Chapter Forty - Discussions

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enjoy and happy new year!!



this is gonna be blunt (not in a bad way hopefully). i am so fucking sorry. i should have never, ever treated you the way i did. what i did was and still is completely unacceptable and you have every single right to be acting the way youve been acting. heres the blunt part, sorry: i am not going to hurt you, invade your privacy, threaten or insult you (in a serious way), manipulate you, starve you, torture you, or kick you out. i swear to you that i am not ever going to act the way i did ever again. this isnt me trying to get forgiveness, either; im in no way expecting any sort of forgiveness just because of some piece of paper. how you react is entirely up to you. dont force yourself to act in a way that makes you any form of even relatively uncomfortable to make me happy. im sorry.



I read the note over and over again, my head unable to decide how to react. I really, really want to forgive him. I want things back to the way they were. I hate being scared of Dom. I know he's not my parents. Fuck it, I'm gonna try to get things back to the way they were. I need to talk to him about it.

I carefully stepped down the stairs and wandered into the kitchen at around 9:45AM the next morning. I saw Dom on one of the couches in the lounge, looking nervous. Suddenly, he looked my way. We made eye contact for a few short moments before I looked away in search of something to eat.

"Want anything specific? I'll cook," Dom offered quietly; he sounded really anxious, like he expected me to rush back upstairs at any moment.

"U-Uhm, can we maybe, order something?" I asked hesitantly, looking back over to Dom.

His eyes widened; he looked shocked for a moment before a small, relieved smile overcame his complexion.

"Of course. What were you thinking?"


Half an hour later, Dom and I were sat in the living room, both of us eating pancakes from IHop. We were sat pretty far away from each other. We ate in silence; I couldn't tell if it was tense or just became something unfamiliar to me. Upon seeing that we had both finished our food, I spoke up.

"Can we talk?" I asked, nervous; Dom looked up at me, seeming equally as nervous.

"Yeah. Let's talk,"

Before speaking any more, I walked over and sat directly next to Dom on the couch, facing him. He looked shocked, but smiled a bit before his nervous expression returned, along with his entire body tensing.

"I know you're not my parents," I started, being met with Dom untensing his shoulders in relief, "And I know you didn't mean to explode like that. I forgive you, but I'm still really scared. I hate being scared of you. But yeah, I forgive you and I really wanna try moving on from what happened but I can already tell that's gonna be super super hard and if you don't want to deal with that and wanna just get rid of me now go ahead and I'll-" Dom cut off what had turned into a nervous ramble.

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