Chapter Forty-Four: Sleep

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omg i am so sorry this is so late!

enjoy !!


I can't sleep. Again. I don't want to sleep, even. I'm gonna just have another nightmare. It's October 17th, 3:44 AM. I sighed, grabbing my third Monster of the night and downing it, determined to not fall asleep.

The next morning, I trudged downstairs, exhausted but, for once, not terrified. I sat down on the couch next to Tom, curling up into a ball and groaning.

"You alright?" Tom asked, concerned.

"Yeah. Where's Dom?"

"He told me to tell you he'd be out for a few days. Jesse whisked him over to LA for a bit," Tom replied, receiving another nod from myself in response.

Good. I can get away with not sleeping a bit longer and he won't be worried. I stayed curled up for a bit, not bothering to get breakfast.

"Y/N, are you sure you're alright? You're acting really off," Tom asked again.

"Yeah, I just didn't sleep well last night. I'm alright," I lied, immediately feeling a bit bad for it afterwards.

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, I'll take your word for it. Want anything to eat?"

"We should get IHop delivered to the house,"

"AGREED," Tom and I's conversation was interrupted by Adam bounding down the steps and dive-bombing onto the couch opposite of the couch Tom and I were on.

"Damn, okay, IHop it is," Tom chuckled, whipping out his phone to order the food.

Two hours later, I had actually food in my stomach and was feeling a lot better than earlier in the day, but still pretty tired. Still, the day went on normally. Now, Tom, Adam, and myself were having a Mario Kart tournament. I was somehow in the lead.

"TOM! STOP FUCKING BUMPING ME, YOU SHIT! GET OFF OF MY ASS!" Adam screamed, eyes fixated on the split screen view of all three of us racing, staring down his kart, which was currently being consistently bumped to the left by Tom.

"SUCK IT, BITCH!" Tom yelled back as he knocked Adam off of the track; we were playing on the newest Rainbow Road map, so it was possible to bump people off.

"YOU BOTH SUCK. YOU BOTH ACTUALLY SUCK SO FUCKING BAD," I began yelling as I came to the finish line at the end of my final lap, successfully finishing in first place for the third time in a row.

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU- HOW DO YOU DO THAT?" Adam asked in bewilderment, resulting in a loud chortle from myself.

I ignored Adam and walked into the kitchen in search of something to eat. It's now 1 PM and I'm getting hungry since we had breakfast at around 9. I beamed upon finding a value bag of pizza rolls in the freezer.

"Y'all up for some pizza rolls?" I asked, already taking the bag out of the fridge.


"Absolutely," Tom and Adam replied in unison.

I smiled, popping a large amount of pizza rolls onto a tray and preheating the oven. Once the oven was heated up, I placed the tray in successfully without burning myself. I walked over to the fridge, grabbing a mini bottle of apple juice to drink; I would grab a Monster, but I know I'm gonna be having several of those later tonight, so I decided against it. We played one more race while waiting for the pizza rolls to cook; surprisingly enough, Adam actually won. Upon winning, the guitarist pretty much ran a victory lap around the house, resulting in wails of laughter from Tom and I. A few minutes later, my phone started buzzing as we ate the pizza rolls. I excused myself and headed up to my room, seeing that it was Dom who was calling me. I plopped down on one of my beanbags, taking the call.

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