Chapter Fifteen - Laughing Fit

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Panic flooded my system for a split second as an urge to rush down and check on Y/N despite knowing they were safe overtook me. I held back, taking a deep breath before responding to the officer on the phone.

"I'll make sure they're here and safe until their parents are finally apprehended. Thank you so much for telling me, officer, please keep me updated," I responded, pacing around my room for a moment.

"No problem, Mr. Harrison, we'll make sure to keep your knowledge of the situation up to date," With that, the officer ended the call shortly after replying.

I took yet another deep breath, coming back down into the lounge to find Y/N gone. I felt a familiar overwhelming panic overtake me yet again as my eyes blew wide.

"Where's Y/N?" I asked, hurriedly beginning to search the room for them.

"In the bathroom, why?" Tom got up and stopped me from throwing all of the blankets out from their storage space in the coffee table.

"Their parents are after them again."

"Oh, ew," I heard an annoyed groan from somewhere behind me.

I quickly turned around, seeing Y/N sat down and scooting their way down the steps slowly, a focused and irritated expression on their face.

"Can they just lay off already?" They continued, finally reaching the bottom of the stairs.

I rushed over to them, helping them up and back onto the couch. I wrapped one of my arms around them protectively, paranoid that they would try and go back to them again to 'solve' the situation their own way. The kid looked up at me, concerned.

"You alright? I'm okay, I'm not planning on running back to them again, if that's why you're so nervous," They consoled me.

I let out a sigh, loosening my grip on them a bit. They smiled, seeing that they were able to make me a little less fear-filled.

"Thank you. Please don't, and if it ends up coming to that, at least don't go alone," I spoke to them, resting my head on the back of the couch.

They nodded, reaching for their unfinished bottle of apple juice and taking a sip before reaching for a bowl of barbeque crisps they must have fixed for themself while I was gone. I snagged a crisp from them, resulting in a very annoyed Y/N.

"TWAT, GET YOUR OWN!" they shouted, glaring at me.

Tom and Adam broke into laughter; Ben put his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking, showing me that he was laughing as well. I snickered, watching as Y/N lost their composition as well. I soon began cackling as well, snorting in the process, which caused Tom to fall off of the couch, lost in his own fit of laughter. Y/N put their crisps and apple juice down, falling face first into a cushion and screaming before howling with laughter once again.

By the time we had all calmed down, Ben had fallen off of the couch as well, Y/N was still face first into a cushion, I was nearly upside down on the couch again, Adam had fully left the room, and Tom was leaning on the arm of the couch, his face buried into said couch arm. Y/N emerged from the cushion, pulling me up so I was sitting on the couch correctly before tackling me into a side hug from the left. Tom got up and joined us soon after, doing the same thing Y/N did, but on my right. Ben hugged me and Tom, Adam soon joining us and hugging me and Y/N. It was one big cuddle pile, which had become a frequent occurrence in the amount of time that Y/N had joined us.

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