Chapter Eighteen - Dinner

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enjoy <3


I woke up before Y/N did; good, they really need the rest, yesterday was super overwhelming for them. I carefully slide out of their grip and quietly leave their still dark bedroom, heading down into the currently empty living room. Shortly after entering the space, I was met with Tom, Adam, Ben, and Gavin walking into the house; they must have just gotten in from clubbing or whatever they said they were out doing last night. I stared Gavin down, narrowing my eyes. He looked at me, clearly feigning confusion.

"What the hell's got your panties in a twist this morning, Dominic?" The shitface asked snarkily; I scoffed, visibly annoyed with the fucker.

"Nothing of your concern," I replied, turning away from the asshole and making my way into the kitchen.

I pull out the ingredients and utensils I need to make pancakes; Y/N should probably be waking up soon and the crew just got back, so why not make breakfast? In a matter of half an hour, I had made enough pancakes for everyone (with some extra, in case anyone wanted seconds) and gotten started on some bacon, because why the fuck not? By the time everything was ready, another half an hour had passed; it was around 10 AM now. I made a plate for both myself and Y/N before heading up to the probably still sleeping kid's room, pushing the door open with my foot carefully, as my hands were full with the plates of breakfast. I was met with a tired but awake Y/N; they had clearly just woken up, surprisingly enough. I placed the plates on their desk and made my way over to them, helping them to sit up and turning on the TV they had in their room. I handed them the remote, allowing them to choose what we watched (more like played in the background as we tried to fling food into each other's mouths). On any other day, I would have asked if they wanted to eat downstairs with everyone instead, but today they needed to relax; as much as I love Tom, and Adam, and all them, there is absolutely no way anyone can relax around their chaotic asses, especially after they've all had an eventful night and have shit to practically gossip about. I brought the plates over, sitting down next to them; they saw what was on the plate and smiled widely, excited.

"Oh fuck yes, thank you!!" They exclaimed quite enthusiastically, considering that they had just woken up.

"You're welcome, there's extra downstairs if you end up wanting more," I replied, ruffling their bedhead-clad hair a bit.

They happily ate their breakfast alongside myself, the TV playing some YouTube video in the background. I smiled, relieved to see them happy after such a stressful day yesterday. I'll bring up the Gavin thing later; for now, I want them to be able to enjoy themself, they deserve it. Once they were done, I took their plate.

"It's my turn to do dishes, so I'll be right back, okay?" I said to Y/N, getting out of bed, bringing the plates with me.

They nodded, just asking me to close the door behind myself; I left the room, making sure the door shut behind me. I made my way into the kitchen, finding everyone else's plates also already in the sink. As I washed all of the cutlery, dishes, and cooking materials, I kept a close eye on Gavin. He seemed tense, now that I was in his presence. Something is definitely up with him.

"So, any plans for today?" I asked the group of boys as I set a plate into its proper spot on the drying rack.

"We should go out for dinner!" Adam suggested enthusiastically.

"I'm down!" left Tom's mouth, Ben's mouth, and my own mouth all at the same time; we looked at each other, laughing for a moment.

"Can't tonight, sorry guys, have some plans with my family; they're visiting the UK right now," Gavin said; thank god, I really was not looking forward to having him there; not when something might be going on with him that's making Y/N feel so bad right after getting settled in here with us all.

"That's alright, you can just come next time, or something," I responded, tone flat and despondent; in all actuality, I couldn't care less about if he was coming with or not, but I wasn't gonna flat out say that and piss him off.

"Maybe," Gavin responded, somehow even more tense than he was before.

"I'm gonna go ask Y/N if they want to," I said, rushing back up the steps and into their bedroom.

I knocked before entering the room, finding them enthralled in an episode of what I was pretty sure was a gaming series. They turned to me as I entered, pausing the video.

"We're all going out for dinner tonight, wanna come with?" I asked, leaning against the open door frame.

They smiled, about to answer before their face was overcome with a look of reluctance.

"Can you close the door?" They asked quietly.

"Course," I closed the door behind me, walking over and sitting on the edge of their bed, "What's wrong?" I finished, concerned.

"...Is Gavin going with?" They asked, somehow even quieter.

"No, he's not. Why?" I answered quickly, also quiet; I bet they wanted me to shut the door so Gavin wouldn't hear them.

"I don't know, I guess you could say I get the vibe that he's not the biggest fan of me," They looked down, curling in on themself a bit.

"He's a dick. Ignore him," I responded immediately.

They nodded, giving me a quick hug. They pulled away, smiling up at me, once again looking excited.

"Then yeah, I'm totally down for dinner!" They smiled a bit wider.

"Good. I'll tell Adam, hold on," I quickly shot him a text, letting him know that Y/N would be joining us.

We heard a 'FUCK YEAH, LET'S GOOOOO' from the guitarist from downstairs. Y/N and myself both burst out in laughter; I nearly fell off of the bed.

"Well at least I know Adam likes having me around,"

"Tom and Ben do, too, but I think Adam likes having you around more than both of them because you're both loud as shit when you wanna be,"

"HEY! SO ARE YOU!" They pouted, offended.

"Yeah, but like, Adam is always loud and chaotic, especially when he's with- oh shit, have you met Davey yet?" I asked them.


"Okay, hold on. I'm gonna yell down to the boys, cover your ears," They did so, "TWATS! CAN I INVITE DAVEY TO DINNER WITH US?" I asked, received a 'HELL YEAHHHHHH' from Adam in response.

I smiled, pulling out my phone and shooting a quick invite text to Davey. Y/N had uncovered their ears and were now peeking at my phone screen. They silently celebrated to themself when I received an 'oooh sure' in response from Davey. Them, Adam, and Davey in one place? Together?

This is gonna be interesting.


word count: 1192

wooooooo i got my wattpad to work!!! ive really been wanting to write for the past couple days but havent been able to; this felt amazing to finally write and put my ideas into a chapter, hope you all enjoyed! if so, please vote and comment <3

also!! i will be trying to get two chapters up per weekend, but this may be it for this weekend; my head is currently elsewhere, now that ive written this (im going to a live event for the first time since covid hit on sunday!!!!), but that will likely change, so there likely could be another chapter this weekend, too!! just a heads up :)

-r <3

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