Chapter Six - Unexpected Visitor

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F/N: father's name

M/N: mother's name

this chapter is incredibly heavy. read at your own discretion.


Third Person P.O.V.

Days began to pass as Dom and Y/N fell into a comfortable, routine amount of calling and talking to each other. Days soon turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. It was now nearing Christmas. Soon after routine calls with Dom began, Y/N began saving up money they found around the house and in the streets in the few times their parents took them out to dinner with them. In complete secrecy (and with Dom's help), they were able to obtain just enough for a one-way plane ticket to wherever they could need to go. The money was all put onto a debit card Dom had discreetly bought for and shipped to them. Y/N's parents, to Y/N's knowledge, had no idea that they had been talking to someone ages away nearly every day. Oh, how wrong they were. How very wrong.

Y/N's P.O.V.

It was December 22nd and I was very, very confused. My parents typically go on vacation around this time, yet they still haven't left; it's really put me on edge. I was currently sat in my room doing, well, nothing really; I had just gotten off of a call with Dom. He could tell something was off, too, when I told him what was going on. Suddenly, I was called downstairs by my mother. I quickly went down and into the living room, not wanting to keep my dear parents waiting.

"D/N, darling, would you like to explain to me your phone call history and who "Black Hearts Club" may be?" My mother sneered, a sickly sweet tone invading her nasally voice.

My face fell; I quickly replaced my fear-filled complexion with a shaky smile. Shit, I forgot they had access to my call history.

"Just- just a friend of mine, mother, why?" I stuttered out, knowing what I had coming.

"An internet friend?" My father added, his voice nauseatingly sweet as well.

"Yes, maybe..." I trailed off, knowing I had been caught.

"Then I think a bit of a, lesson, is in order, don't you think, F/N?" My mom turned to my dad, smiling wickedly.

"I think so as well, M/N,"

I immediately cowered to the ground screaming as my parents began going harder on me than they ever had before, spouting death threats and insults at me as they beat me within an inch of my life. After a while, they stopped.

"I don't think that's quite enough, do you F/N?"

"Not at all, M/N, dearest,"

"I'll let you handle the rest. Have fun, F/N," My mother said before walking off.

I could practically feel my fathers lustful gaze on me from my spot on the now bloody floor. I knew what was going to happen the second my father lifted me up and pinned me against the wall. He didn't stop until he was happy, no matter how much I screamed and begged. By the time he was finished, I had to crawl to my room. I was out cold on the floor the second my door had shut.

I woke up a while later in immense pain. Crawling to my phone, I checked the date and time; December 23rd, 10:46 AM. The house was silent; my parents had left. I forced my aching body up and into the bathroom to clean my wounds. I sat down in the shower, unable to stand. After I had cleaned myself up and gotten dressed, I checked the time again; 11:38 AM. I searched for flights to the Robin Hood Airport in Doncaster that were departing today from the airport closest to me; for once, I got lucky. There was one departing in three hours and I had just enough for a one way ticket. I purchased it quickly, happy for once that I lived in a city near an airport, I walked to the airport to the best of my ability, having nothing with me but a small backpack containing a phone charger, a change of clothes, my headphones, and a sweater Dom had sent to me around a month ago. I got to the airport an hour before the flight departed. I waited, and waited, and waited outside of the gates for my flight to be announced; finally, at 2:56 PM, I heard the intercom in the airport announce my flight. I had luckily gotten through security with no issue, so I boarded as quickly as possible.

I was passed out for most of the flight; when I woke up, there was only about thirty minutes left until we landed. Upon arrival, I quickly left the plane, pulling up directions to really the only place in Doncaster that I knew: The Norton Coronation Working Men's Club, where Dom filmed part of the music video for Loner. After hours of trudging through around six inches of snow and bleakly following directions from my phone, I found the place at around 8:45 PM. I was utterly exhausted. I knocked on the door of the place, not carrying the strength needed to open said door.

I blacked out, face planting right into the snow outside of the entrance.

Dom's P.O.V.

Oh my fucking god.

"TOM, CALL 999, NOW!"


word count: 850

i am so so sorry for the pain i just caused all of you, especially with that cliffhanger. please vote and comment if you enjoyed <3

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