Chapter Thirty-Four - Maroon

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 Y/N, Tom, Adam, Ben, Davey, and I all ate our takeaway happily, Y/N noticeably being the giddiest one out of all of us. They seemed to still be completely fine with eating in front of the crew and myself, so that is a huge relief. Still, I can't help but be on edge around them right now; I'm scared that I'm gonna scare them again over something small like I did earlier with the stupid eyeliner. They seem fine, but still. They could be faking it so I don't feel bad. They wouldn't lie about something that big, though; I'm gonna just try and let it go and hope for the best. Y/N finished their food before the rest of us, hopping up to throw away their containers and plastic utensils before delving into the freezer in search of a dessert. They emerged with an excited look on their face and a tub of ice cream in their hand. I chuckled, unable to help myself:

"You are just an ice cream man," I mumbled under my breath.

Y/N took one look at me and their face lit up even more before they enthusiastically finished the lyric I had muttered. Once done with their continuation, they connected their phone to the surround sound system we have in the house and played Ice Cream Man, dancing around as they scooped themself a bowl of F/F ice cream. Once they had their bowl, they put the tub back into the freezer and hopped back up into their seat next to me at the counter, kicking their feet to the beat of the music. I smiled at them, happy to see that they could still feel comfortable here even after something so traumatizing. I was terrified that they'd come back here and have lost their trust in all of us. It seems like they haven't, though, thank shit.

Within about ten minutes, Y/N had finished their ice cream. They put their bowl into the sink, rinsing it out a bit before dashing up to their room, saying something about their injuries not hurting anymore so they were gonna go on the silk swing. All of us called after them to be careful, to which we received a quick 'I will be' coupled with an excited laugh. I finished my chinese soon after they went upstairs and immediately went to check on them, worried that their injuries may flare up. I knocked before entering their room, seeing them spinning around on their swing, as happy as could be, with a playlist I had made for them a while back of songs I thought they might like playing at a moderate volume. They noticed me and immediately stopped swinging, getting up and pulling me over to the swing.

"You try," they said simply.


"You try it. It's fun!"

"Try what?"

"The spinny shit. It's fun. Try it,"

"Y/N I just ate-"

"So did I and I'm fine! Try itttttt," they egged me on, dragging out their last word.

I finally gave in, hesitantly getting up onto the swing, thoroughly confused on how to gain any momentum. I looked at Y/N quizzically, kicking my legs a bit.


"How the hell do I spin?"

"Use ya legs. Push off of the floor, dimwit," Y/N sassed me, laughing.

I made a small 'oh' sound before pushing off of the floor, successfully gaining momentum after a few large kicks. I was spinning a lot faster than I expected. I smiled, leaning back and pulling my legs off of the floor, holding onto the sides of the silks like chains on an actual swing. I laughed loudly; this actually was quite fun. Suddenly, an upside down Y/N came into view as they ran around me while I spun, making a dumb face every time they were within my line of sight. After a few minutes, I slowed myself to a stop, thoroughly dizzy and a bit out of breath, but not enough to need my inhaler. Y/N smiled as I got off of the swing and plopped into one of their beanbags.

"Told ya it was fun,"

"It is. How d'ya do that for more than a couple minutes, though? I'm dizzy as fuck, man," I whined a bit, closing my eyes and leaning my head back.

I heard a small 'tsk' from behind me before I felt hands threading through my hair. I opened my eyes once more, seeing Y/N standing over me, hands in my hair, a concentrated look on their face.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Your red really faded," they responded.

"Oh, I didn't even notice,"

"We should re-dye it,"

"...I kinda wanna do a different color,"

"What did you have in mind then? We probably have it with how much I dye my hair,"

"Pink. Maybe purple. Dark blue would look sick as well,"

"Did you ever consider a darker red? Maybe closer to a maroon?"

"Sold. Done deal,"


Twenty minutes later, Y/N and I were sitting in their bathroom, them absolutely covering my hair in maroon hair dye. They dye their hair a lot, so Davey ended up spoiling them at one point with a ton of professional grade shit. So here we sat; them with the dye in a mixing bowl using an actual stylist-grade brush thingy (I've really got no idea what it is) to cover literally every single millimeter of my hair in maroon dye. After another few minutes, they declared themself finished with my hair.

"Let that sit for about forty five minutes to an hour then rinse it out," they advised me.

"What are you gonna do with the extra dye?" I asked, noticing quite a decent amount of leftover dye in the bowl.

"...Go get Tom,"


An hour and a half later, my hair was nearly dry and looked amazing and the bottom half of Tom's hair was bleached. Y/N happily began applying the red of the maroon dye to Tom's bleached hair, brushing some into the untouched areas of Tom's hair to help the colors have a more blended appearance once the dye was rinsed out. Tom had been hesitant, at first, but Y/N's overwhelming excitement ultimately won him over.

Once Y/N had finished applying his dye, they told him the same thing they told me when they finished my hair before getting to work on cleaning off their supplies. They jumped around excitedly as they cleaned up, ecstatic with how my hair turned out and very excited to see Tom's hair when it was finished. Unfortunately, it was very late. Y/N was very tired.

They fell asleep before Tom's hair was finished.


word count: 1123

i also am about to have over a week off from school for holiday break, so more time to write!!! thank u all so much for over two thousand reads, btw <333

please vote and comment if you enjoyed!!

-r <33

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