Chapter Thirty-Eight - Hesitance

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I immediately backed away as much as I could, which wasn't much. I stumbled after a few steps backwards (with the assistance of my crutches), falling. I immediately just began backing away once more, tears brimming my eyes. I looked over in the direction of the kitchen, where Jo was.

"J-Jesse-" I stuttered, still focused on backing away from Dom, who had now stepped into the house, looking petrified of my reaction to seeing him standing there.

Jesse immediately rushed in upon hearing me call for her, suddenly fuming upon seeing who had stepped foot into the house. She grabbed Dom's hand, dragging him outside and slamming the door behind herself. I stayed completely still on the floor for a few more moments, trying to recollect myself. It's okay, Jo won't let me get hurt, it's fine. It is fine. I'm fine. I took a moment to focus on getting my breathing as stable as I could without the assistance of my inhaler before shakily getting up, using my crutches to push myself up off of the floor. Once I was up, I carefully made my way back into the living room, sitting down on the couch and immediately reaching for my inhaler, which was on the coffee table in front of me. I used it swiftly, taking two puffs before putting it down and leaning back onto the couch. I adjusted myself to lay down on my back, covering my hands with my eyes to drown out any light in the room; it calmed me down. I layed that way and just kept taking deep breaths until I heard the front door open again. Jesse walked into the living room alone, but I saw a tiny bit of red hair peeking from behind the doorway, which immediately put me on edge. Jesse noticed and sighed in what seemed to be a mixture of frustration and concern.

"He feels really bad and wants to apologize, but he knows you, well, aren't exactly comfortable around him right now. Is it okay if he comes in here? I'll be here the whole time and he just wants to apologize, you don't even have to look at him if you don't want to," Jesse explained to me.

I thought over the outcomes in my head. He can't do anything, Jo will be right here the whole time. But what if he starts yelling or just gets loud again? I don't want to be yelled at again. No; Jesse will get him to stop. It's fine.

"...As long as he's not gonna yell at me again," I responded quietly and hesitantly, seeing a nod from Jesse as she helped me sit up before sitting next to me and wrapping an arm around me protectively.

Jo gestured to Dom to enter the room. He peeked out from behind the doorway slowly before hesitantly making his way over to the couches, shaky hands giving away how nervous he was to be here right now. I saw him take notice of my casted left leg, his eyes widening as his hands came from balled up in front of his chest to cover his mouth. He was in the same clothes he was wearing the day he yelled at me, showing me he probably hadn't done much in terms of hygiene since. He finally reached the couches and slowly sat down, keeping his distance from Jo and I. He was insanely tense as he brought his hands down to rest balled up on his lap. He looked down at his hands, seemingly not sure how to start what he wanted to say. I looked away, too nervous and just flat out scared to look at him any longer.

"I am so, so sorry, Y/N," Dom began, his voice shaky and unsteady, "I never, ever meant to explode on you like that and never meant to make you feel how you felt in the few days before I did what I did. Adam and Tom talked everything through with me, everything they noticed about you and how I was treating you. I am so, fucking," I flinched when he cursed, which he took notice to, "Sorry. I'm so sorry," Dom finished, sniffling as he tried to stop himself from crying.

I nodded, trying to take in what he said. It took me a few moments to realize how hard it was to believe him. I leaned into Jesse, looking back up at Dom with fear and hesitance. Maybe if I comply and make him not so upset he won't hurt me, that always worked in the past.

"It's ok. I-I overreacted. S-Sorry, it w-won't happen ag-again. I-I'm gonna p-pack my st-stuff. Th-Thank you, Jo," I looked down as I spoke, quickly getting up and making my way to the guest room as swiftly as possible once I had finished.

I went into the room and packed all of my stuff, coming back out with all of my packed bags. Dom approached me much faster than before, offering to take my things, but stopping when I flinched, hard. He slowed down his pace, hesitantly holding his arm out to take my bags. I gave them to him, still looking down at the floor. Jesse walked over, carefully pulling me into a hug, picking me up as she did so.

"Call me if you need anything at all or wanna come back here, okay? I love ya, kid," I simply nodded, hugging her back for a moment before she put me back down.

I followed Dom out the door, carefully making my way down the few front steps. Jesse didn't close her door until the car was at the end of the street. Upon arriving at the house, Adam was the first to approach me. He asked me if he could hug me, which I accepted. He hugged me in a similar manner to the way Jesse hugged me, picking me up. The only difference was that he picked my crutches up as well, took my bags from a still heartbroken-looking Dom, and carried me up and into my room. Once we arrived in the room, Adam put me down on one of my beanbags, placing my bags and crutches near me before going and locking the door, turning on my LEDs to a very artificial white so we could see before returning to the bean bag snack area. He sat down in a bean bag in front of my own, opening my fridge and grabbing me an Ultra Gold Monster. I accepted it gratefully, opening it and taking a sip before placing it on the table in front of me. Adam took a sip of his Red Bull, placing it down next to my Monster before speaking.

"You don't really want to be back here yet, do you?"

"It's fine, I already know things are gonna be different. Much different,"


word count: 1151

things are gonna be a bit painful for a bit. also, this book is nearly over. but don't worry! there will one hundred percent be a book 2 :))

i love u all so much, happy holidays and i will see u all next chapter!!

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-r <33

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