Chapter Thirteen - Tom

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two chapters in one day! enjoy <3


"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked Tom warily, looking over to my door to make sure it was barricaded.

"You need to come back," He replied.

"...Tom, you know I can't. If I do, Dom's career will-"

"I think Dom's mental and physical health is more important than his career. When you left, we found him in the middle of a panic attack that turned into a really bad asthma attack; one of the worst attacks I've ever seen him have, in fact. You terrified him. He's worried sick, but in no condition to travel right now. Along with that, we all want you back. Dom said to wait until he could come with, but I couldn't; shit is no longer the same without you in the house. Hell, even Gavin is worried about you. Now come on, let me patch you up. ...Y/N? You alri-"

"I caused him to have a life-threatening asthma attack?" I couldn't look up at Tom, I couldn't move at all; I was too focused on what I had done.

"Shit, we all knew you would react like this- look, it's not your fault-"

"Yes it is, Tom. He literally had it because I left unreasonably. It is one hundred percent my fault. I could have killed him. I nearly killed him. Fuck, I-"

"Y/N. Calm down," Tom grabbed my shoulders, carefully pulling me in for a hug before continuing, "He's fine now. He knew he couldn't stop me from coming, so he told me to tell you to not blame yourself,"

"But I-"

"No. Listen, please. You were panicking. You couldn't help but lash out and do something unreasonable; you're still a kid, and a kid with a lot going on in your head already. That's not something you control. You didn't nearly kill him, none of that. You freaked out and did what you thought was best for him at the moment without knowing the consequences it could cause, that's okay. Now you know, and hopefully we won't let the situation get to this point again. There's a flight back to London at 4 AM, it's currently around 11:45. It's gonna take a while to patch you up, so let's get on that and we can go to the police right after before heading to the airport. I already have the tickets. Sound like a plan?" Tom explained to me, asking his closing question hesitantly; I sighed.

"I guess," I replied, nervous about the outcome of this plan.

Tom smiled, thanking me before quickly getting to fixing me up. By the time we were finished, it was around 12:30 in the morning. Tom pulled out some more of the contents of the backpack; a set of comfortable clothes for me to change into and a pair of noise-cancelling headphones for the airport so I don't get overwhelmed. I smiled, carefully changing into the new clothes and slipping the headphones around my neck for the time being. Tom put the ladder back out, leaving it there as evidence of me willingly leaving. He carefully climbed down before helping me do the same.

With that, we were off. We took a stop to the police station, explaining everything that had happened in the past two days with photo, audio (I had recorded my parents while they had their way with me) and screenshotted proof. The police kept track of the information, putting the evidence into a hard drive full of similar evidence from the report Dom had initially filed. After taking care of the police situation, it was nearly 2 AM. We booked it to the airport; I pulled the headphones over my ears upon entry. We waited patiently to board our flight and, finally, at 3:44 AM, we were on. I, yet again, passed out the moment my head hit the back of my seat. The last thing I was aware of was Tom putting my seatbelt on for me and laying his hoodie over me.

Upon awakening, I found myself being carried through the airport. I guess we landed not too long ago. I tapped Tom's chest, pointing to the ground as a request to be put down. He smiled and shook his head; dammit, I'm injured again. Now none of them are gonna let me do anything for months, ugh. We eventually made our way into a taxi and were on our way back home. I managed to convince Tom to let me walk the ten feet into the house on my own. Tom entered first, I was right behind him. I was met with a pacing, crying Dom in the living room. Upon hearing footsteps, Dom's head snapped in our direction; he looked behind Tom, seeing me. I looked down shamefully.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered before getting swooped into Dom's arms.

"Jesus fuck, you scared me so fucking bad, holy fucking hell. Don't ever do something like that again, please-" Dom cut himself off upon hearing my strained whines; he had gripped too tight and fuck did it hurt.

"Shit, fuck, I'm so sorry, here, let's get you into bed," Dom carried me bridal style to what I was assuming to be my room.

I looked around the room as Dom set me down on the bed before checking to make sure nothing had reopened. The bedroom was fucking sick. The walls were littered top to bottom with photos, posters and decorations galore, christmas lights were strung under a huge shelf just under the ceiling all the way around the room, shelving and a nightstand surrounded the bed, which was clad in mismatched sheets and held a couple pillows and a copious amount of stuffed animals. On the wall opposite of the bed sat a black desk with an incredibly comfortable looking chair. On top of the desk sat a gaming PC and a few currently indistinguishable boxes. Directly in front of the bed sat a dresser, two doors off to the right. One was a closet and the other seemed to be my own fucking bathroom. There's no way this is my room.

"Okay, nothing's bleeding. You oka-"

"Is this my room?" I unintentionally interrupted a still slightly panicky Dom, who smiled upon comprehending what I had said.

"Yeah, it is. I hope you like it; Tom, Adam, Ben, and I spent quite a while designing it and getting it put together. I hope you don't mind that I unpacked all of your things into it while you were gone, I needed something to do so I didn't-"

"I love it," I smiled at Dom before hugging him as best I could.

He let out a sigh of relief, hugging me back carefully. He sat down on the bed, swaying back and forth a bit as he hugged me. It was clear he was still shaken up.

"...I'm sorry for being so reckless and leaving like that," I mumbled guiltily.

"No more apologizing for that. You're back now, the cops know what happened, it's alright. I'm okay, you're patched up and physically okay, it's okay," Dom replied, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

I fell asleep right then and there, allowing myself to let my guard back down. I'm okay, I'm safe now.


word count: 1214

woooo, double chapter day!! hope you all enjoyed! please vote and comment <3

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