Chapter Ten - Orange Juice

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I woke up in Dom's arms to the sound of quite a large amount of talking outside. People must be camping for the show by now. Wait- shit. I checked my phone; thank fuck, I remembered to turn my location off last night. I placed my phone back down on the table in front of the couch in Dom's dressing room before worming my way out of Dom's grip. I went to peek out the window, but:

"Urgh, god Y/N, did you have to come here so late last- wait. Where is Y/N?" Dom started speaking to himself groggily; I'd woken him up.

"Over here. I was just closing the window," I replied, chuckling.

"Get back over here please, you're in no condition to be standing right now. I've learnt to keep a first aid kit in all the dressing rooms I have at each venue, let me patch you up a bit and then I'll order some breakfast here," Dom offered, to which I accepted.

I attempted to limp back over to the couch; my left leg decided to give out on me, much to my inconvenience. Dom saw me falling and, luckily, came over to help me the rest of the way, A.K.A. carry me. He sat me down on the couch, rushing to get a first aid kit out of a drawer in his dressing room dresser. He started bandaging all my wounds that he could see, starting on my face and going down from there. By the time he was finished, it had been nearly an hour. I sighed.

"I'm sorry for making you waste all that time on me," I looked down.

"Hey," Dom pulled my head back up, "None of that, alright? Now, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Anything is alright," I responded, not exactly knowing much about breakfast foods, considering I really didn't have breakfast often.

"How about pancakes? There's an IHop nearby,"

"Uh... sureeeee...?" I dragged out my answer; I'd never had pancakes before.

"You sound hesitant. What's wrong?"

"I, uh, I've never had pancakes before," I quieted my tone, fidgeting with my fingers.

"...What?" Dom asked me, clearly shocked.

"I- Bestie, you know I rarely ate at all, let alone nice breakfast food. I'll definitely try them but I'm sorry if you end up wasting your money if I don't like them,"

"You'll like them. Don't worry, kiddo,"


"Are you sure they don't lace these things? There is no fucking way they're this good on their own," I said to Dom in between huge bites (well, huge bites for me) of pancake.

Dom held back laughter, nearly spitting orange juice everywhere. He took a few moments to compose himself before answering my question:

"No, Y/N, they do, in fact, not lace the pancakes with anything, for that is ~illegal,~" Dom replied, still trying not to laugh.

"Oh, COME ON, give me a break, twat," I threw a small pillow from the couch at him before taking my final forkful of pancake and inhaling it.

Dom ducked just as I launched the pillow; we both watched as the pillow landed on the table in front of us, knocking over his glass of orange juice.

"Shit," we both said at the same time, Dom rushing to make sure the juice didn't get on the carpet while I got the pillow out of the way.

I would have done more, but I knew Dom would throw a fit if I moved too much. Instead, I cleaned up the remnants of our breakfast, placing everything in one spot and throwing all of it away at once. Dom finished up with cleaning the OJ soon after, laying back down on the couch with me. He sighed, pulling me into a hug.

"You know things like that are gonna be everyday things for you soon, right?" Dom asked me quietly.

"...If you want me around for that long," I sighed, hiding my face in his chest.

"... Kid. Look at me," I looked up at him, tears brimming my eyes.


"Of course I'll want you around for that long; hell, I can't imagine you not being around anymore, alright? You are not going back there, not if I can help it. Even if you have to just for a few days, I'll come with you. I swear that I'll make sure you're never in that situation alone again, got it? You're safe now," Dom smiled as he finished his little speech.

I sniffled, sobbing quietly as I dove back into his chest. Dom comforted me as I cried, carefully running his right hand into my hair while his left hand rubbed my back. He gave me all the time I needed to compose myself.

"Thank you," I mumbled into Dom's chest.

Dom simply just held me tighter, waiting until I let go until I released my grip on him first.


The concert approached quickly; luckily, Dom at least let me sit backstage while it was happening. Dom and his crew all agreed that I am in no state to mosh, so I unfortunately had to comply with their wishes. Nonetheless, it was still the most fun I've ever had. Once he was done, Dom staggered off stage, immediately taking his inhaler. I jumped up, hugging him the second he wasn't nearly suffocating.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!!" I gushed, smiling brightly up at the skirt-clad,, eccentric pop star, earning a chuckle in response.

"That was nothing compared to what you'll experience once you're able to mosh, trust me," Dom gasped, going for his inhaler one more time.

I just continued to smile at him; I couldn't stop. I sat back down, noticing the few stares of concern that Tom and Ben had been giving me after I leapt onto Dom so quickly. My smile turned sheepish as I slowly sat back down, mouthing an apology to Ben and Tom. They soon smiled and waved it off, running and grabbing Dom something to drink other than beer. Dom sat down next to the folding chair I was in, smiling as I began rambling about the concert.

Dom's P.O.V.

I smiled at the excited kid, watching as they animatedly began telling me about how much they liked my show. They kept on going for quite a while; hell, they went for so long that I had to stop them before they got too out of breath.

"I'm glad you liked it!" I replied.

"Liked it? I LOVED IT!"

"Just wait until you're fully able to participate. Anyways, I'm a bit hungry after all that. Shitty diner food?"

"Shitty diner food."

God, am I glad Y/N came back to me.


word count: 1100

sorry for the wait on this chapter! school recently started back up for me, so i haven't had as much time to write :( hope you enjoyed! please vote and comment <3

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