Chapter Thirty - Unfortunate Outcome

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things are getting heavy again. read at your own discretion.



The moment I saw who was at the door, I panicked. And I mean panicked.

"DOM!" I screamed before sprinting up to my room to the best of my ability.

The minute I screamed, I heard a heavy set of footsteps rushing to the front of the house. I reached my room in record time, slamming and locking the door shut behind myself. I turned all the lights off, made sure my windows were all locked in my bedroom and closet, and shut all of my curtains and blinds. I used my phone flashlight to navigate around and grab a few things before heading into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind myself. I, again, made sure my window was locked and the curtains and blinds were shut before turning all of the lights off. I kept my phone flashlight on and sat on the floor, sorting myself out and using my inhaler before turning my flashlight off. I had grabbed a monster, some snacks, a blanket, a pillow, a phone charger, my AirPods, and my noise-cancelling earplugs. I moved myself and all of my things into my bathtub, shutting the shower curtain, as well. There I remained for a little over an hour before hearing a knock on my bedroom door and a muffled voice.

"It's alright. She's gone. Called the cops on her. She's in police custody with her vile husband now, it's okay," It was Dom; he sounded worried.

I rushed out of the bathroom, putting all the stuff I had grabbed onto my bedroom floor before dashing to the door and unlocking it, immediately hugging Dom tightly. He reciprocated the hug, pulling away after a few moments to check on me.

"You're okay, right? Didn't enflame anything or cause any flare-ups? You took your inhaler too, right? You can breathe okay, yeah?" He asked me a flurry of questions.

I laughed, nodding before turning my bedroom lights on and dragging Dom into my room. I put away all of the stuff I had taken out before taking out drinks and snacks for Dom and myself before pulling Dom back downstairs. I dumped the snacks and drinks on the table before unceremoniously flopping down onto the couch. Dom sat down next to me, he looked really upset.

"Why do you look like someone just came over to you and put out a cig you just lit?" I asked him, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"I've gotta talk to you about something and you're not gonna like it," He sighed, tearing up a bit.

Oh no.


Three hours later, I was sitting in a plane with a backpack of a few necessities, numb after crying my eyes out. Dom was on the other side of the plane in his own seat, looking solemn, anxious, and despondent. I, for one, was scared out of my mind.

I have to go back to my parent's house until either the now set court date in around three months or until they legally disown me, which they have no intention of doing. It was apparently a legal issue, according to whatever police showed up to take my mom into custody. Her and my dad had been released; it's gonna stay that way until their trial. Dom's coming with me to sneak in and stay with me as much as possible, but he's only got a week before he's scheduled to record more new music. After I'm-Not-Even-Sure-How-Long, the plane landed. Dom and I couldn't be seen exiting together; my parents were the ones picking me up. I saw them and trudged over, keeping my head down as they roughly guided me to the car before shoving me in and driving home. I was knocked out the second the front door shut.

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