Chapter 7

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I was just going to buy some milk-flavoured ice cream. And yet, here I am inside the mart with the person I least expected to meet. She's pushing the cart whilst I walk next to her. It was actually me who's pushing that cart earlier, hence,  she insisted that it's her stuff so, it's her job to do. And she added "I'm not much of a gentlewoman if I let a beautiful woman do it for me." she finished it with a wink and a lopsided grin, Please Lisa stop being so attractive for once. I could only send her a smile, I was in the loop of ecstasy to have a proper response to her. 

We carried on choosing basic niceties. I sometimes help her choose a product and also recommend some stuff and much to my surprise she doesn't protest. It felt like we're a newly-wed couple buying food and stuf—

"Why do I feel like we're kind of a married couple buying groceries?" she cut me off mid-sentence with her blunt notion while smiling and casting her brown eyes towards me looking at me intently. For a moment I struggle to breathe, my heart started pounding hard upon my chest cavities. I avert my eyes, looking everywhere but her. My anxiousness may be the cause of her chuckles.

"Cute," she muttered to herself but since I have sharp hearing sense. Of course, I heard it. And that only double the pounding on my chest and the increasing blush on my cheek. 

I walk faster to hide the spreading grin on my face, I do admit I kinda look like an idiot. I halt from walking when a certain food supplement caught my attention. The same supplement I've always been drinking whenever my body starts to strain from a chain of photoshoots and dance practice. And I remembered her muttered how tired she was. Maybe this would help? She stops the cart just next to me and stood beside me. 

I extended the bottle to her, "Here Lisa, this food supplement will help ease the fatigue in your body, you said you're tired from all the work."  she took time, staring at it for a few seconds, and flashes her bright smile thereafter. I can see how her eyes glint in delight. Certainly, it warms my heart, I love the feeling of knowing I'm the reason for that smile. Within my subconscious state, I mirror the curved plastered brightly upon her lips, stretching my own.

She nodded thoughtfully, "Hmm, thank you, Ruby Jane, such a wife material. I might consider you to be my lawfully wedded wife if you keep being like this, Wifey." She softly chuckles, wiggling her brows in a teasing manner. My breath hitch and almost had a heart attack, I know it was just a joke, she was just trying to humour me. But, I was struck straight right through my heart. I don't know if it's her calling me wifey or how natural and lovely the name I don't much like rolling out her tongue which, I think I would like starting tonight onwards; or the way she chuckles softly that sends shivers down my spine. 

She start pushing the cart again, but, falter when she notice I didn't even move an inch. She strides my way, and holds my wrist, the sudden contact causes to ignite something inside. It's like there are a thousand volts running through my body, firecrackers exploded and all I could is the drumming of my own heart, I shuddered. And, I knew she felt the sudden surge in her too. This is crazy. A simple touch yet made a great effect.

The grin took place on her beautiful face, and gently pulled me with her, "Let's go wifey?" She holds my wrist tightly but not enough to hurt me rather the gesture made me feel so secure and protected. 

She leads me back to the cart. I bit my lower lip to stop myself from smiling, nonetheless, failed miserably.  She pushes the cart with her other hand while the other still holding my wrist securely and occasionally rubbing her thumb against the back of my wrist. It felt natural. Felt surreal. It felt just right—

We continue on our purchasing mania.

"Lisa, you should buy this it's deliciously healthy." I shove another to her which she placed on the cart. "And this, God this is my favorite. You should also try this Lisa." I handed it over to her, all she could do was place the thing inside the cart no words left her mouth. She continue pushing the cart while stealing glances from time to time sending me a grin whenever I caught her. 

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