A/N - I Need Your Help !

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HI EVERYONE !!!! im so sorry there hasnt been an update as of late , the last week and a half has been super hectic !!! first of all , ive been sick (not with covid, luckily), and, as im sure you all saw, i was able to get tickets to see dom in february !! the past week and a half has been my last chance to save up money; i managed to get around $400 saved since august, in case anyone was wondering !! anyways, all this to ask yall a question; i have what could be a new chapter ready, but i also could make it a really long chapter. so ! would you guys like me to revise what i have now and post it, or keep writing and make it a longer chapter ? please tell me in the comments !! thank you all so much for 1.2 THOUSAND reads, by the way, that's insane !!!! love y'all so much, please send in that feedback and dont hesitate to comment !! i promise i wont bite, haha!

much love,
r <33

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