Chapter Thirty-Nine - Back in Time

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a bit heavy yet again. read at your own discretion.

enjoy and thank you so much for nearly 3k. love u all so much <333


Y/N isn't the same. At all. Everyone has noticed. They're quiet, avoiding everyone, only leaving their room when or if absolutely necessary, flinching at any semi-loud noise or sudden movement, and more. All the progress we've made with them has completely disappeared and it's my fault. It's tearing me apart. As of right now, I'm sitting alone in the silent living room, mindlessly scrolling through Twitter, not really paying any attention to what I saw, too lost in my own thoughts. Adam, Ben, and Tom have gone out to get Y/N a few things that they apparently think will help Y/N feel a bit safer here; some of the items need to be picked up from pretty far away, so they told me they probably won't be back until some time tomorrow. I'm worried out of my mind; they haven't left their room in days, maybe even a week by now. Suddenly, just as I was ready to go up and check on them, they carefully made their way down the stairs. It's been about two weeks since they came back and they're now in a boot rather than a cast, so the crutches and wheelchair aren't nearly as necessary as they once were anymore. They had their head down and looked insanely on edge: an expression I had seen them wear practically all of the time for the past two weeks. I can't keep having them be like this. I'm not gonna sit here and watch them revert back to the way they were when they were with their parents.

    "Y/N?" I called quietly to them, making sure not to stare them down, knowing it would only make them more scared.

    Their head slightly tilted in my direction. They looked up at me for a split second before looking back down, now even more on edge than before. At least I know they're paying attention, I guess. Fuck, this is heartbreaking to watch.

    "Can you come here for a second? You're not in trouble or anything, it's alright," I reassured them as they quickly yet shakily made their way over to me, standing in front of me with their head down.

    Fuck. That reaction hurt. A lot. I had seen how they reacted to their parents while on calls with them a few times in the past; the way they're acting now is a carbon copy of how they acted with their parents. That reaction showed me something I knew in the back of my head but didn't want to admit. That reaction showed me that they were expecting me to hurt them again. Physically, this time.

    "Can we talk?" I started; they immediately responded, breaking my heart even more.

    "Whatever I did I'm really really sorry. Tell me what it is and it won't happen again, I swear. I'll make sure it doesn't. What did I do?"

    "You didn't do anything, love, I'm just worried and feel really bad about the way I treated ya. You've been completely holed up in your room pretty much since you got back here and-"

    "Am I in my room too much? I'm sorry, I promise I'll stay out here more now. It won't happen again, I'm sorry. I'll be right back. I promise I'll make sure I'm not always cutting off access to my room anymore, sorry," They responded immediately again before taking off.

    They went back upstairs as quickly as possible, considering their injuries and their limitations. I heard their door shut before starting to hear small noises of metal clanging, likely falling to the floor. That worried me a lot, but it sounded way too loud to be anything they could harm themself with, so I let it be. Fuck, that did not go as planned at all.


    It was far later in the day now. I tried to talk to Y/N at about 10AM. It's now close to 11PM. I went upstairs to my room shortly after Y/N went to theirs. The rest of the crew still wasn't back yet, as expected; they probably got a hotel for the night. I was hungry, so I began trudging downstairs to the kitchen. I made my way downstairs slowly, dazedly looking in cupboards, the fridge, and the freezer for things to eat. I didn't end up settling on anything; I had seen something on the counter and lost my appetite.

    Sat on the counter was Y/N's key lock door knob, along with both keys that had come with it, since they had taken mine back a while ago. I felt tears prick my eyes, remembering that they hadn't been allowed to have a lock at their parents house, which was why they always barricaded the door. They think I don't want them having a lock anymore. That needs to change.

    I grabbed everything from the door knob, including the keys, and made my way back upstairs.


    When I came up here to put the lock back on, Y/N's door was unbarricaded and slightly ajar. They've been in the bathroom since I got here about ten minutes ago; I'm starting to get even more worried. A few minutes later, I finished putting the lock back on and smiled slightly, proud of myself for figuring out how to properly re-attach it to Y/N's door, considering that Ben had put it there initially because he actually knew what he was doing. Y/N's still in the bathroom. Yeah, no, I'm checking on them.

    I made my way over to the bathroom door, finding it to be, surprisingly, unlocked. I opened the door slowly, immediately panicking upon seeing the sight in front of me.

    Y/N was sat on the floor, back against the sink, knees up to their chest, red soaking through their white sweatpants from their forearms. And they were unconscious. Fuck.

    I immediately got to work, using the bandages that I should not have yelled at them for buying to dress their wounds. I changed their pants, putting a pair of pajama pants on them instead. Their legs were mutilated just as much as their arms were, only their legs clearly had not been touched tonight, unlike their arms. Once I got them situated, I climbed up ad tucked them into their bed, cleaning up their bathroom before leaving the room. I made my way back to my room, holding back tears. I wrote a huge apology for them, sliding it under their door before going back to my room again. I called Jesse, praying that she wouldn't be as upset with me as she was two weeks ago, although she has every right to be.

    "What?" She picked up, exasperated and clearly tired.

    "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I heaved, crying now turning into a full on panic attack.

    "I'll be over in ten," She took notice of my distressed state, thank god.

    She came over and sorted me out, letting me tell her everything about how I've been feeling for the past couple weeks and offering her input. Thank god she can tell I really do feel bad about how I acted; I feel fucking horrible about that. By the time she had left, I felt a lot better, but I'm still anxious.

    The next morning, I sat nervously on the couch in silence, waiting to see if I would see Y/N at any time today.


word count: 1237

anyways yeah i swear that yall wont be sobbing for the remainder of this book i promise

i know where im cutting this book off and beginning the second one. its mostly coz the doc i write this book in is well over a hundred pages now fibfkrbsjbd

but YEAH THERE WILL BE A SECOND BOOK!! also, i was thinking of starting a book for little blurbs i think of that could happen in this story, would anyone be interested in reading that? tell me in the comments !!

please vote and comment if you enjoyed !!

-r <33

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