Chapter 28

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Jennie's POV

Fuck that guy!

 Who does he think he is?! 

I was beyond mad, furious, and livid at him! These three words are all the same but, it's exactly what I felt towards him. 

My thoughts are muddled, I can't think straight. All I see is red. My mind was clouded with anger. After I dashed out from Seulgi's Bar I went straight to the parking lot. God, the space was too spooky, it's deadly silent. I was the only one out here.

Fuck! I forgot I didn't bring my car. 

And, another actual fuck! I forgot about My Baby, Lisa. Why do I always act before thinking through things? 

I was stuck on the cemented ground, bulging my eyes out and covering my ajar mouth. I crouch down on my knees on the ground, remembering every word I had said. 

Oh, shoot! Klutzy Jennie, klutz!

Really? Announcing your love for Lisa in front of everyone else?! The ratshit!

The next time, you might consider broadcasting it or call a press con. announce it to every living being on earth. Shitty!

I stop from scolding and dissing myself when I heard faint footsteps, it's getting nearer every passing second. I hold my breath, clenching my trembling hands on my knees. What if... What if they're drunk bastards?

What should I do? 

Should I run?

Or better yet, hide.

But where should I hide?

My body started to shiver in nervousness. 

"Jennie!" her voice echoed to the silent parking lot. 

Oh, it was her. Gladly, she followed me. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Glad I found you!" She heavily panted, approaching me looking at me so worriedly. Sweat trickled down on her temple. She must have run her way here. 

I stood on my feet, without hesitation I jump on onto her. Thank goodness she catches me, while stumbling back in her feet a little bit, she immediately placed her hands on the back of my thigh supporting my body. Wrapping my legs around her waist, I instantly loop my arms around her neck, snuggling on her neck, forgetting about the embarrassment I felt earlier. Her smell always brings comfort to me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she asks worriedly, rubbing my back up and down. She must have noticed my trembling body. 

I shook my head, still snuggling on her neck. I don't wanna utter anything. My voice might betray me. 

She kisses my temple tenderly, walking her way to her own car "Let's get you home, I'll inform everyone else." 

She settled me on her shotgun seat, snapping the seat belt for me. She bent down, caressing my cheeks softly. Her eyes were set on mine, she's looking at me tenderly. With every ounce of strength left in my body, I place my own hands above hers. Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh. 

Just Right ... There? [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now