Chapter Twelve - Twitter

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C/N: City Name

D/N: Deadname (if applicable)


please make sure to read the author's note at the end of this chapter! enjoy <3


London is nice. London is really nice. After finishing up the Life on Mars tour, Dom took me back to London with him, saying "No way in hell are you gonna be under my care without goin' to my fookin' home." I was not opposed in the slightest. So, with consistent updates on me being sent to the police to keep my case updated, we made our way to London. Our first stop was, of course, Dom's place so we could at least drop off all of our stuff. Afterwards, Dom immediately took me and the rest of our little crew out to dinner at some expensive restaurant. We all sat together around a huge table; Dom was on my left, Adam was on my right, Tom was next to Dom, so on and so forth. Everything was great; things had gotten so much better in the past couple months I've been touring with Dom. Matter of fact, by the last show, I was able to mosh, right in the pit! It was amazing, it was everything Dom had told me it would be. I pulled out my phone, checking Twitter; my phone was absolutely blowing up with notifications from the bird app. I nearly dropped my phone when I saw why. The hashtag #FindY/N was trending worldwide. I completely tuned out my surroundings as my stomach dropped in terror. My parents had made Twitter accounts, claiming that I was kidnapped and they were "utterly heartbroken."

"Hey, Y/N, you alright, kid?" Dom asked me, craning his head to try and see what I was looking at on my phone.

I stormed out, unable to take being around so many people right now. We weren't too far from our place, so I decided in my blind rage to stomp all the way back there. Dom was behind me the entire time, trying to catch up. Upon reaching the house, I slammed the door behind me before throwing my phone onto the ground and proceeding to jump on it continuously, completely shattering the device. Dom walked in and saw what I was doing, quickly swooping in to stop me. He picked me up and sat me on the couch, pulling up my tear-covered face gently to make what little eye contact I could make through my onslaught of tears.

"What happened?" Dom asked slowly.

"We don't have much time, Dom," I replied.

"Tell me what happened,"

"See for your-fucking-self. Check twitter,"

Dom pulled out his phone, doing as I requested him to. His eyes blew wide, wide enough that in any other situation, it would have been comical. He was close to having the same reaction as me before I stopped him.

"I need to go,"

"WHAT?! No! You can't! You know what they'll fucking do!!" Dom looked back at me, panicked.

"But if I don't go back, there's gonna end up being a search for me anyways,"

"At least let me come with you,"

"No. Absolutely not,"

"Please. You can't go back to the way things were, you kn-"

"YOU THINK I DON'T FUCKING KNOW THAT, DOM?! YOU THINK I WANT TO GO BACK? NO! I'M GOING BACK SO YOUR ASS DOESN'T GET SUED! I KNOW IT WON'T BE ANY GOOD IF I GO BACK, BUT IF YOU GET YOUR CAREER RUINED BECAUSE OF ME THEN I AM ABSOLUTELY DONE FOR. YOU'RE THE ONE THING I'VE BEEN LIVING FOR FOR SO MUCH TIME, I'M NOT LETTING YOUR LIFE GET RUINED BECAUSE OF ME." I ran out, slamming the door behind me. Luckily, I snagged a map from the foyer on the way out, so I was able to find my way to the airport pretty easily. I used the card Dom had gotten me so long ago to purchase a plane ticket to C/N; the flight boarded in forty five minutes. I sped my way through security, getting on the plane as quickly as possible. I clocked out the second my head hit the back of my seat.


When I woke up, my flight had just landed; perfect timing. I got off the plane and out of the airport quickly, regretfully walking my way back to my old house, somehow. There were no cars in the driveway; my parents weren't home. I walked in the house, heading up to my old room, locking and barricading the door upon entry. I sat down on my bed, a familiar urge making itself apparent after nearly two months of absence. I subsided quickly, doing as much as I felt necessary. I didn't bother getting up to clean or properly dress the cuts; there was no point, since they would just reopen and worsen upon my parents' arrival. About an hour later, I heard the front door open. I went downstairs, being met with two familiar, very angry faces.

"So you decided to actually come back, huh, D/N?" My father spat at me; I looked down, knowing what happened next.


I laid in bed, too exhausted to get up and take care of myself. I know I shouldn't have come back, but if word got out that Dom, YUNGBLUD, a celebrity, was housing me and supposedly "kidnapping" me from my parents, his life would be ruined. I can't have that happen. The entire Black Hearts Club can't have that happen. I took a deep breath, feeling more tears manifest themselves into existence. I allowed myself to begin succumbing to the temptation to sleep, feeling a little better knowing that my parents had already left again. Just as I was about to sleep, I heard a tap on my window. I tensed up tremendously, seeing a figure squatted in my window frame. The window was open and the person tumbled in, landing on my bed right in front of me. They pulled in what I was assuming to be a ladder that they used to get to the window; it was too dark to make out anything other than shapes. The ladder was carefully placed on the ground before the figure sat crossed legged in front of me and turned their phone light on.

I was met with the face of none other than Tom Pallant, holding a first aid kit and a backpack full of god knows what.


word count: 1047

im really sorry this took so long to come out! im still in high school, and my classes are back in full swing; ive gotten too bust during the week to write as much. so ! chapters will likely be posted every weekend for quite a while; ill update you all if anything changes! thank you so much for reading, please vote and comment if you enjoyed! <33

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