Chapter Seven - Can This Car Go Any Faster?

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like the last chapter, this chapter is also incredibly heavy. read at your own discretion.


Dom's P.O.V.

    I sat anxiously in the backseat of the car, Y/N's cold, battered body laying flat across the backseat, their head in my lap. They were out like a light when I found them outside of the club. As for their pulse, it's insanely faint; I turned to Tom, who was in the driver's seat.

    "Can this car go any fucking faster?" I asked agitatedly,refraining from bouncing my leg so as to not disturb or further injure Y/N.

    "Dom, if you don't want us to get pulled over and take even longer to get to the hospital, then chill the fuck out. I'm going as fast as I can," Tom responded; I scoffed, looking back down at Y/N with a concerned look adorning my face.

    Around five minutes later, we finally arrived at the hospital. Tom and I quickly rushed Y/N in; I told the doctors everything I knew and let them handle the rest.

Y/N's P.O.V.

    I woke up only to immediately shut my eyes again; god, it's bright. I don't even remember passing out- oh yeah, I'm in Doncaster. Suddenly, I heard a small gasp, a few sniffles, a bit of shuffling, and the click of what I was assuming to be a light switch. I hesitantly opened my eyes yet again, being met with a trembling, near-sobbing Dominic Harrison looming above me. I gave him a weak, small smile, chuckling a bit.

    "...Surprise?" I croaked out, cringing upon hearing my own voice.

    Dom let out a heart-wrenching sob before carefully wrapping his arms around me, latching onto me and refusing to let go. I returned the hug to the best of my ability, lightly rubbing his back in attempts to help him calm down, I allowed him to get his emotions out; it was only fair. I literally showed up in his hometown on nearly Christmas Eve without warning, this was the least I could do. Once he was a bit more collected, he started speaking, still not letting go of me.

    "Why didn't you tell me you were coming here? I could have picked you up," He asked, his voice hoarse and shaky.

    "Let's just say it was a last minute decision," I responded, hesitating.

    "... Something happened," He responded, more fear edging into his tone.


    "Something bad happened,"

    "Dom I'm okay now I pro-"

    "Something so bad happened that you flew all the way here completely on your own without telling me beforehand like we had planned because of it,"

    "I was gonna tell you once I was here but it's nearly Christmas and-"

    "-And I wasn't there. God, I didn't even think about the fact that something was probably going to happen. Fuck, Y/N, I'm so fucking sorry, I should have been there, I-"

    "Dominic Harrison," I finally cut him off for good, "None of this is your fault in any aspect. They found out some things and got really upset, which led them to do some... much, much worse than normal shit. You cannot control that, okay? None of what they did is your fault at all. I got complacent and this is what it led to," I finished, sighing.

    "... What even happened?" He asked in response, holding me impossibly tighter.

    "They, um, they found out. About everything. About me calling you so much and you being someone I talked to entirely through the internet, specifically; I forgot they could see my phone call history and didn't think to keep it cleared. They really weren't happy with me. At all. They went... a lot harder than usual and-" I cut myself off with a small hiccup, trying to keep myself calm as I recalled what my father did to me, "-And my dad, he, he uh- fuck," I started losing control of my breathing, tightening my grip around Dom.

    He immediately began shushing me, slightly swaying me back and forth as he rubbed my back and did the best he could to comfort me. After a few minutes, I regained my composure and attempted to tell Dom what he did to me.

    "My dad, he- he raped me. I was screaming, and crying, and begging for him to stop and-" I hiccupped again, "-And nothing worked. He didn't stop until he wanted to. That's when I had finally had enough and booked it out of there the second they left for their holiday vacation. Thank god that the airport was within walking distance," I finished, carefully tugging Dom's arm to try and get him to sit down so he wasn't just hovering over me with one knee on what I was assuming to be my hospital bed; he must have found me outside the club and brought me here.

    He understood what I was doing and complied to my request, laying down next to me, still hugging me as he did so. He was still in visible distress, likely because of both what I just told him and the state he found me in.

Dom's P.O.V.

    Oh, those motherfuckers are gonna absolutely get it the moment I see them in person. I sighed, trying to keep myself calm for Y/N's sake.

    "Thank you," I whispered to them.

    "For what?"

    "For coming here. For coming here and not doing anything more, uh, I'll say detrimental, to yourself. Thank you for getting here all on your own. You're safe now, I promise. You're safe with me," I worked a hand up to their bloodstained hair, gently trying to workout the numerous knots and tangles within it.

    They sighed, smiling as they held back what I was assuming to be tears of both mixed joy and fear.

    "Thank you for saving me," They responded, sniffling.

We stayed like that for a few minutes; I kept trying to work through the knots in their hair, allowing them to rest their head comfortably on my chest as I did so. Considering everything that's happened within the past day or two, this had to be the best case scenario, or close to it, at the very least, which I, and I'm sure Y/N, as well, was incredibly thankful for. Suddenly, a confused look worked its way onto Y/N's face.

"How long was I even out for? And how the hell did you find me?" They asked me. I sighed a bit before responding,

"You got here late on the 23rd, and it's now the 26th, so at least a good two, maybe three days. As to how I found you, well, I just happened to be at the club that night; I left around 9:15 and I'm glad I did. The main doctor taking care of you said that if you were out there much longer, you likely... wouldn't have made it," I tightened my grip on them during the last part of my response.



"Okay," They sighed, leaning further into me before speaking again, "How much... how much did they have to do to patch me up like this?" Oh, god, I was dreading this question.

"Well," I started, "They immediately took you into the ER upon seeing the state you were in; as a brief summary, you had broken and displaced ribs, a broken leg, a cracked sternum, a concussion, a sprained ankle, two broken arms, multiple bursted arteries and veins, internal bleeding, multiple head injuries, and some tearing, uh, down there. It was so bad that they, they um-" Now I was the one hiccupping, "They lost you a few times before getting you stable again," I left it at that so I wouldn't cry again.

"I, I mean, it makes sense, but- did I actually... die a few times?" Fear laced their shaky voice as they gripped me impossibly tighter; I nodded.

"But you're alright now, well, alright enough that we aren't gonna lose you again, okay? I promise," I reassured them, making sure they were calm before speaking again, "Now, onto the next matter at hand,"

    "Which is...?"

    "Figuring out how to keep you here without your parents throwing a fit."


word count: 1345

i promise there's less angst coming soon yall please bare with me. vote and comment if you enjoyed plz <3

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