Chapter Thirty-One - Livid

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I gritted my teeth after I spoke, livid to see the state Y/N was in, even after having Dom there with them for a week. It's only been a day since he left, yet they already look like their heart could literally stop beating at any moment. They looked at me in shock before their expression went blank once more.

"I have to," they responded, their tone flat and dry.

"Not if you go to the cops and show them what they're already doing again," I responded, Dom and I both watching as they nearly responded before hearing the front door open.

"Gotta go," they said quickly before the call was promptly ended.

"FUCK!" Dom nearly threw a chair across the room as he raged, clearly just as livid as I am about Y/N's current circumstances.

"...Get in the car," I mumbled.

"What?" Dom questioned me.

"GET IN THE FUCKING CAR," I responded, raising my voice and storming out of the studio.

Dom followed me, panicked.

"Look up the earliest flight to C/N and book four tickets. Text Jess and Tom and tell them to meet us at the airport. Have Gavin cancel all your plans for the next week. We can't just let them fucking suffer. We're going and getting them and bringing them straight to the police while we have rock solid proof of what their parents are still doing," I got into the driver's seat, starting the car as I spoke.

"Adam, we can't just-" I cut Dom off.

"So you'd rather just let them suffer like that for THREE MONTHS?" I raged, currently not giving a fuck about what we had to do for this new music.


"THEN WE ARE GOING OVER THERE AND WE ARE GETTING THEM THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!" I cut him off once again, being met with silence for the rest of the car ride.

When we got to the airport, Tom and Jesse were there, each with a carry-on packed. Dom and I had shit with us already, just because Dom sometimes ends up just sleeping at the studio. We boarded our plane the second it was boarding. After what felt like an eternity of waiting for the plane to land, we finally landed in C/N. I made sure all four of us were present before getting an Uber and booking it out of the airport. By the time we were through security and made it out of the airport, the Uber was there. We all got in quickly. I told the guy Y/N's address and told him to get there as quickly as possible. After a grueling twenty minutes in the car, we finally arrived, thank god it's night time, makes this a whole lot easier. Tom, Dom, Jesse, and myself all quietly crept into the backyard, allowing Tom to guide us to the window of their bedroom.

Fuck, it was on the second floor. I looked around for a moment, finding a few small rocks in the backyard to throw at the window to try and get their attention. I don't have to worry about being quiet, either; their parents' car is gone, meaning they likely aren't home. I threw each of the rocks a few times before the curtains finally opened. Y/N peeked down at us, eyes widening. They vanished for a few moments before Tom's phone buzzed.

"They know where the ladder I used to sneak in last time I was here is. Wait here," Tom said, running out of the backyard.

After a minute or so, Tom returned with a ladder. He propped it up against the house just under Y/N's window, making sure it was sturdy. Jesse beat us all to the ladder, quickly climbing up and practically diving into the open window. Soon after she entered the house, we heard a few small sobs leave her mouth. Dom was up next, followed by myself and then Tom, who pulled the ladder in after him and collapsed it down to fit in the room easily. He shut the window after placing the ladder down, joining us all on the floor, where Y/N had presumably been sitting when Jesse, who was now carefully hugging Y/N, first came in. They had completely curled into Jesse's arms, allowing themself to relax a bit. Because of the wait time for and duration of our flight, it had now been a good three days since Dom had to leave them to record music. Dom was sat in front of them with the first aid kit as Jess hugged them from behind. Tom was barricading the door more and I was keeping a close eye on Y/N.

"Dom," I started.


"Don't do anything yet. The police need to see the current state they're in. Jess, you think you can carry them down the ladder?" I asked.

"I think so,"

"Okay. Tom, you leave first and keep the ladder steady for Jess. Jess, you go out after Tom's out. Dom, then you. I'll come out last. Gonna order another Uber to the police station," I concluded.

Tom quickly set up the ladder and left the house, holding it steady at the bottom. Jess climbed out next, tightly holding onto Y/N with one arm. Dom followed suit, followed by me after I ordered the Uber. I shut the window behind myself before climbing back down. I told Tom to put the ladder back and meet us out front. After a good five minutes, the Uber arrived. Again, we all quickly got in and I told the driver to get to the C/N Police Station as quickly as possible. We were there in five minutes. We all rushed in, Y/N still in Jesse's arms. Dom led the way, guiding us to an office designated for domestic violence reports. Dom went in first, followed by Jesse and Y/N, then Tom, then myself. The policeman at the desk in the office seemed to recognize Dom and his eyes blew wide the moment he saw Y/N.

"Is this the kid you filed a case for in the first place?" The officer asked, to which Dom nodded in response.

"You lot had them sent back here. It's only been a little over a week since they went back, every single one of these injuries are new. See the problem here?" Dom responded, visibly upset.

"Absolutely. Get them to a hospital, I'll update their case file, they are now to stay in your care until the court date, no exceptions. I am so sorry," The cop responded, receiving another nod from Dom before we all rushed back out, seeing the hospital just down the street. We got there as quickly as possible. When the receptionist saw the state Y/N was in, she immediately called for doctors, who quickly came in with a stretcher and whisked Y/N away, not allowing any of us to follow.

They better be okay.


word count: 1170

told you lot i had another chapter coming! i've never done adam's p.o.v. before, so this was quite interesting to write. please vote and comment if you enjoyed xx

-r <3

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