Chapter Forty-Six - Trial

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January thirteenth: day of the trial.

"I hereby find F/N and M/N L/N not guilty of all charges. As for D/N, they will return to their parents, who will now have full custody of them once more in the eyes of the law. Adjourned."


How the fuck.

This can't be happening.

They cannot be going back there. It's not safe! How the fuck could the court be allowing this?! I can't let them go back there again.

Dom stood up.

I stood up.

He was pissed.

I was terrified.

He looked about ready to kick the judge's ass.


He was loud. It scared me. My parents are smiling at me. It's scaring me more.

"There is AMPLE proof of what has happened to Y/N whilst in the care of their parents. There is documented photo, video, and audio proof. There is no way they aren't guilty."

"Mr. Harrison, I ask that you use D/N's legal name within the courtroom. My verdict for this trial is final. You may take up a re-trial with the court in the future, but until then, D/N is to return to their parents."

I don't wanna go back. I can't! They'll kill me!

Fuck. This cannot be happening. I hate that I can't do more. SHIT.

I start losing control of my breathing.

Y/N is slipping into a panic attack, fuck. I have to get them home.

Dom picks me up, rushing to the car that was there to take us home, I'm assuming.


Once we get home, I find Tom, Adam, Jesse, and Ben all there. They couldn't come to the trial. I ignore them, rushing Y/N upstairs to their room so I can help them calm down.

Everyone is here. I cry more, realizing this is one of the last times I'll be able to see them all.

It takes nearly an hour to calm Y/N down. They still can't stop crying. I feel horrible.

I try desperately to stop my tears from flowing. I need to talk to all of them.

They manage to stop crying. Fuck, I hate seeing them like this.

"Can everyone else come up here?"

"Of course, love. Cover your ears." I yell down to all of them to come up here.

Tom, Adam, Ben, and Jesse join Dom and I. I can tell they've all already figured out that we lost. We sit in a huge group hug on my floor for hours, just sitting and crying.


Our hug was interrupted by a sharp knocking at the door. I got up to answer it, finding Y/N following closely behind me.

I don't wanna be apart from him at all until I have to be.

It's a cop.

Why is there a police officer at the door? Are they already taking me away?

"The trial was rigged. We just got word of it. The judge knew Y/N's parents and owed them a favor, apparently."

You're fucking kidding me.

"Called it." Shit, I said that out loud. Whatever, it made Y/N smile for a second.

"A re-trial is already being scheduled. Unfortunately, until then, Y/N will have to go to live with their parents. I'm truly sorry, but there is nothing we can do. They have to be at the airport by 9 AM tomorrow. Their parents will be waiting to pick them up. Goodnight, sorry again."

It's 9 PM now. I only have 12 hours left with Dom before I don't see him for god knows how long. Ouch.


"...I wanna leave all the stuff you got me here. They'll wreck it all."

"At least take some clothes? And your inhaler and meds? Please?"


God, this hurts.


Twelve hours went by too quickly. Before I knew it, I was saying goodbye. I hated it.

I watched as they walked away, already shaking. I was barely holding myself together.

Goodbye, Dom. Thank you for everything.

This can't be the end of the line. I won't allow it.


word count: 676

thank you all so much for reading "There Really is Life on Mars." there has been such overwhelming, unexpected support behind this book and i cannot thank each and every one of you enough.


























but this can't be the end just yet, can it?

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