Chapter Twenty-Four - Jesse's Turn

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My face quickly morphed into one of shock; when Dom had brought me into his little family, he had also showed me Jesse's music. It makes sense, she is his girlfriend, after all. Nevertheless, I adored her the moment I had gotten through only two or three of her songs. Dom had been meaning to introduce me to her, but both her and his schedule had been way too busy until now, I guess. It was easy to tell I was shell shocked, and words began leaving my mouth without me even realizing it:

"Holy shit I am so sorry for breathing your air," I breathed out, quickly realizing what I said and slapping my hand over my mouth, resulting in a bit of a sting from my arm.

Once again, Adam and Tom started practically screaming with laughter, Ben now joining them. Dom began laughing as well, but most definitely not as much as the three stooges over there. Jesse smiled at me, laughing a bit; she could tell I was flustered.

"I should be the one saying that to you. I've seen a few photos of you and Dom together; you and your style are killer. Seriously, kid, I've been super excited to meet you, it sucks that this is how it had to happen. But! To make up for the shitty circumstances, I got you a few things!" She walked over with the shopping bags and sat cautiously on the edge of my bed before setting all of the bags down.

She was dressed casually, like everyone else; black, velvet tracksuit, same pair of Balenciagas that Dom and I own, hair tied up haphazardly. She still looked stunning. She bent down to the bags, pulling a large Chrome Hearts bag onto the bed, making sure to avoid bumping me with it.

"First off, I made Dom tell me all your sizes. You got spoiled by him, now it's my turn to spoil you. Starting with a few of the platform boots from my collection with Chrome Hearts! Dom told me about your style and the aesthetics you tend to dabble into, so I picked out a few pairs I thought you would like most," She pulled out three shoe boxes, opening them to reveal three different pairs of beautiful platform boots.

The first pair was white with the Chrome Hearts logo embroidered onto it in a matching white, the second pair was made of black vinyl with the Chrome Hearts logo embroidered in with silver detailing, and the third pair was bright red with a really nice-looking design embroidered on in the same fashion as the black pair. I looked at the boots in awe, already thinking about how I could style them once I was discharged. Jesse smiled upon seeing my reaction before carefully putting all the shoes away and grabbing another Chrome Hearts bag. This bag was smaller, but still decently large.

"Dom might get a little jealous, so bare with me. I haven't gotten one of these in his size yet so he's a little upset. I promise I'm gonna have it soon, you big baby. But here, these are from my collection too, but I'm hoping you like them. There's a jacket, pants, and a skirt. I can already tell you are going to rock the jacket, your aesthetic is perfect for it," She pulled out a leather jacket with bell sleeves and a cheetah-print Chrome Hearts logo on each sleeve, a pair of sick leather pants, and a leather skirt with an adorable fastener on the side.

Again, I was in awe. She carefully handed me the jacket, doing her best to not irritate my wrapped arms. I ran my hands carefully along the jacket, already buzzing with excitement to wear it. After a few moments, I handed it back to her before beginning to thank her profusely. She smiled, carefully quieting my thank you's and continuing on with showing me what she had brought. Along with the shoes and clothes from her line, she got me the bag set as well, saying I could use it for touring or to come over and have slumber parties with her if I ever needed a getaway from Dom and the crew for a bit. I laughed at her reasoning before she continued on. She got me tons of adorable little designer bags; I pretty much had a bag that matched with any outfit I could think of, now. She got me a ton of unreleased, sold out, or otherwise no longer available Deadly Doll attire, a few designer tracksuits (which were so comfortable-looking), and a ton of makeup. By the time she was finished with showing me what she had gotten me, I was tearing up as I thanked her. Her smile widened as she saw how happy I was.

"God, I'm really glad you like it all. I was super nervous that you wouldn't. Is it okay if I hug you?" She asked, leaning a bit closer to me.

A few tears fell as I nodded. The fact that she asked if she could hug me rather than just going for it was so sweet and was the icing on the cake to top off her already wonderful first impression. She gently helped me sit up before pulling me into a loose hug, rubbing my back slowly. She allowed me to cry into her chest and this was literally my first time meeting her, could she be any sweeter. She feels like the nice, loving mother I never had. After around two or three minutes, she pulled away to check her currently buzzing phone. Her eyes widened.

"Oh shit. I have a meeting in an hour, I've gotta go. I'm really sorry I couldn't stay longer, N/N, here, take my number. Call or text me whenever, I really wanna get to know you more, hopefully in better circumstances too. Bye everyone, love you guys," She smiled, pulling me into one more quick hug and giving Dom a quick kiss before rushing out.

"Dom I am so mad at you," I looked over to the red-haired twat.

"Wha- WHY-"

"Jesse motherfucking Jo Stark came over and I looked like shit,"

"I'm- N/N- you are literally in hospital-"

"I do not care. Ugh, I wished I looked better for thatttttt," I groaned before continuing, "She's really really amazing, though. Props to you for having such a sick girlfriend, Dom," I finished before my stomach growled.

Dom chuckled, carefully helping me sit up once again before hopping off of the bed and grabbing something from the other side of the room. He walked back over with his phone.

"What do you want to eat? Adam, Ben, and Tom took the takeout home while you were talking with Jess," I took a second to look around after Dom spoke, realizing that it was just me and him.

"...Can I have some fettuccine alfredo?" Dom chuckled.

"Of course. Come here, you still need to rest,"

Dom helped me to lay back down again as he returned to my bed and laid down with me. I rested my head on his chest as I practically buried myself into his side. His arm went around me protectively as he ordered the food. I felt myself starting to doze off, groaning a bit. I heard Dom laugh quietly.

"You can sleep. The food won't be here for a bit, don't worry. I'll wake you up when it gets here," Dom told me quietly, grabbing the brush Ben had brought earlier from the nightstand and trying the best he could to brush my hair while I stayed laying down on his chest. The gentle tug from Dom brushing my hair lulled me to sleep quickly. I smiled.

God, I'm glad I lived.


word count: 1303

told yall i was already writing another chapter! there might be another one up within the next few days, keep your eyes peeled....

as always, please vote and comment if you enjoyed! see you all next time :)

-r <3

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