Chapter Forty-One: Safety

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enjoyyy xx


 I paced around my room angrily, ranting to Dom (who was sat comfortably on my silk swing) about the current situation. It's been a few weeks since we made up; it's now September 13th, exactly four months until the set court date to finally get me away from my parents for good. Dom and I are nearly back to normal, but a few things are still a little off from time to time. Still a lot better. And my left leg is finally fully free and in working order again, thank fuck. Currently, we had just gotten a call from the police, which was the spark that incited me to begin pacing and ranting. My parents had somehow gotten someone to fucking bail them out of prison until the court date, meaning they were probably out to get me again. The more I thought about it, the more revved-up my ranting got. After a few more minutes, I felt hot, angry tears rolling down my cheeks. A few seconds later, I gave up on ranting, simply launching myself into a hug with Dom, still on the silk swing. I began hiccupping and got choked up quickly.

"Why can't they just leave me alone?" I left the question hanging in mid-air.

"Is it okay for me to hug back?" Dom asked, receiving a nod in response, he squeezed me gently before continuing, "Because they're twats, that's why. They won't get their bloody hands on you again, don't worry, kid. You're safe here,"

"Can we get chain locks on any entrances to the house? Maybe more security cameras?"

"I'll ask the others about it. For now, let's fully cover up those windows of yours, yeah?"

Ten minutes later, Dom and I had walked our way to the nearest drugstore, deciding to buy plenty of poster boards to completely cover my windows. Of course, we ended up getting very, very distracted. We both raced about the store, playing accidental games of tag and hide and seek rather than getting what we came to the store for. In the end, we left with a lot more than we expected. Rather than just leaving with the poster boards we had planned on buying, we left with the poster boards (thank fuck), A multi-pack of Monster, a multi-pack of Red Bull, a value pack of instant Mac and Cheese, six different flavors of chips in party size bags, ten different kinds of candy (most of which were Haribo), a random wireless speaker, and about six thousand other things we definitely do not need. We left the store happily with our plethora of unnecessary stuff, walking home in about ten or eleven minutes.

Once we had gotten home, we cut the poster boards to the appropriate size for each of my windows and completely covered them up, also closing the blinds and the curtains for extra security. I unceremoniously flopped onto one of my beanbags, grabbing two monsters out of my fridge and patting the beanbag next to mine for Dom to sit in. He joined me, popping open the Monster I hadn't taken.

"Feeling a little safer now, I would hope?" Dom asked me.

I nodded, chugging my Monster. Dom looked at me in amusement and disbelief as I finished the energy drink in record speed.

"How do ya do that?" He pondered, bewildered.

"I'm built differently," I answered bluntly, letting out a snort of laughter afterwards.

Moments later, we were both laughing our asses off at the stupid statement, inciting a reaction of concern from the rest of the crew. Tom and Adam (Ben had moved in with his girlfriend) knocked on my door, peeking their heads in to make sure nothing was wrong. Upon seeing that Dom and I were fine, they decided to just join us. They sat down on the two remaining empty beanbags, grabbing their own drinks of choice from my fridge.

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