Chapter Thirty-Two - Officers

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D/N = Deadname (if applicable)

enjoy <3


I woke up in pain and alone, but I wasn't in my room anymore. I was in a hospital. I groaned, sitting up carefully and painfully. Everything in my body was sore. Literally everything. At least it's getting treated, though. I looked around the empty room, kind of upset. I'm assuming Dom and the others had to go back home. Damn.

"Holy shit you're alive," I heard Tom from the doorway and immediately smiled.

So they didn't have to leave. Well, at least, Tom didn't.

"Oh thank FUCK-" Tom rushed over, carefully hugging me.

I smiled, gladly accepting the hug. I would have hugged back, but my arms hurt the most out of everything, so I didn't. Instead, I just leaned into Tom a bit, pulling away a few moments after he did.

"Need anything before I call the much more dramatic twats in? If you're sore you should probably get some pain meds before I tell them you're awake or those hugs are gonna hurtttttt," Tom offered.

"Yes please, pain meds, absolutely. Gonna need 'em when Dom comes in here," I replied, chuckling.

Tom nodded, walking out of the room and returning a couple minutes later with a bottle of Ibuprofen and a bottle of water. He handed me the two items, waiting until I had taken the pain meds to tell me his plan of action.

"Okay. Those take about forty minutes to kick in, so I'm gonna go down and tell them you're awake but there are doctors doing things and they said to wait another forty-five minutes so that you don't get clobbered before the meds kick in. Okay?" Tom suggested, which I nodded in reply to.

"Sounds good to me,"

"Alright, see ya in a bit!" Tom gave me one last careful hug before walking out of the room to enact his plan out.

Fifty minutes later, the pain meds had kicked in fully and I was completely enveloped in three different pairs of arms. Dom and Adam were crying, Jesse was asking me a bunch of worried questions, and Tom was trying to calm all three of them down. Finally, after about ten minutes, Adam and Jesse pulled away. Dom, however, stayed put, still crying along with apologizing profusely. After a minute or so, I shushed him and asked to just talk about it later, which he complied to to the best of his ability. A couple minutes of silence passed before Adam spoke up.

"I'm hungry," He stated.

"Same," Me,

"Me too" Tom,

"I could eat," Jesse,

"Yeah, same here." and Dom all responded at the same time.

We laughed at the synchronized yet varied responses for a moment before deciding on what to eat, which ended up being Chinese takeout, something we all agreed on relatively quickly. Tom offered to pick it up, so he left after ordering the food; Jesse and Adam went with him so they could stop at the police station and give them an update on my condition. I sighed once they had left, relieved. I love them, don't get me wrong, but I'm really overwhelmed right now. I quieted down a bit in comparison to just a few minutes ago and looked down, no longer trying to mask my discomfort and anxiety. Of course, Dom immediately noticed and scooted away from me a bit, already figuring out part of how I was feeling.

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