Chapter Twenty - Oh Shit

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I woke up with a splitting headache. Holy fucking shit, I think I drank a little too much last night; I can't remember anything past just starting dessert. How did I even get home and in bed without breaking shit? Is everyone else home, too? Is Y/N okay? Is Davey still here? Did he stay the night? Is Gavin back from whatever he was doing? What time is it? God, I have so many questions. From what I remember, Davey and The Child™ seemed to get along well, so that was good. I was right, though; Davey and Adam combined with Y/N was, from what I remember, chaotic as shit. I groaned, deciding to get up. I spotted a glass of water, some pain meds, and a plate of still-hot Belgian waffles on my nightstand. I smiled, immediately figuring out who put them there without a doubt; Y/N is the only one in the house who can make Belgian waffles properly, there's even chocolate chips in them and powdered sugar coupled with strawberries on top of them. Before I could enjoy the wonderfully presented meal, a wave of nausea hit me like a truck. I rushed down the hall and into the bathroom, launching myself on top of the toilet before upchucking last night's dinner. I heard footsteps approach me before a wild cackling arose; it was Davey. I glared up at him, thoroughly annoyed; there's two of my questions from earlier answered for me.

"Prick," I mumbled before my stomach promptly continued to reject even more of whatever I last ate, causing Davey to just laugh even more, which seemed to draw someone else's attention to the situation.

I heard a second set of smaller footsteps approaching us.

"Oh my god," Y/N breathed out as I groaned, chuckling a bit before continuing, "Aww, poor Dom can't even enjoy the Apple Pie Ice Cream Sundae he begged us all to order for dessert," they mocked me lightheartedly, nearly bursting into laughter just like Davey, who had now calmed down.

"Twats," I intervened again, finally feeling my onslaught of nausea fade as I flushed down last night's mistakes.

"Oi, you can't be mad at me, I made you breakfast," Y/N interjected.

"They did, indeed, make breakfast. It's fucking good, too. The waffles are-" Davey cut himself off, making a chef's kiss motion before continuing, "So perfect. Anyways, now that everyone is awake and able to take care of themselves, I'm gonna head out. You okay with all of them Y/N?" He turned to the kid as he finished.

"Yeah, I can handle the adult children," Y/N chuckled as I scoffed, pouting.

"Okay. You've got my number now, so just shoot me a call or a text if ya need anything. See ya later, kiddo," Davey took his leave, shouting a goodbye as he exited the house.

"Back to bed, Dom. Your breakfast is still there," Y/N ushered me back to my room as I whined.

"Thank you," I said reluctantly as I sat down, leaning against my headboard.

"No problem. Need anything else?" They asked, leaning on the doorway.

"Not really, but is Gavin home yet? I need to talk to him about something," I asked in reply, watching as Y/N tensed up as Gavin's name left my mouth.

"No. I'll text you when he is if you're not up yet. Enjoy the waffles," They quickly replied, walking out without another word.

My face scrunched up in concern as I bit into the first of two huge waffles, zoning out a bit as I pondered what just happened. Something is one hundred percent going on with them. What is Gavin doing or saying when I'm not around or aware that's causing Y/N to act like this? Most of the time, I'm with at least one of them, how have I not noticed anything? I should be noticing this shit, goddammit. God, this is too much right now, but I need to get to the bottom of this once I'm not suffering through a splitting headache. I groaned yet again, finishing off the first waffle before downing the water and pain meds, moving onto the second waffle shortly after. Once I had finished, I trudged down into the kitchen, placing my plate and glass in the sink. I walked over to the couch and sat down with a huff, noticing that Tom, Adam, and Ben were there and awake, as well.

"How the hell are you all completely okay? I have such a bad headache," I whined.

"We all woke up like, an hour and a half ago," Adam replied, chuckling.

"Give it like, half an hour, the pain meds will kick in soon," Tom reassured me as I whined more.

Forty five minutes later, I was feeling ten times better and Gavin had just walked in the door. He gave us all a quick greeting before darting up the stairs and out of sight. I narrowed my eyes as I glared at where he just was on the stairs, quietly following him; he didn't notice. He stopped in front of Y/N's room, slipping a piece of paper under the door before he turned around, jumping a bit as he realized I was right there.

"Wanna explain what you just did?" I stared him down, speaking dryly.

"I- uhm, uhh- I was just-"

"Just what, Gavin? What the fuck is on that slip of paper that's so important that only Y/N can know? Why didn't we all get little notes, too?" I spoke condescendingly as Gavin's face completely fell; he'd been caught.

I walked over to Y/N's door, shouldering him out of the way as I knocked.

"I fucking get it, you don't want me here, fuck off Gavin, I'm leaving, don't worry," I heard Y/N get out in between sobs and hiccups.

I turned to Gavin, eyes blown wide.

"What the fuck was on that fucking paper, Gavin?" My tone darkened as my volume rose.


"Don't you FUCKING DARE try to lie your way out of this, prick. WHAT WAS ON THE FUCKING PAPER, GAVIN?!" I began shouting, starting to lose control of my temper.

I heard three sets of footsteps rush up the stairs, but I couldn't care less. Suddenly, Gavin's expression of 'oh shit' morphed into a smirk.

"The truth is on that fucking paper, Dominic. I don't know why you ever took them in, seriously."

That was the last fucking straw. A huge crack sounded from Gavin's jaw as I completely lost control of my temper; I was seeing red.



word count: 1114


hope you all enjoyed! the next chapter will be out shortly; it's gonna get really heavy, just a bit of a warning. please vote and comment if you enjoyed!!

-r <3

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