were here. They yanked me away from you, tying me to a random chair before making me watch them literally kill you. They didn't do it swiftly or neatly, either. Dom, you were screaming, I was screaming, my parents were laughing, there was so much blood, it seemed so real, it-" I cut them off, having heard more than enough.

"Come here," I spoke, pulling them into a tight hug.

They began crying again, letting out absolutely devastating sobs and the occasional hiccup into my jumper. I rubbed their back soothingly, rocking them back and forth. Around fifteen minutes later, they had calmed down a bit and I began to speak again.

"I swear to you on my very being that I will never, ever let anything even close to that happen. Not to you, not to me, not to anyone. Your parents will never touch you again, I swear on my life, okay?" I spoke quietly, receiving a nod in response.

"Want me to sing something to help you calm down a bit more? Then we can get some breakfast started, if Jesse doesn't bring something back?" I asked, receiving another nod.

I started singing waiting on the weekend quietly, still rocking us back and forth. Once the song was finished, Y/N was fully calmed down and had relaxed completely.

"You alright now, kid?" I asked them.

"Mhm, thank you for protecting me," They responded, still hugging me.

I smiled. On cue, Jesse walked back into the house, holding takeout bags from McDonald's. She smiled upon seeing that Y/N didn't have that heartbreaking look on their face anymore, bringing the food into the living room and setting it onto the coffee table in the center of the room.

"I got pretty much everything on the breakfast menu, take your picks," She informed us, causing Y/N to smile excitedly before searching for the hot cakes they knew were likely purchased.

As we ate, I couldn't help but feel off. Something was wrong with Y/N, something had switched in them the day we went to the grocery store; I just can't put my finger on what it is.


word count: 1192

guys i can talk again but not for long!! i see dom again on valentine's day :)) if anyone is goin to that concert, ill be queuin somewhere between nine and ten am, come say hi if you see me!!

i hope you all enjoyed this chapter and i hope you're all havin a wonderful day/night!! love u all sm xx, see ya next time <33

please vote n comment if you enjoyed !!

-r <33

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