Chapter Sixteen - Gavin

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I woke up unexpectedly; I was exhausted. I checked the time: 9:24 AM, July 24th. I groaned, pulling myself out of bed and slowly making my way downstairs, where I could smell what I was assuming to be someone cooking breakfast. Upon making my way into the kitchen (somehow without having someone suddenly carry me down the stairs), I was met, surprisingly enough, with Adam at the counter, awake and making scrambled eggs and bacon. I sat down at the counter, placing my head in my arms on the counter opposite of Adam. He looked over, noticing my presence.

    "Good morning, kiddo," He chuckled, seeing how tired I still was.

    "Morning. I'm so tired, is there any coffee or anything brewing right now?" I groaned, not lifting my head.

    "Not yet. I was saving that for last," Adam replied.

    "Okay," I got up and was on my way to the fridge before I felt the freezing cold kitchen tiles; that woke me right up.

    "COLD!" I squealed, scuttling back to my place at the counter, this time pulling my knees up to meet my chest as I glared daggers at the cold tile. Adam busted out laughing, nearly dropping his pan of eggs.

    "Should've put some fuzzy socks on," He snickered, watching as I groaned loudly and went to make my way back up the stairs to get a pair of socks, only to be met with Tom at the top of the staircase, holding a pair.

    "I heard you scream from my room. Here," He said, his voice scratchy from just waking up, and tossed them to me.

I thanked him, going back to the counter, sitting down, and pulling them on before finally making my way to the fridge. I pulled out a Monarch Monster, earning a small 'tut' from Adam. I glared at him, walking over and snatching a piece of egg out of the pan, making direct eye contact as I ate the scalding hot food, purely to freak Adam out; my plan worked. Adam looked at me, shocked, confused, and concerned, staring as I ate the burning got egg without flinching.

"...How?" He questioned, perplexed.

"It's not hot," I replied, chuckling; it was hot, I just wanted to freak him out a bit.

I backed my way to my counter seat once again, still staring daggers at the guitarist as I sat down, sipping my Monster.

"Your eggs are gonna burn," I said dryly, finally looking away from him.

"SHIT-" Adam panicked, lifting the eggs off of the heat and moving them around a bit to make sure they weren't burnt.

I sat at the counter until Adam had finished cooking. He gave me the get-go to come get some breakfast; I complied, taking a bit of the eggs and bacon and putting them on separate plates. Adam looked at me, once again confused as I got the ketchup from the fridge, putting some on top of my eggs and mixing it in. I looked at him, noticing his confusion.

"...What?" I asked, putting the ketchup back.

"Did you just smother your eggs in ketchup?"

"Yeah...? What about it?"


"Because it's good and makes the texture tolerable, piss off and eat your non-ketchup eggs. Thank you for breakfast, by the way," I sassed lightheartedly as Adam sat next to me at the counter.

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