Chapter Fourteen - Movies

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I awoke in Y/N's bed, Y/N still asleep and practically on top of me; I must have fallen asleep in here last night after bringing them to bed. I checked the time: July 22nd, 1:49 PM. It felt weird to wake up so late, but considering that Tom and Y/N got here like, really late last night, it makes sense to wake up so late, especially for Y/N. I carefully removed them from me and got out of bed, heading off to start making something to eat. I'd learned how to cook a bit more in the free time I've had since Y/N started touring with us, so I used my new skills to my advantage and made an absolutely delicious pasta dish that wasn't spaghetti and meatballs. I had made it lots before; it's been Y/N's favorite since they first tried it about two months ago. I made enough to serve everyone in the house, aka Y/N, me, Tom, Adam, and Ben. I portioned out Y/N their own bit of the pasta, knowing they liked it a specific way differently than everyone else, along with the fact that their stomach still had limits after eating so little for so long. On cue, the three dickheads came cascading down into the kitchen/dining area at the smell of food, shortly followed by Y/N, who was involuntarily scooped up by Adam to avoid going down the stairs. They whined in annoyance as Adam placed them in a stool sat in front of the counter before grabbing his food and dashing to the couch, Tom and Ben following his lead. I reached over from the other side of the counter, ruffling their hair with one hand as I slid them their food and a fork with the other.

"Mornin', sleepyhead. How'd ya sleep?" I asked them, grabbing my plate of pasta and sitting next to them.

"I know it's not morning, but I slept well," They replied, their voice scratchy.

"Want something to drink?" I made my way to the fridge.

"Do we have any appie juice?" They asked; yes, we all call apple juice 'appie juice.'

"Yep, here," I poured them a glass of apple juice, handing it to them before pouring myself a glass and sitting back down to continue eating.

"Thanks. I guess someone went grocery shopping?" Y/N replied.

"I did this morning, you're welcome!" Ben shouted from the couch.

"HEY! I came along too!" Adam cut in, pouting.

Y/N and I both laughed before digging back into our pasta, simply enjoying the joyful atmosphere of our living space. We had a few months until we were back on the road again in January, when we would be heading to the United States to do a tour there. Y/N is gonna experience so many things for the first time; I'm so excited. I've got so much to show them, including their birthday and Christmas. Holy shit, wait-

"Y/N, when's your birthday?" I asked them, food in my mouth.

"Dominic Harrison."

"Sorry," I swallowed my pasta, "When's your birthday?"

"December fourth," They sighed, probably expecting some long spiel about how they won't be getting anything; I nodded, smiling.

"That's the day Weird! came out," I smiled at them, they smiled back.

"Yeah, it is. That album was the best birthday present I could ever ask for, thank you again," They leaned over, hugging me from the side; I, of course, hugged back.

"You don't have to thank me. Anyways, you're getting the best damn birthday celebration you've ever had, got it?" I pulled away, holding the sides of their arms and looking them in the eyes, my own eyes ablaze with excitement; they nodded reluctantly.

I smiled wider, pulling them into another hug before taking both of our now empty plates and glasses and putting them in the sink; it was Ben's turn to do dishes. I helped Y/N over to the couch, sitting down next to them before grabbing the remote and turning on the TV.

"Anyone down to have a movie marathon today?" I asked.

"One hundred percent," Tom replied first,

"Absolutely," followed by Adam,

"Sure, why not," then Y/N,

"I'm down," finally, ending with Ben.

"How about we put on the most fucking stereotypical ass movie ever and laugh at it?" I offered, queuing up The Kissing Booth on Netflix.

Everyone nodded, Adam already giggling a bit, knowing what was coming.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT FUCKING LOGIC?! WHAT????" Y/N yelled at the TV as the movie came to a close, thoroughly confused and frustrated.

Me, Tom, Adam, and Ben were laughing our asses off at Y/N's reactions. Somehow, I was upside down on the couch, Tom was in the same position as me on the arm of the couch, Ben was on the coffee table, Adam had ended up on the fucking floor, and there was popcorn everywhere. Y/N was the only one still in a normal seated position, but was just yelling profusely, practically cussing out the credit screen rolling by in front of them. After the credits finished, they finally gave it a rest, downing the rest of their can of Ultra Gold Monster. They groaned, getting ready to yell again before I sat up and stopped them.

"Let's put on another movie," I said, gaining everyone's attention as I spoke.

"PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PUT ON AN ACTUAL GOOD FUCKING MOVIE, DOM," Y/N replied angrily, groaning as they cautiously got up and got themself a mini bottle of apple juice (yes, we have both mini bottles and a full size bottle).

"Of course, of course," I complied to their request, turning on Heathers.

Everyone got back into normal positions, resuming eating the popcorn instead of throwing it and enjoying the movie. I looked down at Y/N, smiling. They've grown so much in the short amount of time that they've been with us all. Even though what happened recently set them back a little bit, it's still easy to see that they've gotten better and aren't refusing recovery; it's amazing to watch them come out of their shell. I can't wait until the day they eventually join our little dysfunctional family. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing in my pocket. I excused myself, moving upstairs into my bedroom and answering the phone.


"Yes, hello, is this Dominic Harrison, by any chance?"

"Yes, it is,"

"My name is Officer Jekyll, I'm calling to update you on the abuse case you reported a couple months back. Is Y/N safe with you at the moment?"

"Yes, why?"

"Good. Keep it that way. The police showed up to their parent's house a few hours ago to place them under arrest, only to find them gone with a note on the entrance table reading, 'We will get the damn kid back.' Keep them safe, their parents are after them and will seemingly stop at nothing to get them back."


word count: 1177

hope you all enjoyed! please vote, comment, and share if you want, it means a lot to me <3

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