Chapter Eleven - Spoiled Rotten

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also, this chapter keys into the reader going through a transition in terms of pronouns, but the reader is still gender neutral. enjoy <3


Dom's P.O.V.

I woke up the morning after my show in C/N with Y/N pretty much completely under the blankets on the hotel bed. I chuckled, getting out of bed and getting ready for the day; I let them sleep. They have had an insane, exhausting past year or so, they deserve some rest. Besides, I have a few things I need to get done today. After getting ready, I left a note on the nightstand.

headed out to run a few quick errands and handle some legal stuff. be back soon <3


I left the hotel, using my phone to get directions to the nearest police office. I had asked Y/N yesterday if it was alright to get some photo evidence of what was happening to them; thankfully, they said yes. Upon reaching the office, I stepped in, following a few signs until I finally found where I could report crimes that weren't matters that could be handled over the phone. I knocked on the door briskly and was quickly greeted by a burly man in an officer uniform. He smiled curtly, welcoming me in and gesturing to a chair in front of a desk for me to sit in. The room was overall plain, exactly what you would expect in a typical office.

"How can I help you?" The man, who's name was Officer Jones, asked me.

"I would like to report a case involving child abuse; I have photo evidence to go along with it, as well," I replied, getting straight down to business; this was being handled today. They cannot go back to their parents.

"Alright, explain the situation to me, sir,"

I told him everything I knew; from seeing their TikTok (which I showed the officer), to calling them the first time, to trying to find a way to sneak them out of there, them flying to Donny, meeting them outside of the venue, all of it. When necessary, I showed him the photo evidence I had, not surprised when I saw a look of shock cover his complexion.

"One more thing: this cannot be released to the public until the entire situation is taken care of, please. If this all blows over well, I do plan to ask them how they would feel about staying with me permanently. I don't want them to stress over my fanbase suddenly bombarding them on top of taking care of the matters at hand," I finished, making eye contact with the officer to further convey how deadly serious I was.

"Got it. We'll keep it under wraps as best we can," Officer Jones replied, giving a curt nod.

"Thank you so much. Is there anything else I need to do before I take my leave?" I asked, wanting to be as thorough as possible.

"Yes, actually. If you wouldn't mind, I do have a report I would like you to fill out. Make sure to write in something about keeping it on the down low until it's all taken care of as well, just in case,"

I nodded, taking the report and a pen from him and promptly filling out the report in as much detail as possible. I wrote down the same things I had told Officer Jones, making sure to include my business email address so I could send in any photo evidence necessary. Upon finishing the report, I handed it to the officer, thanking him once more before leaving. I smiled as I left the building; it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Now that the police know they're with me and the reasoning behind their staying with me, they're finally safe. They're safe and won't be going back there without the police or myself present. As I was walking back to the hotel, I came across a little street shop with lots of alternative and goth style clothing, shoes, and accessories. I smiled even wider. Good thing I had bought Y/N clothes before and knew all their sizes. Now that they're safe with me, I have the get-go to spoil them rotten.

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