Chapter Thirty-Five - Stress

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When I woke up in the morning, I was in bed. I fell asleep literally on the bathroom counter. I guess either Dom or Tom tucked me in. I stretched, getting out of bed slowly and sleepily, remembering to put on fuzzy socks so my feet wouldn't later be frozen by the kitchen floor. I trudged downstairs, face planting onto the couch immediately. I heard a couple chuckles from Tom and Adam before I adjusted myself a bit, grabbing a pillow and shoving it under my head. I drifted back to sleep in a matter of mere minutes, something I could almost never do.


Upon waking up again, the pillow had been replaced by Dom's lap. I looked down, seeing that my laying down, along with Tom, Adam, and Ben being sat down took up the rest of the space on the couch. I sat up, grabbing a blanket and wrapping myself in it as I made my way into the kitchen. I fixed myself a bowl of Lucky Charms before sleepily shuffling back over to my spot on the couch. I sat down with my breakfast, barely paying attention to whatever rerun of Master Chef was playing on the TV. I'm a shit ton more tired than I usually am today; I slept in really late, so I can't figure out why, because I got the same amount of sleep I normally get. Dom noticed this, too. He looked at me with a bit of concern as I yawned for the third time in the past two minutes.

"You feeling alright?" the rocker asked me.

"Just a little- oh fuck," I cut myself off, feeling a huge wave of nausea hit me.

"Y/N?" I ignored Dom, dashing up the stairs and into my personal bathroom with a sudden, small burst of energy.

I slumped over the toilet, immediately upchucking everything I had just eaten. I heard and felt Dom rush in, immediately sitting down next to me and rubbing my back slowly, just repeating phrases like 'it's okay' and 'you're alright, let it out' as I gagged. He knew how much I hated throwing up after some... past issues I had when I was still with my parents. I pushed away from the toilet as I felt my eyes start to roll; I could tell I was about to faint and really did not want any part of me touching what had just left my body. Seconds later, my vision faded to black as I promptly passed out.


When I woke up once again, I was in Dom's bed, for some reason. I tried to sit up, but was quickly stopped by someone.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, don't sit up too quickly, N/N, you could faint again," I heard Dom say quietly as he entered the room, immediately rushing over to assist me.

Once I was sat up and stable, I rubbed my eyes and looked around, my eyes darting to the nightstand to find a glass of water and a bottle of cold medicine sat there.

"Why am I in your room?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

"It was easier and honestly safer to bring ya in here. Being so high up and having to go down a ladder to get to the bathroom if ya needed to throw up again would not have been good. How are ya feelin?" Dom explained.

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