Chapter Twenty-Seven - Screaming Bloody Murder

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Y/N'S P.O.V.

Once we got home, Ben, Adam, and Davey all rushed up to us, particularly me, at once, questions flying out of their mouths loudly at an alarming rate. I flinched, immediately overwhelmed by the overflow of attention from the group. Dom, Tom, and Adam noticed my change in disposition and sprung into action. Adam immediately quieted down and started trying to quiet down Davey and Ben while Dom and Tom carefully stepped in front of me. I gripped onto the back of Dom's hoodie, shaking a bit. Dom noticed my trembling and turned around to comfort me, leaving Tom to do the defending.

Ben and Davey had gotten louder; because they were already worried and stressed over me, both of their tempers were quickly lost when Adam tried to pry them away from me. Now, Ben, Davey, Tom, and Adam were all yelling. Dom picked me up and rushed up the stairs, quickly bringing me into my now clean room and locking the door behind him. He carefully placed me on the bed, assessing the state I was in; I had curled up into a ball, covered my ears tightly with my hands, had my head buried in my knees, and was shaking like a leaf. Dom's hands carefully made their way to each of my hands, trying to gently pry them off of my ears.

"It's okay, you're safe. It's alright, they've quieted down a bit now that the door is closed and you're farther away from them, see? It's okay, I won't let anything happen to ya," Dom cooed, carefully taking my hands into his own and taking them away from my ears.

I looked up at him, pulling my hands away from his and going in for a hug instead. Dom quickly reciprocated the embrace for a few moments before pulling away.

"It's late," he checked his phone, "11:24 PM. Wanna head to bed?" He asked, smiling slightly.

"Yeah. Please don't leave until they quiet down for good," I requested in reply.

"Of course, But first, let's change out those bandages before you get to bed, though, yeah?"


Dom's P.O.V.

I shut the door to Y/N's room carefully; checking the time as I did so: 11:56 PM, August 6th. Y/N had fallen asleep shortly after changing their bandages out, but the crew literally just quieted down five minutes ago. I walked down the steps, immediately able to feel how tense the living room was from the current silence of Tom, Adam, Ben, and Davey. I walked into the room, only making the tension worse. Frankly, I'm pissed with all of them for what they just did. They're about to get quite the mouthful from me, tonight and in the morning, once I'm much more awake.

"...You lot wanna explain what the fuck just happened?" I started, glaring at the four bellends from behind the couch.

"...Davey and I got mad at Adam for trying to get us away from Y/N, even though we shouldn't have been bombarding them," Ben looked down as he spoke, guilt lacing his tone.

"I only started yelling to try and get the other three to quiet down," Tom added, also looking downward.

"Are you lot sorry?" I asked like a scolding parent.

"Yes..." They all responded simultaneously, all looking downwards now.

"Good. In the morning, I expect breakfast to be made and I expect to see all of you apologizing to Y/N. Now, everyone get to bed, it's late. Davey, you staying the night?" I asked.

"If that's alright," Davey replied.

"Course it is. You can sleep wherever, you know how this house works by now. Goodnight, everyone," I trudged back upstairs to my room, finding Jesse in my bed, seemingly asleep.

I smiled, crawling in with her. I curled up behind her and closed my eyes as I buried my face into the crook of her neck. I was soon content and nearly asleep, when suddenly:

"Is Y/N okay?" Jesse asked, apparently wide awake.

I jumped, my eyes shooting open. Jesse chuckled at my reaction, realizing that I had assumed her to be fast asleep. I took a moment to compose myself before replying.

"Yeah, they're okay; physically, at least. All of the dickheads suddenly yelling and at each other's throats the second they walked in the door earlier really shook them up. They're calmed down and asleep now, but clearly have a lot of mental recovery they need to go through after what just happened over the past couple days. Why, planning on taking them from me or something and trying to figure out how easy it'll be to get away with?" I asked Jess jokingly, resulting in another chuckle from her.

"Yes, actually. One: I was worried about them, they clearly weren't doing well when I met them earlier and I was really hoping they would be feeling at least a little bit better, even if it's only physically. Two: I was gonna ask them if they wanted to stay at my place for the night some time tomorrow or the day after. Is that okay? I know I already spoiled them a bit, but I wanna spoil them more. I wanna take them out shopping for a day, you can come along for that part, if you want," She replied.

I smiled widely, hugging her from behind tightly as I nearly cried from pure joy. I was really nervous that she wouldn't like or get along with Y/N for some reason; hearing her have nearly the same amount of care for them as I do so quickly makes me more than overjoyed.

"Of course that's okay, and yes, I will be tagging along for the shopping, but only if we go out to eat for lunch and dinner, as well," I replied happily.

"Of course we are. I said we're gonna spoil them, that includes meals. Is there anything I should know about like- food related stuff before I book anything?" Jess asked me, warranting a nod from me in response.

"Yeah. Just don't reserve anywhere too crowded, they aren't the most comfortable with eating in front of other people. Maybe somewhere that has private table reservations available?" I suggested.

"Okay. Cool. Yeah. Honestly, I'd prefer a private table. I'd like to get to know them a bit more and I don't want any paparazzi to try and listen in, you know? I know both you and them still want their case held under tight wraps until it's fully taken care of, ri-" Jess was cut off by a scream. Specifically, Y/N's scream.

I bolted up out of bed and into Y/N's room, finding them struggling against someone trying to pull them out of the window. They were sobbing while screaming bloody murder, kicking and thrashing as much as possible. I grabbed at the tops of their arms near their shoulders and yanked them out of the stranger's arms. I passed them to Jess, grabbing the attempted kidnapper by the wrists and roughly pulling them into the house so I could get a look at their face. I heard sirens quickly approaching; I guess someone called 999. I looked back over to the stranger, my face contorted with rage as I realized who it was.

It was none other than Y/N's father, a mixture of fear and anger present on his disgusting sweat-covered face.


word count: 1239

twenty nine should be up by sunday. things are about to get intense again, just a warning.

ALSO !! if anyone seeing this got meet and greet for dom's madrid show, CONGRATS !!! have the most fun, it's gonna be so sick !!! 

please note and comment if you enjoyed this chapter !

-r <33

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