Chapter Nine - Venue

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Y/N's P.O.V.

    I laid flat on my bed, exhausted after a session with both my parents and myself. It's been about two months since Dom decided to flat out abandon me; things have only been getting worse. In fact, I think things are now worse than when I initially called him because of Fleabag. It's 4 in the morning; I can't sleep. I just laid in bed for a bit and finally felt myself dozing off after a while. Just as I was on the verge of sleep, my phone started ringing.

    UNKNOWN NAME: Incoming Call. Unknown Location.

    Against my better judgement, I decided to pick up the phone, ready to cuss out whoever just stopped me from finally sleeping.

    "Who the fuck-"

    "Y/N," I heard a very familiar voice cut me off; he sounded desperate, almost scared.

    My eyes widened before hardening into a fixed glare.

    "Absolutely not," I hung up, putting my phone on Do Not Disturb so I wouldn't see the notification of another call.


    Months passed; it was now Summer. I decided to sneak out of the house; Dom has a concert near me tomorrow and I decided to get a ticket. I was camping early, hoping I would get a second with him alone to talk to him about how he up and left me in the fucking dust. I sat outside the venue reluctantly; I was the first one there. It's 11PM, the venue doors open at 6:30 PM tomorrow. I'm in for a long wait; I better get the chance to talk to this fucker.

Dom's P.O.V.

It's the night before my concert in C/N, where Y/N lives. I decided to head over to the venue to scope it out the night before. Upon getting there, I saw someone already sitting by the door in tattered clothing, only the dim light from what I was assuming to be their phone lighting up their face; they had a mask on, so I couldn't see much of their face, but the first thing I was able to notice was a long cut that came out of the top of their mask and went up into their hairline. It was sloppily done, but clearly seemed to be on purpose. It was recent, as well; I could still see dried blood stuck in the small section of H/C hair around the gash that was peeking out from their hoodie hood. The more I stared at them, the more they began to look familiar. Wait, is that-? Holy fuck.

I sped-walked over to them, scooped them up into my arms, unlocked the venue, dashed inside and up to my dressing room, carefully shutting the door and placing them on the couch. They had been trying to fight it the whole time; I stopped them by grabbing their face and making eye contact with them.

"Y/N. It's just me. Breathe," I tried to calm them down, knowing this likely wasn't gonna go well.

"Oh great, it's the twat who straight up GHOSTED me and let me get forced back into an abusive home without even TRYING to help. Do you not understand how horrible it's been since god knows when? You've seen FIRST FUCKING HAND how I look after they're done with me and you STILL decided to ABANDON me WHEN I FUCKING NEEDED YOU MOST! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND HOW FUCKED UP THAT IS, DOM?! CAN YOU NOT GET THAT INTO YOUR STUPID FUCKING-"

"IT WAS GAVIN! IT WASN'T ME! I NEVER WANTED TO FUCKING DO THAT, Y/N! GAVIN TOOK MY PHONE WHILE I WAS KNOCKED OUT AND PERMANENTLY BLOCKED YOU EVERYWHERE WITHOUT FUCKING TELLING ME AND IT'S BEEN EATING AWAY AT ME FOR MONTHS! IT WASN'T- I DIDN'T- IT- IT WASN'T ME! It wasn't me..." I trailed off into a sob, resting my forehead against theirs for a brief moment before they shoved me away and curled up into a ball; this wasn't normal for them, especially not around me.

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