Chapter Twenty-Two - Blackout

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Panic engulfed me as everyone pulled me out of the way; doctors flooded into the room, surrounding the bed. We were quickly ushered into the waiting room yet again. I could feel my breathing starting to pick up. I heard Ben and Davey trying desperately to get my attention and keep me conscious, but their voices sounded really far away. I promptly blacked out, feeling someone catch me before losing total consciousness.

By the time I was conscious and aware of what was happening around me again, we were back in Y/N's room and I was back in the same position from earlier; my forehead was resting on their right hand, which my own hands were currently, yet again, engulfing. I turned and looked around the room to find that Tom was asleep in the chair to my right, Gavin was sat on a chair in the corner of the room, Davey was nowhere to be seen (but the bathroom door was closed and the light was on), Ben was sat in a chair opposite of Gavin, and Adam was pacing the room, his hands on the sides of his head as he burned holes into the floor with how intense his stare was. I remembered why I had blacked out and my head shot up to inspect Y/N's monitors yet again. The heart monitor was steady and in the green, thank god; the brain monitor was orange, but seemed to be staying pretty stable there without much fluctuation in the numbers presented on the small screen.

"Oh, thank fucking god," I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my eyes to help myself fully wake back up.

Adam quickly stopped pacing upon hearing my voice, his head snapping to stare at me for a moment before he let out a sigh of relief.

"You scared the shit out of me," He said, coming over and hugging me tightly once I stood up.

"I'm fine. Is Y/N okay now?" I replied, getting Gavin's attention, who stood up now, as well, genuine guilt still painting his features.

"They're not okay, per say, but their condition stabilized itself. Doctors said something like what happened earlier with their brain activity shouldn't happen again," He answered my question, his voice small; he really does feel bad, good.

"Someone saw you and us all rush in here earlier and posted about it on Twitter," Ben said after a moment of silence, looking at me.

"Fuck, did anyone-"

"Don't worry, I took care of it. I didn't say why, just made sure people knew that you were physically okay and said you were dealing with some family stuff, I hope that's okay. I just wanted to let you know," He cut me off, keeping his voice calm.

"Thank you. That's perfect," I replied, sighing again as I sat down on the edge of Y/N's bed, taking their right hand in my own once again.

Davey entered the room from the bathroom, greeting me once he noticed I was awake again. He sat in the chair I had been in previously, patting my knee as a form of some sort of comfort or reassurance, I'm assuming.

"...Did we ever get that takeout?" I asked; I was still hungry.

"Yeah, here. Should still be warm," Adam handed me a paper bag.

I got out the last full container in there, knowing it was mine. I dug in, finishing half of the contents of the container in under ten minutes. Once I had enough to eat, I cleaned everything up, placing the container back in the bag and throwing out my plastic fork.

"What time is it?" I asked as I sat back down on the edge of Y/N's bed.

"8:44 PM. It's past visiting hours, but I convinced doctors to let us stay," Tom replied groggily, having just woken up.

I nodded, thanking him. I began slowly moving my thumb back and forth, rubbing the top of Y/N's hand carefully as a form of comfort for myself. After a few moments of comfortable, but solemn silence, Davey stood up, along with Ben and Gavin.

"We're gonna head out, you guys gonna be alright?" Davey asked, looking at me with concern.

"We'll be alright. I'll keep you updated," Tom replied.

"Okay, please do. Oh, by the way, Gavin and Davey went and cleaned up the house while you were asleep in the waiting room earlier, Dom. They brought you back a change of clothes, since yours still have blood on them. We love you, feel better," Ben replied hesitantly as the group left, closing the door quietly behind him.

Now, it was just me, Adam, and Tom. I got up, walking to the bathroom, taking the folded pile of clothes from the coffee table in the room as I did so.

"Gonna go change," I mumbled, shutting and locking the door behind me.

I changed quickly, biting my lip to try and control my emotions. I slid down the wall of the small room, curling up into a ball on the floor. Tears once again sprung to my eyes as I gritted my teeth, my head screaming at me to keep blaming myself, but I knew Y/N wouldn't want that, so I tried as best as I could to drive those thoughts of self hatred out of my godforsaken head. They're alive and in stable condition, it's fine, it's not my fault. It's not my fault, it's not my fault, it's not my fault, it's not-

"Dom! Get out here, now!" I heard Tom through the door, his voice urgent.

My head snapped towards the door, my eyes widening. I quickly stood up, wiping my tears and leaving the bathroom, leaving my old clothes in there; I would get them later. Adam was nowhere to be seen and Tom was right next to Y/N's bed, trying to stop them from sitting up; they were fighting against them, their head down and their teeth gritted in pain as they still continued to try and sit upright, despite their condition.

Holy shit, they're awake.


word count: 1021

i promise ill stop makin yall suffer soon but i haven't written angst here in a while so i really do be dragging it out i promise the reader doesnt die dont sue me- /lh

please vote and comment if u enjoyed, ill probably be posting another chapter today or tomorrow! <3

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