Chapter Twenty-Three - Hygiene, Dom

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Everything was so fuzzy. Why was everything so fuzzy? Why is my body so heavy? I can hear everything the group is saying. Why can't I wake up? I wanna talk to them. I fucked up, I don't wanna die yet.


It felt like years before I found myself gaining consciousness, thank shit; this whole time, it felt like I was floating outside of my body, just hearing everything going on around me but being unable to react or reply at all. I still couldn't open my eyes very easily, but I could feel myself regaining control of my own body, in a way. The first thing I felt was searing pain from both my arms, shortly followed by an extremely painful amount of dryness in my throat. I opened my eyes the slightest bit; it was too bright, making it difficult for me to open them any more. I then, despite the pain in my arms, tried to sit up, desperate for water. I briefly saw Adam look at me before rushing out of the room, shutting the lights off as he did so. Tom suddenly appeared at my side, trying to prevent me from sitting up; he had just said something on the other side of the room, but I couldn't make it out. I fought against him with what little strength I had, trying my best to ignore the pain in my arms. Soon enough, there was a second person with us, except this one was much more assertive. I was tackled into a careful but tight hug, stopping me from sitting up. I looked up to try and see who had tackled me; it was Dom. He was sobbing; I felt horrible, but he had landed on my right arm and was pressing down on it, making it feel like the entirety of my forearm was on fire. Despite my horribly dry throat, a yelp of pain escaped my lips as tears sprung to my eyes, which I had screwed shut. Dom quickly got up, switching his position so that he was sitting on my legs with his elbows resting on either side of each of my shoulders, allowing him to cup my face in his hands and wipe away my tears.

"What hurts? I'm sorry, I should have been more careful, fuck. What do you need? Water? Food? Pain meds? Anything you need, I'll get it. Anything. I promise. Here: Tom, go get water, please. And hand me the takeout bag from earlier. Are you hungry? Do you want anything to-" Dom's worried ramble was cut off by Adam and two other people rushing into the room: a nurse and a doctor.

"You're gonna need to get off of them for a moment, sir. We have to change a few things out and run a few quick tests," The doctor said to Dom, who hesitantly got off of the bed, still deciding to hold my right hand in his own.

Dom reluctantly allowed the doctors to do what they needed to do; he was holding on to my hand nearly the entire time, only letting go (albeit hesitantly) when my arm, which looked awful with the stitches in, by the way, needed to be re-wrapped. After about half an hour, the doctors finished what they needed to do, giving Dom, Tom, and Adam a brief run-down of my condition and what to do once I was released from the hospital before taking their leave. The second they were gone, Dom was all over me again and went straight back into his worried, fear-filled rambling. I cut him off immediately after he said it was his fault by flicking his forehead, causing him to flinch back and finally quiet down, meeting my eyes shamefully. I gestured to the water bottle on the nightstand; Tom understood what I was trying to say and opened it for me. Dom carefully helped me sit up a bit so I could take a sip of it without choking. I drank nearly half the bottle in one go; my throat was so dry. Once I felt like I could actually speak again, I turned to Dom.

"This is not your fault," I croaked out, pulling him into a hug as best I could whilst laying back down.

"I know but I can't help but-"

"I know. Still isn't your fault. It's okay," I cut him off, slowly bringing my left hand (which was now detached from an IV, thank fuck) to rest in his hair; that didn't last very long.

I pulled my hand away the second it made contact with his hair; the texture of it was disgusting. I nearly gagged, which Dom noticed. He pulled away from the hug, concerned.

"What is it? What do you need? Is something hurting? Is-"

"Dominic Harrison."

He looked at me, scared to hear what I was about to say.

"If you do not go into that bathroom and wash your nasty ass fucking hair right now, I will get out of this bed and push you in there myself," I finished my semi-serious threat, hearing howls of laughter from Tom and Adam soon after.

Dom's face went from incredibly concerned to 'oh shit' as I spoke; he rushed off of me and into the bathroom, apologizing frantically and saying he would be right back. Shortly after he entered the bathroom, I heard the shower start running; thank fuck. After another minute or so, Tom and Adam calmed their laughter, both turning to me.

"Nice to see you've still got your attitude in ya," Adam chortled, carefully ruffling my tangled mess of hair.

I hissed when he pulled at a knot unintentionally, causing him to yank his hand away quickly. He looked at me with concern written all over his face before realizing what had happened.

"I'm gonna call Ben and ask him to bring over a few toiletries and shit, including a hairbrush," Adam chuckled a bit before leaving the room once more, phone already up to his ear.

Tom walked over and sat on the edge of my bed, patting my shoulder with caution.

"Are you feeling okay? Not physically, I already know the answer to that," He asked quietly.

Tom and I got a lot closer after he came and pretty much rescued me from my parents when I thought I had to go back to them. He's pretty much the closest thing I have in our little dysfunctional family to an older brother, considering that Dom is more like a cool uncle in my mind. I'm definitely still the closest with Dom, but Tom has become quite a close second. I began thinking over what Tom asked me: how am I feeling?

"...Regretful," I replied quietly, looking down.

"About what?" Tom replied.

"About not telling you guys how I was feeling sooner. Once Adam and Dom are back, I wanna apologize to all of you formally. I could have prevented this by just being open with you guys about what was happening," I responded, tears beginning to prick my eyes once again.

"What was really happening? Davey was so panicked on the phone earlier that I could barely make out what he said," I heard a new voice much higher than Tom's speak up.

Upon looking up, I was met with a very unexpected sight. Dom and Adam were back in the room and Ben had joined them, but there was one more person in the room that I did not expect to see.

There stood Jesse Jo Stark, in the flesh, in front of my hospital bed, holding about eight hundred shopping bags, concern painted all over her face.


word count: 1264

i told you lot i had a chapter almost completely ready to go!! im already working on chapter twenty four, as well, be ready, haha. thank you all so much for reading and please vote and comment if you enjoyed!

-r <3

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