Chapter Forty-Two - Eggs

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"It's literally just the grocery store, Dom, it's not some astronomical event. Why can't I come with?" Y/N argued; I was going out to do some routine grocery shopping and they really wanted to come with me.

It's been a week or so since their dad broke in again. The locks and security cameras were installed a few days ago and have been working wonderfully. Still, despite our successful efforts to protect Y/N while within the house more, I could not shake the absolute paranoia I had been feeling since their dad came back. I've been non stop nervous all the time, refusing to let them out of the house, routinely checking the locks, peeking at the security cameras every time motion was detected, and more. I could tell it was beginning to drive Y/N crazy, considering they had been stuck, cooped up in the house.

"Because, Y/N, I don't want ya leavin' the house until we know it's safe," I replied to them, sighing; I hated feeling like this.

"Dom. It's the grocery store. And you're gonna be with me! It's not like I'm going alone. It'll be fine, I swear," They continued to plead.

"...Fine. But stay with me the whole time," I gave in, knowing I couldn't keep them stuck in here for forever.

"YES!" They excitedly replied as they hastily slid on their shoes of choice; a pair of black, high top, platform converse.

They dashed out the door to the Uber that had already arrived, leaving me to rush behind them in a panic. I quickly caught up with them and wrapped an arm around their shoulders, asking before doing so. Upon getting to the grocery store a few minutes later, I held them even tighter as we approached the building. I made sure they were with me the entire time; I am not letting them get hurt or nearly taken again at all costs. Everything was fine for a decent amount of time; I began to loosen up, some of the paranoia I had been feeling recently temporarily fading. That was, until I saw someone I did not want to see right now.

It was Y/N's mother, also out shopping for groceries in the aisle we were about to turn into. Any anxiety that had left my body quickly returned as my grip on Y/N immediately tightened again. I veered us away from the aisle quickly, retreating to a far corner on the other side of the store, close to check out. We had pretty much everything we needed anyways, except for-

"Fuck, we forgot the fucking eggs. I'll go get 'em," Y/N groaned, warranting immediate protest from me.

"No, don't! It's alright, I'll run and get them. Come with me. Leave the cart here,"

"...Dom, if we leave the cart alone some employee is gonna assume it was left by someone and put all the shit back," ...Fuck, they've got a point.

"Dammit, okay, just- stay here. I'll be back as quickly as possible," I sprinted off, quickly making my way to the aisle Y/N's mother had been in, which is where the eggs were.

Shit, she's still there. I walked quickly and quietly past her, grabbing the eggs ad swiftly making my way back to Y/N and the cart. I carefully placed the eggs into the cart, sighing with relief as I saw Y/N nonchalant and unharmed. They looked at me in slight concern, noticing my winded state after rushing to get the eggs so quickly.

"...You okay?" They asked after a moment.

"Yep, fine. Just a little winded. Come on, let's get this stuff checked out and head home. Tom's picking us up,"


Once we were home and the groceries were properly put away, I flopped onto the couch, laying on my back and groaning. Y/N came up to me, using me as a human pillow.

"What happened at the store? Why were you in such a rush to get the eggs?"

Fuck, should I tell them?

"Just someone there that I didn't want to or expect to see. Made me feel off," I explained curtly.

"If you're talking about my mom, I saw her too. It's okay though, you know I know that you wouldn't have let her do anything to me, right?"

"Well, yeah, but-"

"But what?"

"...I just didn't want you to panic," I sighed.

"Well, I didn't panic, did I?"


"And nothing happened to me or you, right?"


"So everything's fine, alright? We're all fine. Try not to swell on it too much," They finished, yawning.

"Thank you," I replied quickly.

"Feeling a little better about it now?" They asked, yawning again.

"Yes. Now, sleep, I can tell you're tired and I heard you up all night," I responded.

They nodded, quickly falling asleep on top of me. I held them to me the entire time, scared that their parents would come and take them again if I let go. Eventually, I fell asleep too, my head still buzzing with swarms upon swarms of intrusive, anxious thoughts surrounding Y/N's safety.


I woke up later in the day to find Y/N sat up on a different couch, scrolling on their phone. They heard me as I sat up, looking over and smiling.

"Mornin'," They said to me cheerfully.

"It isn't morning, though...?" I responded, confused and dazed from just waking up.

"Yeah, it is. You and Y/N slept there the whole night. Neither Tom nor myself wanted to move you guys in fear of waking the beasts," Adam explained lightheartedly.

I pulled out my phone, checking the date and time; September 21st, 7:48 AM. Damn, that's earlier than I normally wake up. That's earlier than when Y/N typically wakes up, too, actually. I guess we fell asleep really early last night. I shrugged off my reasoning, going back to the couch, this time sitting instead of lying down; I don't wanna fall back asleep. Y/N quickly came and joined me, smiling. I smiled, ruffling their hair slightly.

It's fine. They're safe. Nothing's gonna happen to them; not on my watch.


word count: 1031

i am SO sorry for the slow updates!! unfortunately this is how things will be until mid-march, as the musical i am in is now in full swing for rehearsals (and is going super well!!)

along with the musical, i have been taking a lot of time to work on my mental health and im feeling TONS better than i was the last time you all heard from me. thank you all so much for the support on this book and i really hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!

and to anyone who has gotten meet and greet for any of the life on mars north america tour so far, CONGRATS!! you deserve it <33 im currently waiting to hear from both shows im going to to see if i got meet and greet for either of them or not myself :))

i love you all so so much and ill see you next chapter!!

-r <33

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