Chapter Nineteen - Stan Davey for Clear Skin

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"We aren't going anywhere too fancy, so just wear what you'd normally wear out of the house. Don't stress about it, alright, kid? He's gonna love you," Adam violently pep-talked me as I rushed around my walk-in closet, trying and failing to pick an outfit.

    I groaned in frustration, face-planting onto my bed. I heard someone come into my room, knocking before doing so.

    "What's up with them?" I heard Ben, followed by Tom, "You okay, Y/N?"

    "They can't figure out what to wear. I'm already ready to go so I came in to help them," Adam answered for me, seeing as my face was still shoved into my comforter.

    "You're all hopeless," I moped, getting back up and trudging into my closet.

    "I'll help," Ben replied, following me into the small room of clothing.

    "How about," He walked along, picking a few things out, "This? Go try that on, see if you like it. If you do, then we can move onto accessories,"

    I complied, walking into the bathroom and changing; he had picked out a black, slightly above-the-knee high-waisted skirt with a studded belt, a long-sleeve, black and white striped shirt with a black heart patch in the middle, black stockings that come up to just above where the skirt ended, and the Demonias Dom had gotten me back when I first started touring with them; the ones with all the buckles that came up to my knees. I looked at the outfit in the mirror, satisfied with the outcome. I stepped out, smiling.

    "Accessories?" I asked.

    "Already picked 'em out. Want me to help you get them on so we can get them on quicker?" Ben replied.

    I nodded, holding out my hands. Ben gave me a few chains to attach to the belt loops of my skirt before walking behind me and clasping on a chain-heavy, black, leather choker. Once I had gotten the chains on and Ben had gotten the choker on, I was handed a bunch of spiked leather cuffs and black fingerless gloves. As I adorned my arms and hands with the accessories, I smiled. None of the crew ever pointed out any scars or anything; it made me feel a lot more comfortable around them. Ben handed me a black belt bag (that I would likely use as a crossbody bag); it was one I hadn't seen before and it was fucking YSL. I took it from him with care, looking at it in awe as I carefully pulled it over to rest on my right shoulder, A.K.A. my uninjured shoulder.

    "When the hell did I acquire this???" I asked Ben.

    "You didn't until now. Dom walked in with it when he brought your new phone, he must have forgotten to give it to you,"

    "I swear, he gets me too much shit,"

    "No I don't!" Dom shouted as he passed by my open door, striding down the stairs, clad in his leather skirt, pink socks, black creepers, and white, distressed sweater; an outfit that he had begun frequenting while on stage.

    I groaned at him, thanking him anyway. Ben came to face me, smiling.

    "Hair and makeup?" He asked.

    "I'll handle the makeup, can you just, like, tease the shit out of my hair and then hairspray it into place?"

    "Basically make you look like Dom?"

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