Chapter Seventeen - Gavin?

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The entirety of this chapter is in Dom's P.O.V. 

enjoy <3


It's been about a week since I had gotten Y/N their new phone and everything; since that night, they've They aren't as talkative as they used to be, they're skipping meals, and they've, like, barely left their room. At first I thought maybe they were ill, but now I'm really starting to get concerned; something must have happened last week, but I can't figure out what. It's frustrating. I walked up to their room, knocking gently on the door. I heard a small 'come in' and took that as my cue to enter the room. Y/N was curled up into a small ball on their bed, phone in hand, scrolling through what I was assuming to be TikTok. Just through the light of their phone screen I could tell that they had recently been crying. Concern flooded my system immediately as I carefully approached them, sitting on the edge of their bed.

"Hey..." I started, "What's wrong?" I was quiet and careful in how I spoke; I didn't want to further upset them.

"I'm okay," They responded; I could tell they were lying, which annoyed me a bit.

The first response I get from them in a week and it's a lie.

"Come on, I'm dumb but I'm not that dumb," I shoot back, not as careful as before.

"I'm. Fine," They held their ground, placing their phone down beside them.

"No you're not. Stop lying to me."

"No. I don't wanna talk about it. There isn't even anything to talk about. I'm fine."

I was starting to lose my temper.

"Y/N, you're not. Tell me what's going on."

"Nothing is going on."

"GODDAMMIT, Y/N, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO FUCKING DIFFICULT?!" I lost control, storming out.

I slammed their door, taking a deep breath as I re-entered the living room to find everyone staring at me, concerned. Everyone except for...Gavin? Why is he, like, smirking?

"You okay there Dom? What happened?" Adam asked, looking up the stairs in the direction of Y/N's room.

"They just won't tell me why they've been so distant lately. It got frustrating, I lost control and I- oh shit," I cut myself off, realizing what I had done.

"...Yeah, you were, uh, a little intense up there, Dom," Gavin said, snickering.

"You think this is fucking funny?" My tone was low as I glared at the snarky asshole; I was, obviously, still mad at him for blocking Y/N everywhere.

"You better get up there and right your wrongs, Harrison," Tom stated to me, staring me down.

I bolted back up the stairs, once again knocking softly on Y/N's door. I waited; one minute, two minutes, five minutes, nothing. I knocked again, a little harder this time; maybe they just didn't hear me.

"FUCK OFF!" I heard through the door, followed by a few sobs; shit, I needed to get in there.

I turned the doorknob, only to find it locked. Fuck. I knocked again.

"Y/N, please, I'm sorry, please let me in," I pleaded, leaning against the door.

They didn't reply for a few minutes; I heard the sink start running. They were probably cleaning up their face after crying. After a few minutes, the door unlocked. I immediately made my way in, closing and re-locking the door behind me, knowing it would likely put them more at ease knowing that no one else would come in. I was met with Y/N standing in front of me in pajama pants and a hoodie, knees buckling as they leaned onto their bed for support. They were holding back tears and clearly having trouble breathing; I caused a panic attack. Fuck. I backed up a bit before speaking,

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