Chapter 2

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A loud voice from the kitchen woke me up. Nayeon and Rosie must be fighting over pretty much everything. Now what? Is there a combat royale going on in the kitchen?

I snarl, rolling onto my stomach to bury my face in my plush pillow. "Argghhh!" I fell asleep again after that.

Knock, knock, knock.

-or not.

I roll onto my back once more, growling for the umpteenth time. I slowly flutter my cute feline eyes and glare at whoever is behind the door.

"I swear if you don't have a good reason to disturb my slumber I'll murder you right of the bat." I sat up and readied myself from throwing the pillow to the person who's slowly opening the door.   

"You were saying something Jendukie?" I instantly stop my childish act and awkwardly smile at the person who peeps her head upon my door. It is Irene eonnie grinning at me. 

 I shifted awkwardly onto my bed, she saunters towards me and slumps her butt against the soft fabric. "Ani eonnie."

"Come on, get your lazy ass up!" Irene eonnie demanded while fixing my disheveled hair. This is what I love about her, she's being savage at times but she never fails to show that she truly cares about us. We're sisters at heart, the four of us.  I pouted at her and I'm about to protest "but-

"No buts Jennie. Get up and follow me to the kitchen before Chaeyoung devours all the food." she rolls her eyes playfully and chuckles. I sigh in defeat. I can't really win against her. That's a fact.  I shake my head and give her a timid smile.

 "Ne eonnie." 

She rose up and walks to the door but before she totally vacate my room, she utters something that piqued my interest, "And Jennie, Manager Unnie will be coming over later with some sort of good news." she smiles and walks out.

I just tilted my head to the other side, utterly confused. 

What could that be, "Must be something good? Well, Get your ass up Jennie." I encourage my lazy self, stretching my limbs and started my morning routine. 


As I walk to the kitchen I was greeted by a lively chipmunk "Good morning eonnie!" Rosie said while stuffing foods into her mouth. I just giggle at her, she never gets fat even if she would eat the whole food pyramid. 

"Mornin' Rosie!" I tap her shoulder and slouch on the chair adjacent to her. 

"If you're late any minute, you'll only be eating the plate," Nayeon commented and narrowed her eyes at the oblivious eating chipmunk. Ah, this girl can really eat. 

"Just let her be." Irene eonnie giggled at the sight. 

Rosie stops from munching her food, sensing that we're staring at her. She looks at us with the most confused and innocent look. "What?" she raised her brows. 

Nayeon released a hopeless sigh, "I can't with you Chipmunk." and, continues eating her food, still eyeing the poor chipmunk. 

"Um, eonnie about the good news from the manager that you said earlier. Do you have any clue about it?" I immediately change the topic to save Rosie from Nayeon's wrath. The other two, stop from munching and also gaze up to Irene eonnie. We look like good little kids waiting for their mother to answer their query.

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